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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

shouldn't move. i think the line is "generational lake effect event", which this is not.

i have other thoughts on the kc game. i think the nfl is being a bit risky still having the game in these sorts of temperatures, but i don't know what the alternative would be. at the very least i'm betting toney's total receptions under lol
Yeah I mean -30 wind chills is life threatening type stuff. I'd say since NWS has used the term "dangerously cold" they may have to look at that situation
I don’t understand why they can’t move the Chiefs game. They could have moved it to tonight. Although it will be cold tonight the wind chills will be warmer than tomorrow night.
I don’t understand why they can’t move the Chiefs game. They could have moved it to tonight. Although it will be cold tonight the wind chills will be warmer than tomorrow night.
fun nugget i learned on a podcast a few days ago: the nfl is federally barred from airing games on friday night. this was written in the exception to antitrust rules granted to the nfl by the nixon administration so the league would not interfere with high school football. don't know if it still applies but thought it was a true "fun fact". it's also why the nfl's black friday game this year was aired at 3 PM

i understand there's historical precedent, i'm always just a little worried things trend colder/windier than thought and a lot of fans/players end up with frostbite
fun nugget i learned on a podcast a few days ago: the nfl is federally barred from airing games on friday night. this was written in the exception to antitrust rules granted to the nfl by the nixon administration so the league would not interfere with high school football. don't know if it still applies but thought it was a true "fun fact". it's also why the nfl's black friday game this year was aired at 3 PM

i understand there's historical precedent, i'm always just a little worried things trend colder/windier than thought and a lot of fans/players end up with frostbite
Well they could have played it this afternoon then. The safety of the fans and players is the most important thing. The NFL is basically saying they don’t care. Some things are more important than money.
Well they could have played it this afternoon then. The safety of the fans and players is the most important thing. The NFL is basically saying they don’t care.
if you're commissioner goodell, you gonna look nbc in the eye, who just forked over a small country's gdp for exclusive rights to the game, and tell them you're moving the game to a time when everyone is at work? that's the holdup
I agree with y'all and I never like to give up when we have this kind of -NAO. Statistically, we found that for RDU El Nino years with -NAO produce the most 1"+ snow days at RDU so you really hate to see an opportunity so tantalizingly close not work out, but all the more reason to keep the microscope on it until we're for sure it won't work out. Long way before that with this first opportunity IMO!
Yes, when you have the best factors for getting snow here and don't get any it's like having the best sports team losing the championship game.
We had about 800 members active yesterday, appreciate everyone taking their time to stop by. Just a reminder to play nice and not everyone lives in the same county/state you do so adding context of where you are referring to helps.

The server can't take it anymore and neither can I. Good night.
It just seems as though us east of the mountains are just gonna barley miss out this year. A few close misses. I haven’t been seeing any good news posted about Feb lately so I’m assuming it’s not looking good either.