It’s funny cause most people in the south including NC don’t see the potential to snow at all or even have a good pattern until after December is done and through. Now it’s like it just won’t ever snow again ever! Especially during the months where it’s more likely for it to snow for us in January and February. Very funny group we have here. We’ve gotten snow every winter so I’m not worried. We will see more cold patterns and we will see more snow chances. We also will see warm patterns and we will see rain. And we will see wedges cold cold rain wedges. And we will see trends to warm and then we will see trends to cold (whether those trends are good or bad for whatever you like). Every winter. Every year. Always happens. It’s just about having the patience to see it all unfold. Just keep in mind if you’re looking past 270 that look on the models will always change as you get closer. That’s all. Goodnight!