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Wintry Winter 2018-19 Discussion

Yeah, I have huge sacks of worms around here too.... and that's way out of norm, at least I've never seen it down here like this in 18 years. They are everywhere. And not just one or two every few years. I mean take over the world type worm bags, lol. Everything else is so weird that skipped my mind.
I have the yellow jacket nest from hell I'm dealing with now. They got inside the tarp over my tiller, and I can't get at them. I've already gone thru one can of 30 foot stuff, and all they do is sniff it the next day, and buzz around like they really want to tear someone up. I even went so far as the pull on the tarp with a long stick, and a flashlight, and a huge can of blast 'em. That is some brave stuff, ladies, I'm a manly man, lol, shaking in my shoes, and ready to squeal, and dance, when they came out at me, but all they did was set up a loud hum, and backed me way, way off...I was moving like the wind. I'd leave them alone but they got on my dog two days ago, after biting me upon my discovery of them a few days before. I'm just not sure there is a fire quite like a good yellow jacket sting. It stands alone. I'll go whiz on their nest once it's safe, lol, that's how much I don't like yellow jackets.
Gasoline at night works the best....I hate those suckers too..!
Yeah, I have huge sacks of worms around here too.... and that's way out of norm, at least I've never seen it down here like this in 18 years. They are everywhere. And not just one or two every few years. I mean take over the world type worm bags, lol. Everything else is so weird that skipped my mind.
I have the yellow jacket nest from hell I'm dealing with now. They got inside the tarp over my tiller, and I can't get at them. I've already gone thru one can of 30 foot stuff, and all they do is sniff it the next day, and buzz around like they really want to tear someone up. I even went so far as the pull on the tarp with a long stick, and a flashlight, and a huge can of blast 'em. That is some brave stuff, ladies, I'm a manly man, lol, shaking in my shoes, and ready to squeal, and dance, when they came out at me, but all they did was set up a loud hum, and backed me way, way off...I was moving like the wind. I'd leave them alone but they got on my dog two days ago, after biting me upon my discovery of them a few days before. I'm just not sure there is a fire quite like a good yellow jacket sting. It stands alone. I'll go whiz on their nest once it's safe, lol, that's how much I don't like yellow jackets.
Had the same issue with ground wasp a few years back, pulling out of my driveway one day and saw them come in and out of this hole in the ground like it was Hartsfied International. I sprayed the 30 foot stuff, poured gasoline in there and still had issues. Finally, and I don't recommend this and I'm sure it's not exactly environmentally friendly, but I'm allergic to their sting and desperate times.... soaked it with gas, I mean soaked it and then used a wd-40 can like a flame thrower and ignited it. Literally fire in the hole...Lol. It smoldered for hours but I prevailed and when I dug it up there was a charred nest big as a tire rim!

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Had the same issue with ground wasp a few years back, pulling out of my driveway one day and saw them come in and out of this hole in the ground like it was Hartsfied International. I sprayed the 30 foot stuff, poured gasoline in there and still had issues. Finally, and I don't recommend this and I'm sure it's not exactly environmentally friendly, but I'm allergic to their sting and desperate times.... soaked it with gas, I mean soaked it and then used a wd-40 can like a flame thrower and ignited it. Literally fire in the hole...Lol. It smoldered for hours but I prevailed and when I dug it up there was a charred nest big as a tire rim!

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God gave us the tools to figure out how to take care (kerosene and turpentine being my favorites); glad someone besides me appreciates the know-how; farm boy growing up I guess ...
Had the same issue with ground wasp a few years back, pulling out of my driveway one day and saw them come in and out of this hole in the ground like it was Hartsfied International. I sprayed the 30 foot stuff, poured gasoline in there and still had issues. Finally, and I don't recommend this and I'm sure it's not exactly environmentally friendly, but I'm allergic to their sting and desperate times.... soaked it with gas, I mean soaked it and then used a wd-40 can like a flame thrower and ignited it. Literally fire in the hole...Lol. It smoldered for hours but I prevailed and when I dug it up there was a charred nest big as a tire rim!

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Had a nasty nest in the siding a few years ago, the torch caught the house on fire so that was strike one. Strike two was using the garden hose to put the fire out, turns out those buggers can avoid a stream of water. Strike 3 was stepping on the nail after ripping the siding off to get at the nest, that happened as I was running from the buggers.

Two trips to Home Depot and 12 cans of bee killer later I finally got 'em..

Next nest in the ground got a 1/2 gallon of gas and a pretty cool explosion, they didn't stand a chance that time and I got my revenge...
Yeah, I have huge sacks of worms around here too.... and that's way out of norm, at least I've never seen it down here like this in 18 years. They are everywhere. And not just one or two every few years. I mean take over the world type worm bags, lol. Everything else is so weird that skipped my mind.
I have the yellow jacket nest from hell I'm dealing with now. They got inside the tarp over my tiller, and I can't get at them. I've already gone thru one can of 30 foot stuff, and all they do is sniff it the next day, and buzz around like they really want to tear someone up. I even went so far as the pull on the tarp with a long stick, and a flashlight, and a huge can of blast 'em. That is some brave stuff, ladies, I'm a manly man, lol, shaking in my shoes, and ready to squeal, and dance, when they came out at me, but all they did was set up a loud hum, and backed me way, way off...I was moving like the wind. I'd leave them alone but they got on my dog two days ago, after biting me upon my discovery of them a few days before. I'm just not sure there is a fire quite like a good yellow jacket sting. It stands alone. I'll go whiz on their nest once it's safe, lol, that's how much I don't like yellow jackets.
I used to run a lawn care biz, never feared any critter in a strange yard, except yellow jackets. Even the mere mention of the possibility of yellowjackets and I'd tack on an extra ten dollars to the estimate, just out of spite. (Not greed).
Yeah, I have huge sacks of worms around here too.... and that's way out of norm, at least I've never seen it down here like this in 18 years. They are everywhere. And not just one or two every few years. I mean take over the world type worm bags, lol. Everything else is so weird that skipped my mind.
I have the yellow jacket nest from hell I'm dealing with now. They got inside the tarp over my tiller, and I can't get at them. I've already gone thru one can of 30 foot stuff, and all they do is sniff it the next day, and buzz around like they really want to tear someone up. I even went so far as the pull on the tarp with a long stick, and a flashlight, and a huge can of blast 'em. That is some brave stuff, ladies, I'm a manly man, lol, shaking in my shoes, and ready to squeal, and dance, when they came out at me, but all they did was set up a loud hum, and backed me way, way off...I was moving like the wind. I'd leave them alone but they got on my dog two days ago, after biting me upon my discovery of them a few days before. I'm just not sure there is a fire quite like a good yellow jacket sting. It stands alone. I'll go whiz on their nest once it's safe, lol, that's how much I don't like yellow jackets.
Get a bug zapper and put it on, near, or over the nest at night. Put a tarp over it and enjoy the sounds of getting your yard back. May take several days but they go towards the light and is so easy to do. Let me know how it works.
Weatherfella has started his annual "so it begins" thread over on amxwx.
Big Question is will it kiss Phil and GAwx backyards this winter? If so will it do the Mack/Shettly Shuffle. Meaning it swings around the upstate region. Stay Tuned!

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Who is this referring to just out of curiosity?
He was just one of the most interesting, non-scientific, randomly off topic and yet somehow or another almost on topic poster we've ever had. With predictions based on bird or squirrel activity or out of the blue telling you about his bout with worms, honestly you can't describe him you just had to experience Corey.

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He was just one of the most interesting, non-scientific, randomly off topic and yet somehow or another almost on topic poster we've ever had. With predictions based on bird or squirrel activity or out of the blue telling you about his bout with worms, honestly you can't describe him you just had to experience Corey.

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Last time he was here was January 17, so maybe he will return with the first freeze.

Well this has been a good snow. I am going to bed guys so I can get up early and enjoy it.
So maybe he went to bed and won't wake up until said freeze.
Ah, ok. Wasn't sure if WXinCanton was referring to another Corey who works on the Winter Outlook with the State Climate Office of NC. Definitely not the same Corey!
Bahahahaha if it is they definitely need to change their hiring process. I guarantee you not the same Corey.

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He was just one of the most interesting, non-scientific, randomly off topic and yet somehow or another almost on topic poster we've ever had. With predictions based on bird or squirrel activity or out of the blue telling you about his bout with worms, honestly you can't describe him you just had to experience Corey.

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Yeah, he was a niceun. If the old saw about bushy squirrel tails indicating a bad winter, we will be very mild this winter. The squirrel in my side yard has a very anemic tail..... course he been dead about 5 days
1926-27 by far & away is my favorite winter in NC since the late 19th century, I hope to live to see one like this someday. It was actually quite mild overall, with February 1927 being the warmest one on record until a few years ago. This is definitely my kind of winter, warm overall, gets cold only when it "needs" to be then backs off & every time it gets cold, we get plastered with a huge winter storm.

These seasonal snowfall totals are mind boggling, the March 1927 blizzard didn't act completely alone, another nice event in early January 1927 solidified this winter's status as utterly legendary. The statewide seasonal snowfall average came out to nearly 19", almost 3 times higher than the climatological mean & it is NC's snowiest winter from 1895-96 thru 1934-35, just edging out 1898-99.

Winter of 1926-27 NC Snowmap.png

DJF US temperature anomalies 1926-27.png
BTW, for those who are unaware &/or are interested, I created a website to house a digitized archive of winter storms in NC using data from the NC State Climate Office, NCEI, SERCC, etc. and plan to eventually have something in the ballpark of 2500 winter storms analyzed over a period of nearly 125 years for the state of NC. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this project in a somewhat reasonable amount of time and I can eventually create a more interactive interface w/ these digitized maps being turned into a spatially/temporally complete snowfall dataset for NC. I also have a separate page on my site devoted towards ENSO & I plan to update the Ensemble Oceanic Nino Index (ENS ONI) before winter approaches.
1926-27 by far & away is my favorite winter in NC since the late 19th century, I hope to live to see one like this someday. It was actually quite mild overall, with February 1927 being the warmest one on record until a few years ago. This is definitely my kind of winter, warm overall, gets cold only when it "needs" to be then backs off & every time it gets cold, we get plastered with a huge winter storm.

These seasonal snowfall totals are mind boggling, the March 1927 blizzard didn't act completely alone, another nice event in early January 1927 solidified this winter's status as utterly legendary. The statewide seasonal snowfall average came out to nearly 19", almost 3 times higher than the climatological mean & it is NC's snowiest winter from 1895-96 thru 1934-35, just edging out 1898-99.

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Good god 33 inches.

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Good god 33 inches.

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Yeah it puts a whole new perspective on what a big winter is in NC and how there are many instances where seasonal temps don't really mean much and 1926-27 takes that to the extreme, obviously it helps because seasonal snowfall and mean temperatures are weakly-moderately correlated but it explains only a small fraction of the variability in snowfall.. The snowfall average in your portion of northern Harnett county from 1895-96 thru 1926-27 is about 7.2", slightly higher than what Raleigh's is today. I've also noticed after sifting thru all the data, quality controlling & filling the gaps in between, modern snowfall averages in places like Winston-Salem for example are actually higher than what they were in the early 20th century, not everybody in the state is losing snow, in some cases it's actually increasing.
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On the whole, North American winter snow cover extent is on the rise.
And fall is REALLY on the rise...

That's quite interesting. You would think that N America would lose snow due to GW over decades, but maybe it has to do with it in itself. I'm uncertain as to how to explain it other than maybe the warming caused more moisture in the atmosphere, and hence more snowfall. I'm probably wrong, and I'm sure someone has a better explanation.
And that is the most likely culprit. It's no different with minimum temps either, minimums have risen in part due to increased water vapor in the atmosphere.
You've returned from a very long hiatus! Good to see you. Hopefully you'll stick around for awhile.
:) Thanks! I'll try. I stay pretty busy over on my Facebook page where I'm over 17,000 followers now, so I stay hopping, especially when the weather gets bad! :)
1926-27 by far & away is my favorite winter in NC since the late 19th century, I hope to live to see one like this someday. It was actually quite mild overall, with February 1927 being the warmest one on record until a few years ago. This is definitely my kind of winter, warm overall, gets cold only when it "needs" to be then backs off & every time it gets cold, we get plastered with a huge winter storm.

These seasonal snowfall totals are mind boggling, the March 1927 blizzard didn't act completely alone, another nice event in early January 1927 solidified this winter's status as utterly legendary. The statewide seasonal snowfall average came out to nearly 19", almost 3 times higher than the climatological mean & it is NC's snowiest winter from 1895-96 thru 1934-35, just edging out 1898-99.

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16FA0400-F713-4938-9658-CE960874694A.jpeg Not liking the looks of this! This is the absolute worst ( not one mention of snow and any possible cold month, above avg!!!!) that I have ever read from The Old Farmers Almanac!! Depressing, but luckily, I think they have about the same accuracy as JB!:D