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Misc Stock Market

Should I be concerned about my savings and money market accounts? Serious question, if rates go negative and banks pass that cost on to their depositors will people contemplate taking their money out of the bank, which obviously causes additional issues?
Hard to see negative rates in the US. If they do go negative, I feel like that would be pretty short-lived. If you only have a couple thousand dollars, I suppose you could put it in a safe or something, but if you have appreciably more, there's not much you can do, unless you buy securities or hard assets. However, liquidity might be at a premium for a while.
Hard to see negative rates in the US. If they do go negative, I feel like that would be pretty short-lived. If you only have a couple thousand dollars, I suppose you could put it in a safe or something, but if you have appreciably more, there's not much you can do, unless you buy securities or hard assets. However, liquidity might be at a premium for a while.

Crazy to think that we might have to pay the bank to keep our money.
And now the Feds have run out of bullets (for the most part). They are restarting 700 billion in QE in addition to the zero rates. There were a lot of us saying the last few years we didn't need to lower rates while unemployment was at it's highest in over half a century. Even though POTUS blasted the FED relentlessly. I guess in a way he is getting what he's been after this whole time. All the corporate tax cuts already baked in too.

That's why we should have been focused on balancing the budget while the economy was so strong. Not increasing the debt back over 1T. That's on everyone in Congress though, not just 1 party or person.

But now nothing is going to stimulate hiring, it's not going to stimulate spending. I don't see how it effects R&D in the near term. It may help soften the overall blow. I guess by cushioning the landing that's really all they can do at this point.
This could very well be the death knell to retail as we know it. So many were already operating on razor thin margins there's no way this doesn't put them serious in the red. What VC's are going to want to step in that arena? Check out ticker DRV. Triple inverse short commercial real estate. Pre-market up 32%. It will double it's price from 3 weeks ago today.

Other than that, I see robo advising and minimal fee etf's completely taking over the investment arena. Why have a broker if it's just a losing proposition with fees? Unless they offer some unique tactically managed accounts that limit downside or income producing notes I don't see the appeal.
No doubt we've had some bad days on the market lately, but this is arguably the worst the Dow Jones ETF has looked pre-market in any day, down 11.2% and plunging.

Yeah, this aint good. I knew I should have loaded up again Friday on SQQQ. It's up 30% premarket. But the swings are so wild and stressful right now I needed a breather. I'm going to wait and see what happens to these resistance levels this week. Today through Wednesday would be my guess we test it on the S&P (which is the benchmark I use).