Turnaround Tuesday 

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Sometimes, the best move is to do nothing.100wma on the Q's on watch...I still am sitting on my hands. Not sure what to do....
View attachment 114967
The chart shows that other times it hit that level, it was spiked there out of nowhere, except for the first time. This time, it's been building cause to attack and vanquish that level. Not sure if that will make any difference or not, but that's what the chart is showing. Idk
Feels like the line in the sand. Too big to fail.100wma on the Q's on watch...I still am sitting on my hands. Not sure what to do....
View attachment 114967
The more times you tap on support....?Added some $GOOGL to long term account...triple bottom maybe. I do have a stop set just below that support.
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Stonk up ? we love feee moneyWhat stupidity . 15b for Covid lmao . We've been close twice in the last two months to a government shutdown but let's keep throwing many at S***
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is this what popped markets just now? Market loves the free money.
Looking like the ? ?
Looking like the ? ?
I think it can. They didn’t stop drilling test wells. I guess fast is relative though.Even back in November of 2021, US oil production was already at its highest since April of 2020 and is projected to increase further to new record highs in 2023 per the EIA. Related to COVID, production in 2020 dropped significantly vs 2019. It later steadied out and then started rising back later in 2021.
Now with these much higher prices, I expect EIA projections for 2022+ to be even higher. I wonder if the US reaches record high production in 2022. Can it happen that quickly?
I'm not seeing anything increasing. Joe must think airports and countries are still locked down.
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