Political Thread

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Here's that "brilliant" NY governor; this happened on his watch; how stupid can you be telling Nursing Homes they HAVE to accept people testing positive? Oh, that's right; he's not Trump so he's brilliant..

He was trying to find a way to justify his 40k ventilators he was needing. Oh and his ?
No. It depends on his running mate. Ifnhe were to do the smart thing and pick a decent moderate i would vote for him.
Well I dont think he's gonna do that so you are probably stuck with a write in or second loser unless you break from your never ever pledge.....
Well what do you know. Sip and lockdowns can be harmful also. Hard for some to believe that a depression could bring more harm and damage to more people than this virus kills.
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1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?

1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?
Excellent question. Well if he was to become more liberal or Keep the economy shut down and act like he did not care to help the economy and Americans get back on their feet. If he was to be found out he did something really bad to someone. Yes I know he’s been accused of some. I just realize every politician is corrupt and warped and sold their souls to get where they are.
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1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?


Theres nothing at this point that I can foresee him doing that would change my mind on his personality, decision making, ego, narcissism and so on.
If we are giving credit to the POTUS for the unemployment numbers, Obama started at 9.9% and dropped in his last year to 4.7%, an improvement of 110%. Trump started at 4.7% and dropped to 3.5% (pre-Covid) an improvement of 34%. If we give Presidents credit for employment figures, Obama did great leading us out of the recession and Trump was doing well continuing the trend. You can't fault Trump for the COVID situation, but if he had responded earlier taking it serious, the effects may have been not as severe and we would be a month further ahead in our recovery.
I agree with most everything you said here. I wish we would’ve taken it more seriously as a country because we probably could’ve have slowed it down a little more. The WHO dropped the ball on this big time in my opinion with downplaying it way back when it began in China. One of my biggest questions is why do some of our biggest travel hubs like Georgia, Florida, California, and even New York lack in testing still? We were the places where they originally diverted travel and quarantined people coming back from out of the country. I believe that falls to the CDC idk but we should’ve been the highest in Covid test but we’re not. I just hope that this next winter it doesn’t come back because Covid combined with the Flu in both of their prime conditions could spell more trouble than this wave. At least now maybe we’ve got summer to back us up a bit.
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