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Political Thread

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Your idea of whats best for the country might match mine (I dont really know) but you obviously differ in who is best to get us there. That puts us at a crossroads so I am going to put myself first. I dont speak for Trump supporters I speak for me and my family. I put country first for over 20 years. Didnt really focus on the transformation that was going on when I was home. I honestly thought patriotism was alive and well. Boy was I wrong......

Patriotism is subjective. I see trump as the biggest threat to our democracy. His underlying "I wanna be a king" complex is a huge red flag and IMO its patriotic to push back against that.
Ah, the always mentioned never Trumper "Republicans" who got their panties in a wad when he was elected and wouldn't pay them homage..

They deserve to lay in bed with the democrats and rot..
These folks will try to preach to you about their "morals" as if nobody else has them. Unfortunately these folks have a much larger ego to match those morals
Ok Im gonna answer your question with a question. Why do you Trump haters need Trump supporters to validate any of the things you mentioned above? Do you think its going to change anything? Whatdo you think is going to change? Do you really think it's going to change our vote in November? I can tell you it isn't because his inability to orate in front of a media who has crucified him from Day 1 has NOTHING to do with his ability to run this country. I think I speak for "most" of the staunch supporters here when I say his personality is at the very bottom of our concerns when it comes to what we deem as good leadership.

I had a lot of different leaders in my time in service. Some were brilliant, some not so much. I had one who made Trump look like Einstein but I would have laid down in front of a bus for him because of his leadership qualities.

I certainly wish he would talk less and let the doctors talk more regarding this virus but thats just not his style. He wants and has to be involved because he has always been the boss front and center in everything he has ever done or will do.

Personally I will never allow my emotions get the better of me when I make important decisions. Who I choose to support as the CIC is such a decision.

“WhY dO yOu TrUmP hAtErS need Trump supporters to validate any of the things you mentioned above?”

See what you did there? Classic. Can’t even respond to a question without grouping me into a “trump hater” label. I didn’t vote for him, but I certainly don’t hate him. Just because I don’t support him and CHALLENGE his thoughts/statements and the thoughts/opinions of his supporters, doesn’t mean I hate him. I was actually open to giving him a chance, and has an open mind after he was elected (that’s the American thing to do)...

I guess my post went completely over your head. I don’t NEED you to answer, I said I’d like to see it, but it’s obvious why someone like you would ride it to the grave than ever admit any fault in someone you voted for. Posters already answered my question and I was only looking for one supporter to do so, so mission accomplished.

But I will add, your paragraph about letting the doctors talk more is something I would have appreciated, without you labeling me as a “trump hater” and I’m assuming you think I’m a “damn liberal” too right? Wrong. Registered republican since 18yo and just recently switched to Unaffiliated, so I can vote for R or D in my state primary. But — that’s the issue, anyone who disagrees with trump is a hater and a damn liberal! Open your mind, it’s quite freeing! Cheers bud.
But somehow amongst that stupidity, clorox is the big issue.....amazing isnt it?
2 pretty serious attack ads from conservative groups against trump.

its globalists against anti globalists now. It's not a right vs left argument anymore.
Ah, the always mentioned never Trumper "Republicans" who got their panties in a wad when he was elected and wouldn't pay them homage..

They deserve to lay in bed with the democrats and rot..

LOL.....well at least we know why you support Trump, you sound just like him. This is why the GOP is dead or at least dying, the far right has poisoned the well and are driving away the moderates, what's worse is you guys are celebrating it...
Patriotism is subjective. I see trump as the biggest threat to our democracy. His underlying "I wanna be a king" complex is a huge red flag and IMO its patriotic to push back against that.
Trump has been in there almost 4 years. How do you even think he is not for America? He has not taken any rights away from you. Now do you consider politicians like the governor of VA a threat to our democracy? That is the type of threats you need to worry about. Trump everyone said he would start wars. No wars. He put Iran in their place. North Korea also. We need a strong leader especially with China getting more aggressive. We don’t need a wuss in the WH. Trump is a patriot that is no doubt.
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I just find it amazing that Democrats are riding this bleach comments. So he said it. Big freaking deal. Where is the outrage of some posting videos of Trump being killed? Like one with comedian holding his head. If people are dumb enough to believe that and drink bleach. Then so be it. This belief of everyone gets a trophy and being so sensitive needs to get over itself. Trump may win or not but one thing I assure you. Biden gets in the WH. Be ready for all heck against every single thing he says and does. Karma is a b-tch.
Trump has been in there almost 4 years. How do you even think he is not for America? He has not taken any rights away from you. Now do you consider politicians like the governor of VA a threat to our democracy? That is the type of threats you need to worry about. Trump everyone said he would start wars. No wars. He put Iran in their place. North Korea also. We need a strong leader especially with China getting more aggressive. We don’t need a wuss in the WH. Trump is a patriot thT is no doubt.

Trump has done more to bring us as close to war as possible. How many times did the official Iranian military launch cruise missiles at us when W and Obama were in office?

Secondly you dont necessarily have to remove freedom to remove American fundamentals and traditions.
I just find it amazing that Democrats are riding this bleach comments. So he said it. Big freaking deal. Where is the outrage of some posting videos of Trump being killed? Like one with comedian holding his head. If people are dumb enough to believe that and drink bleach. Then so be it. This belief of everyone gets a trophy and being so sensitive needs to get over itself. Trump may win or not but one thing I assure you. Biden gets in the WH. Be ready for all heck against every single thing he says and does. Karma is a b-tch.

He is the president and there should be some level of expectations that he not spout off at the mouth about such dumb and reckless things.
“WhY dO yOu TrUmP hAtErS need Trump supporters to validate any of the things you mentioned above?”

See what you did there? Classic. Can’t even respond to a question without grouping me into a “trump hater” label. I didn’t vote for him, but I certainly don’t hate him. Just because I don’t support him and CHALLENGE his thoughts/statements and the thoughts/opinions of his supporters, doesn’t mean I hate him. I was actually open to giving him a chance, and has an open mind after he was elected (that’s the American thing to do)...

I guess my post went completely over your head. I don’t NEED you to answer, I said I’d like to see it, but it’s obvious why someone like you would ride it to the grave than ever admit any fault in someone you voted for. Posters already answered my question and I was only looking for one supporter to do so, so mission accomplished.

But I will add, your paragraph about letting the doctors talk more is something I would have appreciated, without you labeling me as a “trump hater” and I’m assuming you think I’m a “damn liberal” too right? Wrong. Registered republican since 18yo and just recently switched to Unaffiliated, so I can vote for R or D in my state primary. But — that’s the issue, anyone who disagrees with trump is a hater and a damn liberal! Open your mind, it’s quite freeing! Cheers bud.
Well my apologies Jon for lumping you into the Trump hater club. That wasnt really my intention to single you out. With that being said....what is gained by you seeing me or anybody else disagree with Donald Trump on this virus, the economy or anything else? Does it validate any of your angst towards his effort or lack of effort. Would it be better to for me to just say nothing? Im a positive person Jon. Its ingrained in my military blood to question everything but Its also ingrained in me that negativity breeds more negativity. Im sorry but Im not going to be a cheerleader for discontent. Im going to find the positive in anything and everything. Its a fault I have to live with I guess
Trump has done more to bring us as close to war as possible. How many times did the official Iranian military launch cruise missiles at us when W and Obama were in office?

Secondly you dont necessarily have to remove freedom to remove American fundamentals and traditions.
Lol. Obama was scared to death and kiss the arse of every enemy of America. Iran did as they wanted when he was in office. Anyway it’s past years. 6 more months and let’s see what happens.
You mean true conservatives who didn't fall for a charlatan and con man.
"True conservative" is a definition you dreamed up in your head. It makes my head hurt thinking about how many versions of true conservative I have now met......
Any self-called "conservative" who says they'll vote for biden or any democrat over Trump is a hypocrite at best; chances are the Senate will also flip so you'll not only lose the Supreme Court you'll lose the judiciary which will head right back to overthrowing any law they want and basically create laws on the fly. And then you'll get one party rule under the democrats; remember the recent past? Nobody learn their lesson? Rhetorical questions; blinded by hate makes it impossible to properly understand the ramifications.

Would've thought supposedly intelligent people understood where the real power lies and that's the Presidency and the Senate; the House is a joke because dems or Republicans spend like drunken sailors; the difference is with a democrat congress you get all kinds of stupid crap to go along with the out of control spending.

Keep spewing the hate; sticks and stones..
Any self-called "conservative" who says they'll vote for biden or any democrat over Trump is a hypocrite at best; chances are the Senate will also flip so you'll not only lose the Supreme Court you'll lose the judiciary which will head right back to overthrowing any law they want and basically create laws on the fly. And then you'll get one party rule under the democrats; remember the recent past? Nobody learn their lesson? Rhetorical questions; blinded by hate makes it impossible to properly understand the ramifications.

Would've thought supposedly intelligent people understood where the real power lies and that's the Presidency and the Senate; the House is a joke because dems or Republicans spend like drunken sailors; the difference is with a democrat congress you get all kinds of stupid crap to go along with the out of control spending.

Keep spewing the hate; sticks and stones..
Supreme court is a HUGE DEAL! This is the #1 reason I dont want to hear the anybody but Trump crowd preach to me about how "conservative" they are.
Here's that "brilliant" NY governor; this happened on his watch; how stupid can you be telling Nursing Homes they HAVE to accept people testing positive? Oh, that's right; he's not Trump so he's brilliant..

He was trying to find a way to justify his 40k ventilators he was needing. Oh and his ?
No. It depends on his running mate. Ifnhe were to do the smart thing and pick a decent moderate i would vote for him.
Well I dont think he's gonna do that so you are probably stuck with a write in or second loser unless you break from your never ever pledge.....
Well what do you know. Sip and lockdowns can be harmful also. Hard for some to believe that a depression could bring more harm and damage to more people than this virus kills.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?

1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?
Excellent question. Well if he was to become more liberal or Keep the economy shut down and act like he did not care to help the economy and Americans get back on their feet. If he was to be found out he did something really bad to someone. Yes I know he’s been accused of some. I just realize every politician is corrupt and warped and sold their souls to get where they are.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?


Theres nothing at this point that I can foresee him doing that would change my mind on his personality, decision making, ego, narcissism and so on.
If we are giving credit to the POTUS for the unemployment numbers, Obama started at 9.9% and dropped in his last year to 4.7%, an improvement of 110%. Trump started at 4.7% and dropped to 3.5% (pre-Covid) an improvement of 34%. If we give Presidents credit for employment figures, Obama did great leading us out of the recession and Trump was doing well continuing the trend. You can't fault Trump for the COVID situation, but if he had responded earlier taking it serious, the effects may have been not as severe and we would be a month further ahead in our recovery.
I agree with most everything you said here. I wish we would’ve taken it more seriously as a country because we probably could’ve have slowed it down a little more. The WHO dropped the ball on this big time in my opinion with downplaying it way back when it began in China. One of my biggest questions is why do some of our biggest travel hubs like Georgia, Florida, California, and even New York lack in testing still? We were the places where they originally diverted travel and quarantined people coming back from out of the country. I believe that falls to the CDC idk but we should’ve been the highest in Covid test but we’re not. I just hope that this next winter it doesn’t come back because Covid combined with the Flu in both of their prime conditions could spell more trouble than this wave. At least now maybe we’ve got summer to back us up a bit.
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