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Political Thread

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What will be the big transition news piece to get our sheep minds off of coronavirus and on to the next thing? Has anyone put some thought into that yet? It’s going to have to be something big. Maybe they’ll throw out the thought of a war or the death of a major world leader (Kim Jong Un). Or a combination of both. I think the media’s next move would be to ratchet up tensions between the US and China.
It’s not my opinion. Your post was moved here because it was politically motivated. The discussion in the Covid thread was about him making statements during a Covid press conference, therefore, it’s on topic.

How is it spinning? You see nothing wrong what him mentioning injecting disinfectant? I see news placing words like Lysol or bleach in articles and yeah that’s probably disingenuous to some degree, but I’m not sure how you can 100% agree with what he said. It blows my mind, and we are the sheeple?

So the original transcript released from Thursdsy presser supposedly had Dr Birx saying "that is a treatment" when trump asked her during his rambling about light and heat. She was off camera and off mic.....the video was reviewed and she says "NOT as a treatment" and now that they were called on it they have revised the transcript.

Bet 95% of his followers would have believed that fake transcript if we didnt have people calling it out as BS on Twitter.

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Can a far right conservative (we have plenty) please answer this:

Why can’t you admit the president has done or said something wrong? Why can’t you disagree with him?

When I vote for someone, I expect them to live up to my own standards as it’s a representation of what I believe in. If they say or do something that gets immense scrutiny, that I also disagree with, I have no problem saying so.

Why is it that conservatives take such an issue to doing the same? I know I’m generalizing here but please give me a reason not to generalize, I do so because I haven’t seen it happen.

I voted for Bush, and believe me, I had plenty of times where I was like wtf??? But still, I supported him.

I voted Obama and I had plenty of times where I was like yeah, this ACA thing is kinda screwed and beyond perfect. I didn’t blindly keep championing every single policy.

With that said, regarding Trump disinfectant:
-I’ve seen people say he meant “something else”

-I’ve seen people say he was kidding or being sarcastic (his same excuse)

-I’ve seen the same people say after that, that the president was talking about very specific lung treatments (like surfactants) and radiation treatment that does exist (cancer etc), and that he was speaking in “general terms”

-I’ve seen people say he was talking about sanitizing the hands and going outside to get sunlight, and he meant it being “absorbed” in the body.

Now we KNOW that can’t be all true. So I wonder if a conservative can quote this post in the political thread and say yeah, he’s full of poop. Anyone?
Ok Im gonna answer your question with a question. Why do you Trump haters need Trump supporters to validate any of the things you mentioned above? Do you think its going to change anything? Whatdo you think is going to change? Do you really think it's going to change our vote in November? I can tell you it isn't because his inability to orate in front of a media who has crucified him from Day 1 has NOTHING to do with his ability to run this country. I think I speak for "most" of the staunch supporters here when I say his personality is at the very bottom of our concerns when it comes to what we deem as good leadership.

I had a lot of different leaders in my time in service. Some were brilliant, some not so much. I had one who made Trump look like Einstein but I would have laid down in front of a bus for him because of his leadership qualities.

I certainly wish he would talk less and let the doctors talk more regarding this virus but thats just not his style. He wants and has to be involved because he has always been the boss front and center in everything he has ever done or will do.

Personally I will never allow my emotions get the better of me when I make important decisions. Who I choose to support as the CIC is such a decision.
Why would he even ask such a question in the first place? Rambling on about weird things like that is what screws him over. He should be clear and concise and stay on topic. He rambles far too much and it creates stupid things like this that make him look like a clown. His words have consequences and it's time he and his supporters realize that.
Dude there is no magic button to make him a more concise speaker but his words having consequences? What consequences? Lets take clorox for example. If someone were listening to that segement and deciphered from his "rambling" that its ok to injest bleach, the consequences are far from Donald Trump's problem. I realize stupid people listen to him at the podium too. It actually scares the hell out of me that we now live in a society that needs disclaimers to keep people safe from themselves
The unemployment under Trump is higher than Obama ever had.
Obama’s unemployment had a median of 7.7% and his low was in his last month of 4.8%. Trumps high was 4.7% and his low is 3.5%. I can say tho it is much higher now as we can see. You can’t really blame it on him tho just like you cant blame Obama’s high on him. Obama was handed the recession and Trump was handed the Coronavirus.
Im seriously in shock that the lefties on here arent putting Sleepy Joe on blast today over those sex allegations! Especially the women!

I’m not a lefty, but I have been a longtime supporter of Joe due to his being one of the few Dem senators willing to compromise with the GOP over the years (being a pragmatic moderate) during his decades as a senator as opposed to being a partisan Dem. However, as one who’d like Trump to be defeated by a moderate, I no longer feel Biden is a good candidate. I already was feeling uneasy about a perceived cognitive decline (he’s come way down from how he was during his prime imo). But now with these allegations to pile on the perceived cognitive decline as well as questions regarding nepotism with regards to Hunter, I don’t feel he’ll have a good chance to defeat Trump. Of course, if he were to withdraw, Bernie would be the presumed candidate. So, in that case, I couldn’t see myself voting for either as I couldn’t see myself voting for a socialist. I’d have to consider for my first time ever either voting for a 3rd party candidate/independent or writing in someone like Kasich in that case.

Speaking of cognitive decline, I also feel Trump has had his share though not to the degree of Joe.
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Obama’s unemployment had a median of 7.7% and his low was in his last month of 4.8%. Trumps high was 4.7% and his low is 3.5%. I can say tho it is much higher now as we can see. You can’t really blame it on him tho just like you cant blame Obama’s high on him. Obama was handed the recession and Trump was handed the Coronavirus.
Obama's first problem was that he didnt know squat about economics. Had he spent more time on the economy instead of identity politics the country would have come out of it quicker. His second problem was how low he set the bar for our GDP. Its not difficult to meet expectations when your expectations are low. Trump obviously has much higher expectations for the country. I fully expect us to rise again.
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