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Political Thread

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Well well well. Let’s get the bashing Biden train started or defending like us Trumpsters do lol.
Hype master.
What the heck is wrong with you dude. The man just pointed out facts to you and you choose to ignore it out of hate for Trump. You are part of our problem here in America. If you hate your leader so much..... MOVE.
Ah the classic refrain of unimaginative people who know their ideas can't stand the test, so they suggest other people move.
No wonder Kim Jong-un being dead is trending on twitter again. The memes are flying on there again as well, including one about pallbearers dancing.

Not much sympathy from me at all IF this actually turns out to be true but I'd kind of like to know definitely soon lol.
Ah the classic refrain of unimaginative people who know their ideas can't stand the test, so they suggest other people move.
You really are a piece of work dude...... I will once again remind you that you are the one who refuses to stand with the leadership in America. I fully support our leadership and believe that this type of government is far better than the alternative. If I didn't, I would move away and let you Liberals have it.
You really are a piece of work dude...... I will once again remind you that you are the one who refuses to stand with the leadership in America. I fully support our leadership and believe that this type of government is far better than the alternative. If I didn't, I would move away and let you Liberals have it.
Ah yes, bow to and support the leaders no matter what, right? I want better for our nation and my fellow man, you included.
Well the tipping point is upon America for it to open up. Most Americans are ready to try and make a living and face this virus. Hopefully herd immunity works and it has taken hold by fall. That way we can move forward.

And if it doesn't and we end up in a bigger deeper lockdown next fall because of reopening too soon I hope you take responsibility for being one of the people pushing forward as recklessly as y'all have been
You really are a piece of work dude...... I will once again remind you that you are the one who refuses to stand with the leadership in America. I fully support our leadership and believe that this type of government is far better than the alternative. If I didn't, I would move away and let you Liberals have it.

America is suffering at the hands of an imbecile who has no understanding of the constitution. America is just as risk for that reason as she is from socialism.

It's like saying dying by fire is worse than dying by drowning..... doesn't matter the end result is the same.
And if it doesn't and we end up in a bigger deeper lockdown next fall because of reopening too soon I hope you take responsibility for being one of the people pushing forward as recklessly as y'all have been
If we dont open the country back up and the economy collapses are YOU going to take responsibility for pushing an over reaching shelter in place? Im figuring you already have your finger pointed in one direction of blame no matter what
If we dont open the country back up and the economy collapses are YOU going to take responsibility for pushing an over reaching shelter in place? Im figuring you already have your finger pointed in one direction of blame no matter what

Once again I have said numerous times that the economy was gonna crash whether it was under the weight of lockdowns or sick and dying patients. It was unavoidable.

I have 2 fingers pointed. One at China and one at trump for believing China early on.
Once again I have said numerous times that the economy was gonna crash whether it was under the weight of lockdowns or sick and dying patients. It was unavoidable.

I have 2 fingers pointed. One at China and one at trump for believing China early on.
Your finger was pointed at Trump before the virus even hit our shores......
Compared to last year wonder how many of those morons in New York were home rather than at some kind of job?
Trump is a New Yorker - Check

Wonder what kind of job they actually had that requires more than the IQ of a gnat?
Trump's low IQ didn't keep him from being POTUS because he is a good con man and some people are gullible - Check

Wonder how many were actually accidental; somebody oversprayed Lysol or burned their precious never did a day of manual labor in their lives work hands?
Trump has never done a day of manual labor in his life or had to work with his hands - Check

Wonder if they're going to show some kind of statistic for morons taking a bleach bath; never mind; they won't..
I heard they have had to remove all bleach and Lysol products from the White House as a protective measure - Check
Trump is a New Yorker - Check

Trump's low IQ didn't keep him from being POTUS because he is a good con man and some people are gullible - Check

Trump has never done a day of manual labor in his life or had to work with his hands - Check

I heard they have had to remove all bleach and Lysol products from the White House as a protective measure - Check
^ Dumbest post of the year - Check!
Trump is a New Yorker - Check

Trump's low IQ didn't keep him from being POTUS because he is a good con man and some people are gullible - Check

Trump has never done a day of manual labor in his life or had to work with his hands - Check

I heard they have had to remove all bleach and Lysol products from the White House as a protective measure - Check

And if it doesn't and we end up in a bigger deeper lockdown next fall because of reopening too soon I hope you take responsibility for being one of the people pushing forward as recklessly as y'all have been
@Shaggy I will own it for sure. Surely you do not believe we can stay shut down into fall? A deeper lockdown? I think that would be met with a lot of resistance. People are already agitated and tired of hearing same thing with media. Cases and deaths not 98-99% survive. I’m curious. Do you believe eventually everyone will be exposed to this virus or do you believe we have a vaccine before that happens? As far as being reckless. How am I being reckless minding my business and doing my social distancing and not exposing anyone that does not want to be out with me? Define reckless. I’m not going to anyone’s house that is high risk or around anyone that does not want me to be near them. To me keeping the economy shut down is much more reckless because it affects many more people than this virus will in a severe way. With longer lasting effects. Most are over this virus in a couple weeks. Someone losing job, business, home takes a lot longer to recover.
Nothing of value except the truth; keep on hating; I love how it's consuming people to the point of blindly parroting what haters in the media are saying.

Sheeple is a very good descriptor and it's for the haters..

You’re saying I’m hating? You’re comparing a CNN anchor’s wife to the President of the United States as if it is validating that he’s not the crazy one. You realize how ridiculous that is right? That’s political and it’s not supposed to get personal, but for some reason, you start getting personal. Do you see me going on and on about it? I just pointed out your post that was eventually moved from the covid thread to the political thread, which now makes me look like an ass but that’s where your original post was. But now I’m going to go on about it — and make a new post and ask a serious question, and maybe you can answer it!
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Once again I have said numerous times that the economy was gonna crash whether it was under the weight of lockdowns or sick and dying patients. It was unavoidable.

I have 2 fingers pointed. One at China and one at trump for believing China early on.
Dying patients ruins an economy? For real? Are you saying that assuming that the hospitals are overloaded and 2 million deaths would ruin economy? I will agree with that but we are no where even close to those numbers nor will be. Also hospitals are laying off and having nurses and doctors pays cut. The economy would have slowed some but no way we would have had 26 million unemployed and many more to come if we had let economy stay open. This economic collapse is just getting started. You thinking this virus and possible deaths was bad. Well better buckle up because the economy collapse is already happening and recession is not the worry it’s how bad this depression gets and how long the food lines get and homelessness and poverty numbers get. We’re in for years of economic troubles. Whoever is president is screwed no matter what. Higher taxes, higher interest rates, hyperinflation, bankruptcies, higher depression, more antidepressants, possible social unrest the list goes on and on. You I’m sure will say it’s gloom and doom. That’s fine but I will tell you this. It’s happening and already here some of these things. You even think about more severe lockdowns in fall then get ready for the latter. You better hope we have a leader that understands business because that’s what we’re going to need leading America. Not some lifelong politician thinking higher taxes immediately will solve this depression.
Also I’d be real careful how harsh towards China we get. Yes they were wrong but depressions lead to world wars. Economies are in shambles across world right now. Tensions high. Tread lightly.
Can a far right conservative (we have plenty) please answer this:

Why can’t you admit the president has done or said something wrong? Why can’t you disagree with him?

When I vote for someone, I expect them to live up to my own standards as it’s a representation of what I believe in. If they say or do something that gets immense scrutiny, that I also disagree with, I have no problem saying so.

Why is it that conservatives take such an issue to doing the same? I know I’m generalizing here but please give me a reason not to generalize, I do so because I haven’t seen it happen.

I voted for Bush, and believe me, I had plenty of times where I was like wtf??? But still, I supported him.

I voted Obama and I had plenty of times where I was like yeah, this ACA thing is kinda screwed and beyond perfect. I didn’t blindly keep championing every single policy.

With that said, regarding Trump disinfectant:
-I’ve seen people say he meant “something else”

-I’ve seen people say he was kidding or being sarcastic (his same excuse)

-I’ve seen the same people say after that, that the president was talking about very specific lung treatments (like surfactants) and radiation treatment that does exist (cancer etc), and that he was speaking in “general terms”

-I’ve seen people say he was talking about sanitizing the hands and going outside to get sunlight, and he meant it being “absorbed” in the body.

Now we KNOW that can’t be all true. So I wonder if a conservative can quote this post in the political thread and say yeah, he’s full of ----. Anyone?
You’re saying I’m hating? You’re comparing a CNN anchor’s wife to the President of the United States as if it is validating that he’s not the crazy one. You realize how ridiculous that is right? That’s political and it’s not supposed to get personal, but for some reason, you start getting personal. Do you see me going on and on about it? I just pointed out your post that was eventually moved from the covid thread to the political thread, which now makes me look like an ass but that’s where your original post was.

The post was in the Covid thread as that's where all the b.s. posts attacking Trump were in relation to the story; had nothing to do with politics; it was a factual article. Your opinion was it was political and that's entirely your choice. If calling people haters because they can't see straight and take anything Trump says and spins it to meet their own agenda is personal then so be it.
The post was in the Covid thread as that's where all the b.s. posts attacking Trump were in relation to the story; had nothing to do with politics; it was a factual article. Your opinion was it was political and that's entirely your choice. If calling people haters because they can't see straight and take anything Trump says and spins it to meet their own agenda is personal then so be it.

It’s not my opinion. Your post was moved here because it was politically motivated. The discussion in the Covid thread was about him making statements during a Covid press conference, therefore, it’s on topic.

How is it spinning? You see nothing wrong what him mentioning injecting disinfectant? I see news placing words like Lysol or bleach in articles and yeah that’s probably disingenuous to some degree, but I’m not sure how you can 100% agree with what he said. It blows my mind, and we are the sheeple?
A clown with lowest unemployment and roaring economy. Yes he runs his mouth but I will take this kinda clown as president for another 4 years.

This is what I want to see! I want people to say why they support him, but call him out on at least a very obvious BS statement or idea! Is it possible??

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