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Political Thread

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I agree with most everything you said here. I wish we would’ve taken it more seriously as a country because we probably could’ve have slowed it down a little more. The WHO dropped the ball on this big time in my opinion with downplaying it way back when it began in China. One of my biggest questions is why do some of our biggest travel hubs like Georgia, Florida, California, and even New York lack in testing still? We were the places where they originally diverted travel and quarantined people coming back from out of the country. I believe that falls to the CDC idk but we should’ve been the highest in Covid test but we’re not. I just hope that this next winter it doesn’t come back because Covid combined with the Flu in both of their prime conditions could spell more trouble than this wave. At least now maybe we’ve got summer to back us up a bit.
Thing is the test cost lots of money. Who is going to pay for all these test and testing. Plus they are not a 100% accurate. People don’t have the money to testing each week. Insurances don’t have money to pay for testing anytime. Is the flu testing a 100% accurate. I’m curious.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?


There’s nothing he can do to make me vote for him. He’s earned the right to not have my vote. On Election Day I hesitated to bubble him or “her” in...it was not an expected hesitation and I hated it, but I made the right choice (didn’t bubble him in)...is he good for the economy without an active pandemic? Sure. Do I think the economy will fail and collapse without him? NO! He’s #45. He isn’t the first and won’t be the last who is president during economic glee.

So what can he do before now and November? He could have handled Covid-19 better, as it has directly affected my life and my job. Of course people think he did/is handling it great. This is HIS defining moment and it’s what Nov will be based on, considering the current state of the economy. Maybe many Americans will vote based on that, given the eventual CV deaths, people will be emotional come Nov. Let’s see what happens. What a historical year this will be.
The guy is just simply losing it and it shows. I thought the previous president was a narcissist, but this guy is a million times worse.
Thing is the test cost lots of money. Who is going to pay for all these test and testing. Plus they are not a 100% accurate. People don’t have the money to testing each week. Insurances don’t have money to pay for testing anytime. Is the flu testing a 100% accurate. I’m curious.
The testing does cost money my thing is if your gonna tell a state we’re sending people to you from out of the country who we believe to have Covid then those states should have more test. The more people you send to a state to be quarantined the more likely it is that your going to spread it in that state no matter how much bio security you use.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?

I could consider voting for him under two conditions:
1. He announces policy plans in line with my thinking. This is highly unlikely.
2. He spends 16 hours doing a press briefing where he does nothing but admit all of the ways he has been wrong in the past few years. This is impossible because he can't even conceive of admitting when he's wrong. He probably doesn't even know when he's been wrong.
Do you think the two men Trump appointed fit that bill? You will have put aside your hatred for a second to answer this one

Gorsuch is a solid pick and probably was the #1 pick for any Republican who could have won in 2016, Kavanaugh was probably further down the list of most as he is seen as favoring the executive branch which is of course why Trump went with him.

This line from Gorsuch's wiki page describes exactly what I think all SCOTUS justices should be......Gorsuch is a proponent of textualism in statutory interpretation and originalism in interpreting the United States Constitution
I thought we were supposed to do what's best for the country? Atleast that's what trump supporters keep telling us they support trump so much.
I feel like that’s the biggest divider in this country what’s best for the country and I believe that stems from the growing rural/urban divide. What’s best for rural America may not be what’s best for urban America and the same is true in reverse. I mean look at the last election shoot look at Georgia the rural areas carried Trump and Kemp to victory.
I feel like that’s the biggest divider in this country what’s best for the country and I believe that stems from the growing rural/urban divide. What’s best for rural America may not be what’s best for urban America and the same is true in reverse. I mean look at the last election shoot look at Georgia the rural areas carried Trump and Kemp to victory.

Yeah i am a states rights 10th amendment HAWK......let states govern let the scotus decide if the laws are constitutional and let the federal govt be invisible.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?

I consider myself to be fiscally conservative and more moderate on certain social issues. I’m a Trump supporter and one of the things I don’t really flinch on is gun control and more on the ideas of banning “Assault” weapons. I would be alright with universal background checks I don’t see much of a problem with that but if he was to come out and advocate for the banning of ARs then I’d be out. That’s really the biggest reason I could never vote for a democrat.
I read something about Chris Cuomo that bothers me. He may have violated his own curfew by secretly leaving the basement he said he was stuck in. If so, that would mean he & CNN lied. ?I need to do more research. I watch his show sometimes. Does anyone know anything more about this?

Can we believe anyone anymore?
Have you ever noticed that those who say, “respect the president,” and bemoan a lack of unity in the nation have their guy in the White House? But as soon as the guy from the other party is in the White House then all bets are off—bombs away!

Of course, its pretty typical behavior honestly......the more you post the more it is obvious that you are one of us middle of the road folks, partisans don't see what their leaders are doing as being the same when they do the stuff they rail against the other side for doing because their side is the "right" side so its ok when their leaders do it because its for the good of the country blah blah blah.....

Take the Biden sexual allegations as a prime example, there have been over 25 women come forward with allegations of sexual assault on Trump.....someone we have on tape talking about how he can just grab them by the "******" and Trump supports blow them all off as Dem plants or women trying to make a quick buck etc......but then the Biden ones happen and its why isn't it all over the news why are they suppressing it yada yada yada.....

The Biden allegations have no more or less validity than the Trump one's yet they believe Biden is guilty and should be removed as a candidate for it....it would be funny if it was not so sad.
Have you ever noticed that those who say, “respect the president,” and bemoan a lack of unity in the nation have their guy in the White House? But as soon as the guy from the other party is in the White House then all bets are off—bombs away!
I’m past the respect the president. Those that don’t like Trump can bombs away. It’s Free speech. I know Biden history and he is a pos. Pure pathetic ignorant garbage. Give me someone from the Democrats side that is middle of road and not associated with Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Clinton, Obama. Then I will vote for that individual maybe. If someone does hate America so much then not sure why they stay in America. I don’t agree with all the policies but still love the country. If someone wants socialist nation plenty of choices to move to. Cuba is close. Let me ask do you believe Christianity brings unity to America and the world?
I could consider voting for him under two conditions:
1. He announces policy plans in line with my thinking. This is highly unlikely.
2. He spends 16 hours doing a press briefing where he does nothing but admit all of the ways he has been wrong in the past few years. This is impossible because he can't even conceive of admitting when he's wrong. He probably doesn't even know when he's been wrong.
Curious what are your policy plans that would be in line with your thinking?
Of course, its pretty typical behavior honestly......the more you post the more it is obvious that you are one of us middle of the road folks, partisans don't see what their leaders are doing as being the same when they do the stuff they rail against the other side for doing because their side is the "right" side so its ok when their leaders do it because its for the good of the country blah blah blah.....

Take the Biden sexual allegations as a prime example, there have been over 25 women come forward with allegations of sexual assault on Trump.....someone we have on tape talking about how he can just grab them by the "******" and Trump supports blow them all off as Dem plants or women trying to make a quick buck etc......but then the Biden ones happen and its why isn't it all over the news why are they suppressing it yada yada yada.....

The Biden allegations have no more or less validity than the Trump one's yet they believe Biden is guilty and should be removed as a candidate for it....it would be funny if it was not so sad.
I never said he should be removed. That was someone on the Democrats side. I say keep him. Let the bashing continue from both sides.
Think about it. We have the president who is a narcissist and never admits he is wrong but does work for America.
The other has been there and showed he would shove policies down Americans throats. Will most likely not make it 2 years and don’t forget as he said! “I’m working for myself not you!” That’s a great potential president there. In other words the ladies around him will do as he says because they work for him!
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Let me ask do you believe Christianity brings unity to America and the world?

Obviously the answer is no. You cannot expect Christianity to bring about unity in a secular/pluralistic society.

But one thing American Christians would do well to understand is that Christianity has historically flourished when it is a marginalized group with little to no political/socio-economic standing in society.

We need to recover what it means to advance and promote God’s Kingdom and the values of God’s kingdom independently from the political process.
I’m past the respect the president. Those that don’t like Trump can bombs away. It’s Free speech. I know Biden history and he is a pos. Pure pathetic ignorant garbage. Give me someone from the Democrats side that is middle of road and not associated with Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Clinton, Obama. Then I will vote for that individual maybe. If someone does hate America so much then not sure why they stay in America. I don’t agree with all the policies but still love the country. If someone wants socialist nation plenty of choices to move to. Cuba is close. Let me ask do you believe Christianity brings unity to America and the world?

Unequivocally NO.
So if you don’t know you have it then how do you know to get tested? Set up random testing daily, weekly, monthly or when? By time you test someone a second time. If they come back positive then they have already spread it. If the test is false positive then you quarantine people for no reason. Causing panic, worries, loss of income possibly or loss of job. If it is to hopefully stop some spreading ok but better be ready for lawsuits if the test is false.
@Matthew70 does this at least give you pause about the approach of herd immunity that you support?

It does. I have been seeing articles that say they just don’t know. Also that people that have had it can get it again. If true then only way to handle this virus is unfortunately wait on a vaccine that may or may not work or let it run it’s course and realize it’s natures way of reducing the world population. No matter what we can’t stay shut down. No nation can. We can’t wait out this virus. Goes back to what I have said. We all will eventually be exposed to this virus. No avoiding that. It sucks because I have asthma so it could be deadly to me. I am ready when it’s my time. Hopefully not anytime soon though.
If only our president was a “noble” man:

The tweet posted later by "Trump" to excuse all the misspellings and confusion between Nobel and Pulitzer is 100% guaranteed not written by Trump…it is properly formatted and has correct punctuation...zero chance Trump actually wrote this tweet, damage control by his team.

Does anybody get the meaning of what a so-called Noble (not Nobel) Prize is, especially as it pertains to Reporters and Journalists? Noble is defined as, “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.” Does sarcasm ever work?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 26, 2020
The tweet posted later by "Trump" to excuse all the misspellings and confusion between Nobel and Pulitzer is 100% guaranteed not written by Trump…it is properly formatted and has correct punctuation...zero chance Trump actually wrote this tweet, damage control by his team.

Does anybody get the meaning of what a so-called Noble (not Nobel) Prize is, especially as it pertains to Reporters and Journalists? Noble is defined as, “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.” Does sarcasm ever work?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 26, 2020

It looks like all of the tweets have been deleted.
It looks like all of the tweets have been deleted.

Yeah another thing that is worrisome is these tweet storms show poor impulse control by the president. Trump tends to tweet every stupid random thing that pops in his head, that coupled with his victim mentality makes for some interesting late night tweets.
Curious what are your policy plans that would be in line with your thinking?
I'll give you just a few. Serious action to both prepare for the effects and to try to mitigate climate change. Make election days national holidays with wider access to mail in ballots. Term limits for congressmen and some way to reduce money in elections. That's just a start, and I would have to weigh the positives of those few actions against the other damage he might do and the general risk he represents while in office.
I’m past the respect the president. Those that don’t like Trump can bombs away. It’s Free speech. I know Biden history and he is a pos. Pure pathetic ignorant garbage. Give me someone from the Democrats side that is middle of road and not associated with Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Clinton, Obama. Then I will vote for that individual maybe. If someone does hate America so much then not sure why they stay in America. I don’t agree with all the policies but still love the country. If someone wants socialist nation plenty of choices to move to. Cuba is close. Let me ask do you believe Christianity brings unity to America and the world?
You day you don't like all of the policies but you still love the country, and thus don't want to leave. But then you turn around and suggest that someone who wants more socialist policies (we already have several) has to leave? Where's the logic there? Can't that person also love the country?
And no, Christianity most definitely cannot bring unity to this nation or the world. Historically it has done quite the opposite.
Of course, its pretty typical behavior honestly......the more you post the more it is obvious that you are one of us middle of the road folks, partisans don't see what their leaders are doing as being the same when they do the stuff they rail against the other side for doing because their side is the "right" side so its ok when their leaders do it because its for the good of the country blah blah blah.....

Take the Biden sexual allegations as a prime example, there have been over 25 women come forward with allegations of sexual assault on Trump.....someone we have on tape talking about how he can just grab them by the "******" and Trump supports blow them all off as Dem plants or women trying to make a quick buck etc......but then the Biden ones happen and its why isn't it all over the news why are they suppressing it yada yada yada.....

The Biden allegations have no more or less validity than the Trump one's yet they believe Biden is guilty and should be removed as a candidate for it....it would be funny if it was not so sad.

Another thing about the Biden thing is he was VP for 8 years. How did this never come out then at all? That's why this doesn't pass the smell test one bit.
Interesting read. Now if numbers really are being hidden. Does everyone think that is a good thing or bad thing? Would telling the world make people panic and chaos?

There isn't enough testing so they are not counting people in a lot of places because they didn't get a positive test from them. So I don't think it's purposely being hidden. However, it would be good for people to know that continue to claim this is nothing but the flu.
Yeah another thing that is worrisome is these tweet storms show poor impulse control by the president. Trump tends to tweet every stupid random thing that pops in his head, that coupled with his victim mentality makes for some interesting late night tweets.

It's just a symptom of the larger GOP as a whole. They all seem to have this victim complex over so many things.
It does. I have been seeing articles that say they just don’t know. Also that people that have had it can get it again. If true then only way to handle this virus is unfortunately wait on a vaccine that may or may not work or let it run it’s course and realize it’s natures way of reducing the world population. No matter what we can’t stay shut down. No nation can. We can’t wait out this virus. Goes back to what I have said. We all will eventually be exposed to this virus. No avoiding that. It sucks because I have asthma so it could be deadly to me. I am ready when it’s my time. Hopefully not anytime soon though.
Wait, this article begins with, "the WHO warns..." That group has totally been discredited in my opinion. I really don't want our representatives following the WHO at all! I wouldn't trust them on anything. They can't talk to a wall for all I care. I throw the WHO and the UN in the dustbin of history. They are done!
It's just a symptom of the larger GOP as a whole. They all seem to have this victim complex over so many things.
Democrats have a huge entitlement complex and are populated by millions of "Karens". Everyone is a victim at some point in their lives, so I'm sure that complex exists on both sides of the aisle.
Why not give small businesses a choice if they wanna reopen? That way those protesting can work or get their hair did and those who wanna stay home can?
You've always had the right to stay home and not go to work. Businesses aren't forced to open, but forcing them to close? That was extreme folly and over-reach.
Done to prevent millions from dying. People are stupid in general and unless you force them to not go out by closing several choice businesses temporarily they will just have spread the virus around quickly. Remember why we did this and realize it was a good move that saved tons more lives. Businesses have the choice to reopen depending on their circumstances. Many in GA don't want to.
1. To Trump supporters: Is there anything he could do that would cause you not to vote for him? If so, what?

2. To anti-Trump folks: Is there anything be could do that could cause you to vote for him? If so, what?

For myself no. He would have to do something insanely unconstitutional and unprecedented. If anyone thinks he already has, save yourself the trouble of responding directly to me about it.....
Done to prevent millions from dying. People are stupid in general and unless you force them to not go out by closing several choice businesses temporarily they will just have spread the virus around quickly. Remember why we did this and realize it was a good move that saved tons more lives. Businesses have the choice to reopen depending on their circumstances. Many in GA don't want to.

So, these millions of folks we “saved” by enforcing lock downs will never end up being exposed to and/or contract the virus and, thus, die from it? That’s the assumption? If so, I seem to see some flaws in that logic...
So, these millions of folks we “saved” by enforcing lock downs will never end up being exposed to and/or contract the virus and, thus, die from it? That’s the assumption? If so, I seem to see some flaws in that logic...
There's a lot more to it than that. People will contract it, yes, but slowing the spread allowed hospitals time to prepare and get set for the spread, as well as prevented the influx that would have forced hospitals to decide who they treat and who dies because they can't get care. If they contract it later on in the fall, hospitals already know what to do and the extra space created will be put to use. Since we slowed its spread down significantly, we avoided the deaths that would be caused by people being refused medical care by the masses. The virus without treatment and severe symptoms leads to death, not just getting the virus itself.
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