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Political Thread

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So, these millions of folks we “saved” by enforcing lock downs will never end up being exposed to and/or contract the virus and, thus, die from it? That’s the assumption? If so, I seem to see some flaws in that logic...
The shut downs were meant to reduce the load on hospitals not keep millions from dying. It was folly from the start and the politicians knew it. Once the media worked everyone into a panic, they had tremendous pressure to follow the lead of other countries.
There's a lot more to it than that. People will contract it, yes, but slowing the spread allowed hospitals time to prepare and get set for the spread, as well as prevented the influx that would have forced hospitals to decide who they treat and who dies because they can't get care. If they contract it later on in the fall, hospitals already know what to do and the extra space created will be put to use. Since we slowed its spread down significantly, we avoided the deaths that would be caused by people being refused medical care by the masses. The virus without treatment and severe symptoms leads to death, not just getting the virus itself.
We have very little data on how many survived due to medical care. The recovered number is totally inaccurate. We do know that if you have to be intubated, you’ve got about 15% chance of surviving. We could have sheltered the vulnerable and achieved the same effect without shutting so many people out of a means to provide for themselves.
There’s nothing he can do to make me vote for him. He’s earned the right to not have my vote. On Election Day I hesitated to bubble him or “her” in...it was not an expected hesitation and I hated it, but I made the right choice (didn’t bubble him in)...is he good for the economy without an active pandemic? Sure. Do I think the economy will fail and collapse without him? NO! He’s #45. He isn’t the first and won’t be the last who is president during economic glee.

So what can he do before now and November? He could have handled Covid-19 better, as it has directly affected my life and my job. Of course people think he did/is handling it great. This is HIS defining moment and it’s what Nov will be based on, considering the current state of the economy. Maybe many Americans will vote based on that, given the eventual CV deaths, people will be emotional come Nov. Let’s see what happens. What a historical year this will be.
Certainly not trying to alter your thinking on this just want to piggyback. I certainly wasn't on the frontlines of this like you were. I applaude you for it. It really is like war but I do know a few things about that (risking your life for others) so I can relate. With that being said, I do have a few things to share about our preparedness or lack of it based on what I was told by a close friend at the pentagon VERY EARLY ON. Our country was not prepared for this period. Not the President, our COUNTRY, from the federal level down to the state level, NOBODY was prepared. The testing was not adequate obviously, our supply chains were in shambles and WE WERE LIED TO by China. That is a hell of a lot to overcome in a very short period of time. People want to blame Trump for whatever reason they desire, they can have it and at this point I really don't care anymore. He did the right thing early on to at least lessen the hysteria which is what good leaders do. The biggest failure in all of this was the media who saw this is an opportunity to present this virus to the public, create unwarranted hysteria and attack the man they loath to insure he takes the blame for it come November. It makes me want to vomit knowing there are people out there that WILL RISK YOUR HEALTH in the name of politics and that's EXACTLY what the media has done. The important thing to me going forward is that we do something to insure we are prepared for the future. Unfortunately the people who SHOULD be punished for any of this wont be. Stay safe and thanks again!
Certainly not trying to alter your thinking on this just want to piggyback. I certainly wasn't on the frontlines of this like you were. I applaude you for it. It really is like war but I do know a few things about that (risking your life for others) so I can relate. With that being said, I do have a few things to share about our preparedness or lack of it based on what I was told by a close friend at the pentagon VERY EARLY ON. Our country was not prepared for this period. Not the President, our COUNTRY, from the federal level down to the state level, NOBODY was prepared. The testing was not adequate obviously, our supply chains were in shambles and WE WERE LIED TO by China. That is a hell of a lot to overcome in a very short period of time. People want to blame Trump for whatever reason they desire, they can have it and at this point I really don't care anymore. He did the right thing early on to at least lessen the hysteria which is what good leaders do. The biggest failure in all of this was the media who saw this is an opportunity to present this virus to the public, create unwarranted hysteria and attack the man they loath to insure he takes the blame for it come November. It makes me want to vomit knowing there are people out there that WILL RISK YOUR HEALTH in the name of politics and that's EXACTLY what the media has done. The important thing to me going forward is that we do something to insure we are prepared for the future. Unfortunately the people who SHOULD be punished for any of this wont be. Stay safe and thanks again!
Oh, baloney on it's the medias fault. They were presenting this exactly as it needed to be. This is a serious situation. This wasn't an attempt to get Trump. Trump trying to downplay it early on was a huge mistake. If he had taken it seriously long before when he was first told about it, we could have avoided a lot of what happened. They had a playbook and they chose not to follow it.
We have very little data on how many survived due to medical care. The recovered number is totally inaccurate. We do know that if you have to be intubated, you’ve got about 15% chance of surviving. We could have sheltered the vulnerable and achieved the same effect without shutting so many people out of a means to provide for themselves.
BS, we have numbers from those discharged who tested positive and recovered. We have enough information to know a large amount of people who were hospitalized recovered mostly due to the hospitals not being overwhelmed. The ventilator thing is accurate from what I heard but if you just let people spread it everywhere we would have a ton more people dead just off that factor. There's no defending the shutdown was worth it.
The CDC's first tests were very contaminated. They're a government agency too, but sorry, everyone failed in at least the initial response to this. It's not to say that other countries did better as most didn't either.

It would've been nice if the WHO didn't lie but I'm not sure of how big a difference it would've made since the first tests that were made in the US were bombed (not literally, figuratively).
For myself no. He would have to do something insanely unconstitutional and unprecedented. If anyone thinks he already has, save yourself the trouble of responding directly to me about it.....
So only insanely unconstitutional, not just normal unconstitutional? Are there degrees of unconstitutional that you are okay with and if so what are they?
Done to prevent millions from dying. People are stupid in general and unless you force them to not go out by closing several choice businesses temporarily they will just have spread the virus around quickly. Remember why we did this and realize it was a good move that saved tons more lives. Businesses have the choice to reopen depending on their circumstances. Many in GA don't want to.
After reading some of the post in this thread, I agree with your statement 100%.
Oh, baloney on it's the medias fault. They were presenting this exactly as it needed to be. This is a serious situation. This wasn't an attempt to get Trump. Trump trying to downplay it early on was a huge mistake. If he had taken it seriously long before when he was first told about it, we could have avoided a lot of what happened. They had a playbook and they chose not to follow it.
Stop wasting your time responding to me. I hate putting people on ignore so just hit the dislike button and move on. I have already been suspended for a week once and don't want my blood pressure to go up due to someone else's stupidity....

And for the record mods, I'm not attacking the dude ;-)
So only insanely unconstitutional, not just normal unconstitutional? Are there degrees of unconstitutional that you are okay with and if so what are they?
See above post about wasting your time...….Just hit the dislike button like you always do and go about your business

Done to prevent millions from dying. People are stupid in general and unless you force them to not go out by closing several choice businesses temporarily they will just have spread the virus around quickly. Remember why we did this and realize it was a good move that saved tons more lives. Businesses have the choice to reopen depending on their circumstances. Many in GA don't want to.
Millions from dying? The whole world deaths from this virus are just now getting to 250k. So you day people are stupid in general. I agree but could those stupid people be the ones ruining millions of lives by closing the economy? Could they also be the ones the believe this virus is much worse than it really is? I agree to the Sip and lockdown till end of April but we can’t stay shut down another month or two. All those that want to stay shut down give no answers or solutions to knowing this virus is still going to be here when we do open up and fall/winter it starts spreading again. Are we to continue to open and close every time it shows up? I am not meaning to sound disrespectful but can we not all come to the agreement is we will all be exposed to this virus eventually no matter how much testing is done.
There's a lot more to it than that. People will contract it, yes, but slowing the spread allowed hospitals time to prepare and get set for the spread, as well as prevented the influx that would have forced hospitals to decide who they treat and who dies because they can't get care. If they contract it later on in the fall, hospitals already know what to do and the extra space created will be put to use. Since we slowed its spread down significantly, we avoided the deaths that would be caused by people being refused medical care by the masses. The virus without treatment and severe symptoms leads to death, not just getting the virus itself.
Good answer but these are assumptions that hospitals would be flooded. NY the worse hit never even used the ship. LA never was maxed in cases. Some state’s never really locked down. All those kids on beach went back to their homes. There was no influx of them into hospitals. Yes the lockdowns possibly worked but come fall/winter chances are it’s going to be worse. As far as tx they did learn some work some don’t. Remember 98-99% survive and are fine.
It's amazing we arent having a major outbreak. It was a complete failure on the lockdowns. Too many non essential businesses. Went to lows to buy and build a garden box for growing our own vegetables something that is IMO necessary at the moment.

Instead there were 300 people inside buying blinds and paint and little old ladies buying flowers. I bailed after standing in line for 3 or 4 minutes and not moving at all.

I've never seen so many people at lowes at any other time ever.
Oh, baloney on it's the medias fault. They were presenting this exactly as it needed to be. This is a serious situation. This wasn't an attempt to get Trump. Trump trying to downplay it early on was a huge mistake. If he had taken it seriously long before when he was first told about it, we could have avoided a lot of what happened. They had a playbook and they chose not to follow it.
The media presented it exactly? Well they never showed the 98-99% that were just fine or mentioned it. Never saw plenty of pictures of people that had it and had no symptoms. As for hurting Trump I’m not assuming either. I do feel the media is liberal and wants socialism so they want to see the economy collapse. It’s past him downplaying it. Heard that over and over and over. Well that serious situation is economic collapse. Millions wo jobs and bankruptcies coming. So do you take that as serious as the virus itself?
Millions from dying? The whole world deaths from this virus are just now getting to 250k. So you day people are stupid in general. I agree but could those stupid people be the ones ruining millions of lives by closing the economy? Could they also be the ones the believe this virus is much worse than it really is? I agree to the Sip and lockdown till end of April but we can’t stay shut down another month or two. All those that want to stay shut down give no answers or solutions to knowing this virus is still going to be here when we do open up and fall/winter it starts spreading again. Are we to continue to open and close every time it shows up? I am not meaning to sound disrespectful but can we not all come to the agreement is we will all be exposed to this virus eventually no matter how much testing is done.
Did you not read what I said initially? MILLIONS DID NOT DIE because of the measures put in place. You act like the outcome wasn't possible because it didn't happen since we took a better path. Worldwide you understand countries took extreme measures as well, and given the numbers the US has compared to the world we could have seen millions dead by fall had this not been handled at all.

As far as exposure yes I already mentioned that involving the hospitals and medical care overall. We had time to study the virus and its spread so we won't need to shut down massively again.
Good answer but these are assumptions that hospitals would be flooded. NY the worse hit never even used the ship. LA never was maxed in cases. Some state’s never really locked down. All those kids on beach went back to their homes. There was no influx of them into hospitals. Yes the lockdowns possibly worked but come fall/winter chances are it’s going to be worse. As far as tx they did learn some work some don’t. Remember 98-99% survive and are fine.
You once more act like the outcome of flooded hospitals is impossible because we took a different route. LA shut everything down early and avoided what NY had. Hospitals would be flooded or people would die without medical assistance. Doing nothing in general would have resulted in millions dead. Another thing to note is that overall nationwide, we haven't peaked. We've slowed, but we haven't peaked.
It's amazing we arent having a major outbreak. It was a complete failure on the lockdowns. Too many non essential businesses. Went to lows to buy and build a garden box for growing our own vegetables something that is IMO necessary at the moment.

Instead there were 300 people inside buying blinds and paint and little old ladies buying flowers. I bailed after standing in line for 3 or 4 minutes and not moving at all.

I've never seen so many people at lowes at any other time ever.
It’s been like that since lockdowns happened. I was out Saturday and it was packed. Just maybe the virus is not as bad as thought? Lowe’s has been op en regularly and no major outbreaks with their employees. Bottom line those people chose to be out. Curious if this virus is so bad and dangerous why were you at Lowe’s? You could have ordered what you wanted online.
Millions from dying? The whole world deaths from this virus are just now getting to 250k. So you day people are stupid in general. I agree but could those stupid people be the ones ruining millions of lives by closing the economy? Could they also be the ones the believe this virus is much worse than it really is? I agree to the Sip and lockdown till end of April but we can’t stay shut down another month or two. All those that want to stay shut down give no answers or solutions to knowing this virus is still going to be here when we do open up and fall/winter it starts spreading again. Are we to continue to open and close every time it shows up? I am not meaning to sound disrespectful but can we not all come to the agreement is we will all be exposed to this virus eventually no matter how much testing is done.
I would add the actual total death count is likely far higher than the 250k number. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s over a million. There’s got to be a lot of missed cases and deaths in developing countries, especially. For example, the 2009 H1N1 swine flu epidemic only had around 18k laboratory confirmed deaths, but it is estimated to have killed 150k-500k deaths in actuality. I doubt the ratio of confirmed against actual deaths is that far off this time given Covid-19 testing seems more robust, but I would expect the actual death toll to be far higher than 250k.
Did you not read what I said initially? MILLIONS DID NOT DIE because of the measures put in place. You act like the outcome wasn't possible because it didn't happen since we took a better path. Worldwide you understand countries took extreme measures as well, and given the numbers the US has compared to the world we could have seen millions dead by fall had this not been handled at all.

As far as exposure yes I already mentioned that involving the hospitals and medical care overall. We had time to study the virus and its spread so we won't need to shut down massively again.

You once more act like the outcome of flooded hospitals is impossible because we took a different route. LA shut everything down early and avoided what NY had. Hospitals would be flooded or people would die without medical assistance. Doing nothing in general would have resulted in millions dead. Another thing to note is that overall nationwide, we haven't peaked. We've slowed, but we haven't peaked.

The evidence does suggest we have peaked nationwide, though. Yesterday was the lowest death count of the month and today looks like it may come in even lower. There are weekend effects which distort things, but it’s also lower than past Sundays. Tomorrow’s count will be interesting as Tuesdays are usually the worst reporting days. Additionally, while cases haven’t fallen much, the proportion of positive results against tests are much lower than they were a few weeks ago. There are reasons to be encouraged now. Hopefully, we don’t ruin it by opening everything up too soon, though.
Well bye bye NJ economy
I don’t think this is good. People are going to start ignoring these lockdowns if there is no end date in sight. They should’ve at least set it to expire at the end of May and then extend it in a month if needed. The NY metro area is definitely on the downward side of the curve.

The economic damage of these lockdowns is going to be catastrophic in the coming years. Really sucks for college graduates now, much worse than even 2009. The CBO is predicting nearly 10% unemployment persisting through the end of 2021 now, which is insane. I do support the lockdowns (and I support Gov. Cooper’s decision to extend NC’s through May 8th), but at the same time we need to end them as soon as we can to avoid further damage.
I don’t think this is good. People are going to start ignoring these lockdowns if there is no end date in sight. They should’ve at least set it to expire at the end of May and then extend it in a month if needed. The NY metro area is definitely on the downward side of the curve.

The economic damage of these lockdowns is going to be catastrophic in the coming years. Really sucks for college graduates now, much worse than even 2009. The CBO is predicting nearly 10% unemployment persisting through the end of 2021 now, which is insane. I do support the lockdowns (and I support Gov. Cooper’s decision to extend NC’s through May 8th), but at the same time we need to end them as soon as we can to avoid further damage.
We’re just getting started on the economic collapse. Add that to the virus still here and probably will be here in fall/winter with the flu. That a recipe for a perfect storm. I do find it interesting most states staying locked down are run by Democratic governors.
It's amazing we arent having a major outbreak. It was a complete failure on the lockdowns. Too many non essential businesses. Went to lows to buy and build a garden box for growing our own vegetables something that is IMO necessary at the moment.

Instead there were 300 people inside buying blinds and paint and little old ladies buying flowers. I bailed after standing in line for 3 or 4 minutes and not moving at all.

I've never seen so many people at lowes at any other time ever.
We aren’t having a major outbreak because the virus is not nearly as deadly as hyped. I said this two months ago and it’s still the same today.
We took the proper measures to prevent it from being as deadly as predicted. How do you not understand that?
They don't. They'll never get it. This was already predicted back when the shutdowns started saying these folks will say see, the shutdown was unnecessary. But that's cause they worked like they were supposed to. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to get these folks to understand that. You can also see the Venn diagram of the folks that think this way matching up with a particular person politically too.
They don't. They'll never get it. This was already predicted back when the shutdowns started saying these folks will say see, the shutdown was unnecessary. But that's cause they worked like they were supposed to. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to get these folks to understand that. You can also see the Venn diagram of the folks that think this way matching up with a particular person politically too.
Just as we see who are the socialist on this board
We took the proper measures to prevent it from being as deadly as predicted. How do you not understand that?
I agree we did. Now it’s past and we learned how to deal with it. Let’s move forward and open up slowly.
No. Dead people isnt equal economic hardship. How yall are still not grasping that is beyond me. Are yall truly that dismissive of lives lost?
It goes both ways. It seems to me the ones that are most vocal against opening up are the ones that have stable jobs and incomes without any problems during this pandemic.. I'm one of those people I have not missed a paycheck... but I remember what it's like to struggle and not have enough money to pay my bills.. I'm not staying we need to open up everything right away all I'm saying is that it's a complex situation and just because someone wants to work or supports letting workers go back is not something to be demonized.
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