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Political Thread

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sigh. If have a temp it’s already too late. One can be spreading it days before running a temp. ??‍♂️
If you are that worried about getting the virus. I would ask her this. Why are you going to NY expecting to not be exposed. Why don’t you just drive your arse to NY? That there is a lady that is an idiot and wanting attention and create panic. Bet you she sues the airline. Quick money she is thinking.
Well Is CA inching closer to Social unrest? Govt. stepping on liberties.

They are not stepping on liberties, you dont have the liberty to do things that endanger the public....the Gov even says they are not issuing citations etc at this point and said its ok as long as people are SMART about it and practice distancing etc. However if there are large tight groups of people then they certainly should break that up.

From the article you linked…….please tell me what is out of bounds or infringing on liberties about that statement....

Newsom said he would not direct state police or park rangers to issue citations to individuals who were just out quietly with their children or walking their dogs.

"I don’t want to be punitive," he said. "They just want to take a rest on the beach and all of a sudden they get a citation - I don’t want to see that. But if there are people thumbing their nose and taking a risk… I think we may have to do a little bit more."
Well look at it this way. Those people will have it and maybe have antibodies to it when it gets more severe in fall if does. You will get it Webber just like all of us will. So karma will come knocking on your door eventually also. You can’t hide in your cave forever. Wow celebrating people getting the virus? You are mentally insane also like me! That was your diagnosis of me.

You also previously stated you agreed with human sacrifices at the sake of the economy (in concurrence w/ the Lt governor of Texas), it's pretty obviously who's mentally insane here.
SOOOO, if it were left wingers saying this, I'm sure you'd have a problem with it too, correct? While in your mind, I'm sure you think it's ALL right wingers doing the protests because in your left leaning mind, you can't picture left leaning people stooping so low as to suggest the economy opening up. While it is probably a majority of people who don't think like you, I'd hold back white washing (no that's not racist) this.

Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Hold large public mass gatherings protesting COVID-19 lockdown that violate stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures then have some in your corner claim it's still a big hoax w/ "fake nurses", you're gonna get exactly what's coming to you. Stupid is as stupid does & karma is a b____.

Also fyi, I'm not a democrat.
If you are that worried about getting the virus. I would ask her this. Why are you going to NY expecting to not be exposed. Why don’t you just drive your arse to NY? That there is a lady that is an idiot and wanting attention and create panic. Bet you she sues the airline. Quick money she is thinking.

I just don't have any sympathy for someone traveling in an aircraft with hundreds of other people, especially when thousands of other people could have been on that plan in the last day or two. The employees can't scrub everything, particularly the ventilation ducts - a cool, dry, and dark surface for viruses to "chill out" for a considerable time.

Sue the company? There might be some jury out there that is dumb enough to find in her favor, but I don't know if there's a judge out there that will allow such a frivolous suit to escape dismissal at the initial or discovery stage of the suit. It's a pandemic. You are responsible for wearing PPE and social distancing. Given the nature of flights, you assume the risk by going to that airport and getting on that plane. The airline would have to be grossly negligent (eg. violate a statute), which factually and proximately caused an infection. Maybe they owed a duty of care that requires them to test people before they enter the aircraft, but is that mandatory under the law and did they?

A lot to consider, but I"m with you. If you go on a plane, you assume the risk that you may get the virus. Airports are a hotspot for the coronavirus, and that's been conclusively demonstrated by the experiences in Europe and the NYC Metropolitan area.
They are not stepping on liberties, you dont have the liberty to do things that endanger the public....the Gov even says they are not issuing citations etc at this point and said its ok as long as people are SMART about it and practice distancing etc. However if there are large tight groups of people then they certainly should break that up.

From the article you linked…….please tell me what is out of bounds or infringing on liberties about that statement....

Newsom said he would not direct state police or park rangers to issue citations to individuals who were just out quietly with their children or walking their dogs.

"I don’t want to be punitive," he said. "They just want to take a rest on the beach and all of a sudden they get a citation - I don’t want to see that. But if there are people thumbing their nose and taking a risk… I think we may have to do a little bit more."
Endangering the public? If all those people are out and about. How is dangerous? Every single individual that is out. Is out because they choose to be. If someone is feeling endangered then they should stay home. It’s an easy choice.
Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Hold large public mass gatherings protesting COVID-19 lockdown that violate stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures then have some in your corner claim it's still a big hoax w/ "fake nurses", you're gonna get exactly what's coming to you. Stupid is as stupid does & karma is a b____.

Also fyi, I'm not a democrat.
And I'm not a republican....but you're extremely left leaning by what you say. I like your weather talk, but have a hard time following your logic outside of weather. I had to drop you from twitter because of so much ranting outside of weather, which is a shame.

Yes, it's ironic, but I would never cheer for anyone to get the virus. We're probably all going to get it anyway, or at least a majority of us will, or have already had it.

Honestly, I should just stick to the weather boards since that's much more enjoyable than reading some of these comments.
Endangering the public? If all those people are out and about. How is dangerous? Every single individual that is out. Is out because they choose to be. If someone is feeling endangered then they should stay home. It’s an easy choice.
You better hope the businesses that are reopening are sympathetic to the employees who still don't want to go out then. Otherwise your entire statement is void.
You also previously stated you agreed with human sacrifices at the sake of the economy (in concurrence w/ the Lt governor of Texas), it's pretty obviously who's mentally insane here.
Well if you were a Doctor for real then you would be calling many many mentally insane. You are an intelligent individual that is no doubt. I do enjoy your write ups about wx. I see someone that is willing to sacrifice millions of people’s lives and futures for a virus. Yes shutting down for this time was good but you being an intelligent man can surely realize we can’t hide from this virus forever and can not keep shutting down the economy. Yes 50k have lost their lives but how many were already having medical conditions. Do you really believe there will not be any suffering and deaths that are much greater than these 50k deaths? Do you think homelessness and poverty do not lead to deaths and diseases?
You better hope the businesses that are reopening are sympathetic to the employees who still don't want to go out then. Otherwise your entire statement is void.
I would hope the businesses are but if they are fired they can file unemployment. I would hope the businesses give them 3 months which is what the unemployment is and the PPP stimulus. After that then they have to come back. During the time that employee does not work then hire someone as temporary in there place and you have someone to cover them if they do not come back. There will be plenty looking for work. What if police and firefighters and medical personnel all did not want to work because of fear. The fear this has brought on people amaze me. We will have a society full of people that are petrified of catching a cold thinking it’s the virus. Children will be scared. We will be dealing with a lot of ptsd in people and children. If you think we wont just research some of the articles showing it’s already happening. People have died and more will die but the damage psychologically to the mass numbers will make those deaths seem mute in coming years. Adding to that the economic depression. Fear has made so many scared to even function.
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And I'm not a republican....but you're extremely left leaning by what you say. I like your weather talk, but have a hard time following your logic outside of weather. I had to drop you from twitter because of so much ranting outside of weather, which is a shame.

Yes, it's ironic, but I would never cheer for anyone to get the virus. We're probably all going to get it anyway, or at least a majority of us will, or have already had it.

Honestly, I should just stick to the weather boards since that's much more enjoyable than reading some of these comments.

Amen Brother! I've started posting stuff in the Weather forum to decompress from all the ugliness, shame and barbarism this thread has brought down upon all of us. The problem is that a political discussion with a science/meteorology-fanboys is just too fun to ignore, because I know there's intelligence among the forum members. I thoroughly enjoy watching a bunch of people like us devolving into children and cavemen when we're all actually very nice to each other outside the thread. Even I lost my head a couple times, including one post where I told an older forum member/moderator to "grow up" cause the only color I could see is read.

If weather is pretty stagnant as it is for me in South Florida, go to the stock market thread. Good information with a bunch of fun guys all playing low-stakes "craps" on the economy. There's at least one poster has with an ingenious. interesting, and practical idea every day. It's also fun to watch people complain about their losses, and tell every body "if ONLY" they had done this instead of that. Eh... I like it.
Of course. Headlines are now top ER doc commits suicide. Let’s focus on cases & deaths and not how people are losing all they have. Homelessness and poverty and regular suicides from the depression this fear has brought on.
Endangering the public? If all those people are out and about. How is dangerous? Every single individual that is out. Is out because they choose to be. If someone is feeling endangered then they should stay home. It’s an easy choice.

Because if they are infected and asymptomatic and go out to the beach and hang around other people they are infecting them, then those people may go home to people who DONT go out because they do feel endangered, or go to their workplace and spread it etc....
Look, I don't agree with these "open up" protesters and understand why federal/state/local governments acted as they did because elected leaders have to show like they're doing "something" to protect citizens, but... can someone explain why Sweden has had, relatively, so much success fighting this virus without taking anywhere near as drastic actions as we took...

The Predicted Coronavirus Catastrophe Hasn’t Arrived In Sweden. What’s Next?

Population of Sweden is 10 million; roughly the same population as North Carolina. Stockholm is a larger city than both Raleigh and Charlotte. Their hospitals haven't been overrun (far from it) and there is capacity available to tread the sick. I realize hindsight is 20/20 so I'm not criticizing any public official for decisions they made in the public's best interest (which, politics aside, I hope we can agree that's why decisions to 'lock down' were made), but I would also hope that as we see other countries having success at handling this virus by taking different approach that we'd be receptive to adapting our policies accordingly. That's probably naive, but...
They have a far superior medical system for one. And better social support networks.
LOL......Partner I understand negativity. I understand panic. I understand pessimism and I absolutely understand "realism". Negativity, fear and panic are why people do stupid things and make irrational decisions. I cant tell you how many times I sat in on a briefing before an op and we had number crunchers going over the "reality" of how many guys we could lose. The majority of the time we all came back! You know why? Because we didn't allow our feelings or the worst possible scenario to depict or fate. I use my combat experience a lot here and no this isn't combat but it does relate to how people perceive the potential outcome of a bad situation
I'll tell you one thing, you can't seem to make a single post without bringing your military experience into it.
Because if they are infected and asymptomatic and go out to the beach and hang around other people they are infecting them, then those people may go home to people who DONT go out because they do feel endangered, or go to their workplace and spread it etc....
Many could be asymptomatic and have no clue. I would hope they would not be around others that are high risk but that’s their choices to make. If they are going back home I would hope those in the house would not allow them back into the house if scared they might be endangered. Heck don’t even let them out of house to avoid any endangerment. If someone is at work and fearful of getting it then again stay home. Easy solution if anyone feels endangered by being around anyone then stay indoors and have everything delivered to your house. Don’t let anyone in or out of your home if you don’t want any chance of exposure. Even the packages delivered will need to be sanitized.
Just because I'm not a Trump supporter doesn't mean that I don't find CNN's blatant anti-Trump bias kind of annoying despite Trump asking for a lot of it with his own obnoxious behavior. I mean CNN used to be the most balanced cable news network by far. Also, they gave Trump more airtime in 2015 than any other network because it gave them ratings.

Related to this, the Chris Cuomo apparent fake quarantine is bothering me.
I'll tell you one thing, you can't seem to make a single post without bringing your military experience into it.
Well he did sacrifice for this country and our freedoms. I’d say he learned a lot and went thru hell. So he deserves respect. You say you served? How many years and what branch and rank? How old are you? Also you always make sure to give thumbs down and love bringing up socialist views. You were very vague on answering the your views comment. So do you believe in free healthcare for ALL? Free education/colleges?
Just because I'm not a Trump supporter doesn't mean that I don't find CNN's blatant anti-Trump bias kind of annoying despite Trump asking for a lot of it with his own obnoxious behavior. I mean CNN used to be the most balanced cable news network by far. Also, they gave Trump more airtime in 2015 than any other network because it gave them ratings.

Related to this, the Chris Cuomo apparent fake quarantine is bothering me.
Did he really fake it?
Did he really fake it?

There's a story out there about him (and his family?) encountering a biker supposedly during his quarantine period and this was possibly in another city. I need to dig into this more.
Well he did sacrifice for this country and our freedoms. I’d say he learned a lot and went thru hell. So he deserves respect. You say you served? How many years and what branch and rank? How old are you? Also you always make sure to give thumbs down and love bringing up socialist views. You were very vague on answering the your views comment. So do you believe in free healthcare for ALL? Free education/colleges?
Hahaha okay buddy, I don't owe you any explanations. If there's one thing that annoys me about some fellow vets, it's when they can't stop talking about their service like it gives them some extra authority on a topic over others.
And yes, I do believe we should take care of the health of all humans. We can easily afford it.
There's a story out there about him (and his family?) encountering a biker supposedly during his quarantine period and this was possibly in another city. I need to dig into this more.
As a moderate who leans slightly left (there I said it!), I agree CNN has gone noticeably more left of center in recent years. (although not to the degree most on here would argue)

That said, I doubt he faked it. Too much risk of it being discovered. Also, political fallout would affect his brother too. People love a good conspiracy theory.
There's a story out there about him (and his family?) encountering a biker supposedly during his quarantine period and this was possibly in another city. I need to dig into this more.
I saw the bike rider being interviewed. Pretty sure it happened.
Stop wasting your time responding to me. I hate putting people on ignore so just hit the dislike button and move on. I have already been suspended for a week once and don't want my blood pressure to go up due to someone else's stupidity....

And for the record mods, I'm not attacking the dude ;-)
Oh so you're playing "I'll respond to who I want, but nobody respond to me if you dispute my points"...
An elevated flu season was most likely. Without the hype, most people would have not even known there was a corona virus component.
Man you are so wrong here. I have 2 kids who are MDs... one of them is intubating Covid patients in Texas. One of my best friends is a pulmonologist. I've talked to all of them and all of them say this is not anything like the flu... it is more contagious, less understood, and affects people in different ways and they don't know why yet
Oh so you're playing "I'll respond to who I want, but nobody respond to me if you dispute my points"...
Do you have an issue with me telling them to find somebody else's buttons to push? Its not a rule here that you have to respond right? I really wanted to say something else but I just got off a weeks ban so I took the high road
Do you have an issue with me telling them to find somebody else's buttons to push? Its not a rule here that you have to respond right? I really wanted to say something else but I just got off a weeks ban so I took the high road
Well maybe you shouldn't respond to so many people all the time. It's no rule to respond but telling people they have no right to respond to you makes you sound like an ego case, especially if you keep responding to them. It's like forcing someone to have a 1 sided conversation with you and you do all the talking. Sometimes read more and talk less is a good move to put in.
Well maybe you shouldn't respond to so many people all the time. It's no rule to respond but telling people they have no right to respond to you makes you sound like an ego case, especially if you keep responding to them. It's like forcing someone to have a 1 sided conversation with you and you do all the talking. Sometimes read more and talk less is a good move to put in.
My point was that it was time for all unproductive conversations between myself and those 2 individuals to end. I never told them they have no "right" to respond to me. That's ridiculous. If someone "politely" said the same thing to me I would have zero issues with it so I'm not sure what the big deal is.
Man you are so wrong here. I have 2 kids who are MDs... one of them is intubating Covid patients in Texas. One of my best friends is a pulmonologist. I've talked to all of them and all of them say this is not anything like the flu... it is more contagious, less understood, and affects people in different ways and they don't know why yet
No offense against health workers, but for 99% of the people that get the corona virus, it’s like a flu infection. Health workers on the front see a disproportionate number of the worst cases. They should not be allowed to dictate public policy at a state level. We need to listen to the epidemiologists and balance that with courage and protection of our constitutionally protected freedoms.
You also previously stated you agreed with human sacrifices at the sake of the economy (in concurrence w/ the Lt governor of Texas), it's pretty obviously who's mentally insane here.

Oh give it a rest. People are dying from the lockdown. A strong economy keeps people working for a living wages so they can buy life's necessities, and history has provided us with plenty of examples of the horrifying consequences that befall humanity when people have their jobs, livelihood, and rights stripped from them. We locked the country down and hopefully we've learned something. If things get out of control, we'll lock a down again, and I'll make no apologies for it. Trying and failing is better than not trying at all. I'm not going to let someone's fascist view on lockdowns dictate to me the reasons we should let young men die in the street from an overdose, gunshot, hunger, or homelessness. I'm not going support fathers, mothers and children be abused and killed cause you think it's right sacrifice them for other vulnerable sects of our society. The solution for them is to continue practicing social distancing, wear protective equipment, and for god sake turn off the AC, blast the humidifier, drink hot liquids, and raise the temperature in your domicile to 80 degrees before a doctor has no choice but to intubate you with a tube blowing dry oxygen into your lungs.
Oh give it a rest. People are dying from the lockdown. A strong economy keeps people working for a living wages so they can buy life's necessities, and history has provided us with plenty of examples of the horrifying consequences that befall humanity when people have their jobs, livelihood, and rights stripped from them. We locked the country down and hopefully we've learned something. If things get out of control, we'll lock a down again, and I'll make no apologies for it. Trying and failing is better than not trying at all. I'm not going to let someone's fascist view on lockdowns dictate to me the reasons we should let young men die in the street from an overdose, gunshot, hunger, or homelessness. I'm not going support fathers, mothers and children be abused and killed cause you think it's right sacrifice them for other vulnerable sects of our society. The solution for them is to continue practicing social distancing, wear protective equipment, and for god sake turn off the AC, blast the humidifier, drink hot liquids, and raise the temperature in your domicile to 80 degrees before a doctor has no choice but to intubate you with a tube blowing dry oxygen into your lungs.
The pro-life party strikes again! Gotta save the economy first!
The pro-life party strikes again! Gotta save the economy first!
Do you really think that a socialist economy is going to be better for you in the long run? Yes, the economy is priority over all. If you don't have an economy, you can't pay for all of the life-saving medicines and health workers that you need to survive into old age. The number one reason life expectancy has increased to 75 years of age is because of a robust free-market economy that encourages and rewards innovation which drives the technology you need to push your life span beyond 50 years of age.
Do you really think that a socialist economy is going to be better for you in the long run? Yes, the economy is priority over all. If you don't have an economy, you can't pay for all of the life-saving medicines and health workers that you need to survive into old age. The number one reason life expectancy has increased to 75 years of age is because of a robust free-market economy that encourages and rewards innovation which drives the technology you need to push your life span beyond 50 years of age.

Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world. They also have a universal health care system.
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