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Political Thread

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So half of NY can not pay their rents and 92k homeless that article says? Well they just need to be told sacrificing was worth it. They saved millions of lives. You will only be on streets for a short time. You will all be ok is what I was told.
So half of NY can not pay their rents and 92k homeless that article says? Well they just need to be told sacrificing was worth it. They saved millions of lives. You will only be on streets for a short time. You will all be ok is what I was told.
Being in the streets is better than dead they said!

Did you guys catch this "She said...others are having to choose to potentially expose themselves to the virus by continuing to work." Changed the entire complexion of the article for me
Did you guys catch this "She said...others are having to choose to potentially expose themselves to the virus by continuing to work." Changed the entire complexion of the article for me

Have you seen the rant by the guy onFacebook. He really had the best idea but its profanity laden so i wont post it.
Did you guys catch this "She said...others are having to choose to potentially expose themselves to the virus by continuing to work." Changed the entire complexion of the article for me
Its a tough situation to be in. Go to work and take the risk of getting infected. Company sends you home where you may or may not have a job to go back to.
Lack of response, lack of response, lack of response over and over and over again. You dwell on it trying to make it into something that harmed this country and its just not true man. You want to punish him for not panicking and making rash decisions. Its real easy to do that when you have never had to make decisions that affect lives. I dont care if it's your platoon or 300 million people, what you see as a lack of response is good leadership. Maybe you've never been around an actual leader in your life.....
Lol, dude it is catastrophic leadership. You should look in the mirror with that last statement, at least based on what you say on this forum.
“during the president’s tenure, every part of our preparedness and infectious disease program activity has been enhanced and expanded.” that is a direct qoute from Alex Azar in an ABC news article about this very topic....Sure you can place blame on a lot of people for not being prepared "enough" for an unprecedented pandemic. But no you choose to blame 1 person and 1 person only and the wrong person at that. Why? Because you are simply a sore loser who cant get over 2016.
His statement is just false, a lie. You know it, I know it. Who wouldn't you deny the truth to? You would support that President if he shot someone on fifth avenue, wouldn't you?
Trump and WH Coronovirus Team, American citizen, frontline people have done a great job.
Did you guys catch this "She said...others are having to choose to potentially expose themselves to the virus by continuing to work." Changed the entire complexion of the article for me
Well they are choosing. If they are scared then stay home and locked up. No one. Not one person is making anyone come outta their homes. They can tell their employer that they are scared and not going to work. You said you are worried about your employer cutting staff. If people don’t get out then most likely they will cut because if people are not working they have no money to spend. If they get to far behind then the bills and getting outta debt becomes first priorities. Less money companies make less employees they will have. I just don’t get why people that are scared can’t stay home and let the others get out that want to. This includes medical personnel. The hospitals in most areas are not overrun. So stay home. If someone is scared of spreading the virus or catching it. Then they should not even have to get out. Everything can be ordered online. Grocery stores I can assure you have had the virus exposed inside them. Absolutely guaranteed. It’s on surfaces, in air, on packages. No avoiding it.
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Well they are choosing. If they are scared then stay home and locked up. No one. Not one person is making anyone come outta their homes. They can tell their employer that they are scared and not going to work. You said you are worried about your employer cutting staff. If people don’t get out then most likely they will cut because if people are not working they have no money to spend. If they get to far behind then the bills and getting outta debt becomes first priorities. Less money companies make less employees they will have.

The problem though is that those people "choosing to work" have income so why should they go on a rent strike if they are still working? Sounds like they want something for nothing? Socialism as you call it.
The problem though is that those people "choosing to work" have income so why should they go on a rent strike if they are still working? Sounds like they want something for nothing? Socialism as you call it.
So what do you want those people to do? I’m confused. You say they should not go out. So do they demand free rent or mortgage? But now you say they want something for free? So do they work or don’t work? If they asked you what they should do what would you tell them? Remembering you still choose to go to work and risk exposing yourself or others to the virus. Especially going to Lowe’s the other day. So how do you handle this? Show Trump how you would.
His statement is just false, a lie. You know it, I know it. Who wouldn't you deny the truth to? You would support that President if he shot someone on fifth avenue, wouldn't you?
Did you support Hillary? Just curious. Oh I’m sure you probably won’t answer that. Just like you will not say what branch or how many years or rank you are. I am around military a lot. They don’t hide it. They are proud of their sacrifice. If someone asks they tell.
Did you support Hillary? Just curious. Oh I’m sure you probably won’t answer that. Just like you will not say what branch or how many years or rank you are. I am around military a lot. They don’t hide it. They are proud of their sacrifice. If someone asks they tell.
Veterans deserve our respect. Even if they don't agree with us politically.
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