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Political Thread

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This article is from March 20. I don’t make anything up. Numbers don’t lie. Those that think this is not bad and we will recover quickly have no understanding on how economics and economies work.
Anyway we agree to disagree. As SD said we’ve beat this dead horse enough. Let’s just see what happens and hope for best.
I can't tell exactly what you're arguing for, but maybe that's my fault. Let's try it again.

I know you want to reopen as soon as possible. Do you want to reopen tomorrow or just sooner than when we've planned? When we reopen, do you want no restrictions or just less than the gradual ones we'll have?
I can't tell exactly what you're arguing for, but maybe that's my fault. Let's try it again.

I know you want to reopen as soon as possible. Do you want to reopen tomorrow or just sooner than when we've planned? When we reopen, do you want no restrictions or just less than the gradual ones we'll have?

He celebrated people ignoring mask laws so......this answer from him should be insightful.
I agree the media has an effect on people and even politicians. What I disagree with is how much the media affected how much we shutdown. I have a feeling you and I disagree on that quite strongly, so I hesitate to open up that can of worms, and to save everyone the trouble of having to read thru our posts. ?

As for the inevitable 2nd wave. I think (hope?) we will not treat it in the same fashion. Each state is opening up at different times, with various restrictions in place. The 2nd wave will likely effect places at different times. This gives the opportunity for us to look at data and see what worked and what didn't. We may be able to contain it with less restrictions than before. In fact, if we really overreached a bit on what we closed down, we should be able to see that with data pretty soon.
Did the media affect the shutdown? Not so much. What they are guilty of is creating the narrative that the president dropped the ball, that the information he provided to the public couldn't be trusted. It was negative, negative, negative 24/7 and most of it blaming Trump and spreading false information. Are they an enemy to the people of the United States? You may or may not have read a few of my post on Benghazi. It was personal to me. I lost a friend and comrade and that same media covered for people who should be in prison. Am I bitter towards the media? You damn right! The liberal media is made up of people I have an enormous amount of angst towards. This virus is no different.
I can't tell exactly what you're arguing for, but maybe that's my fault. Let's try it again.

I know you want to reopen as soon as possible. Do you want to reopen tomorrow or just sooner than when we've planned? When we reopen, do you want no restrictions or just less than the gradual ones we'll have?
I say open up now for the states that want to. Luckily here in TN we are opening up. My mom who is 72 a cancer survivor went to eat at a Mexican restaurant dine in she just told me. I’m happy she and her male friend went out to support a local restaurant. If the business requires people to wear a mask then I respect that. I will not go on a place that requires that. I say people continue to social distancing and do not go close to high risk people. Hopefully those that are high risk stay home and do not go out. My neighbor up the street yesterday came down and gave me a hug. His daughter hugged my daughter. Does not bother me. Actually had a customer Monday shake my hand. Did it bother me nope nor him. I say let the business decide the restrictions they want to have. Like here Home Depot limits people and stand in line and Lowe’s does not. I go to Lowe’s. Our church sent out survey about opening up. I believe it is going to start next Sunday.
Did the media affect the shutdown? Not so much. What they are guilty of is creating the narrative that the president dropped the ball, that the information he provided to the public couldn't be trusted. It was negative, negative, negative 24/7 and most of it blaming Trump and spreading false information. Are they an enemy to the people of the United States? You may or may not have read a few of my post on Benghazi. It was personal to me. I lost a friend and comrade and that same media covered for people who should be in prison. Am I bitter towards the media? You damn right! The liberal media is made up of people I have an enormous amount of angst towards. This virus is no different.

Trump bungled this end of story. The media told the truth and all.you have to do is go back and listen to his words and read his tweets for the 2 months this was barreling towards us.
Did the media affect the shutdown? Not so much. What they are guilty of is creating the narrative that the president dropped the ball, that the information he provided to the public couldn't be trusted. It was negative, negative, negative 24/7 and most of it blaming Trump and spreading false information. Are they an enemy to the people of the United States? You may or may not have read a few of my post on Benghazi. It was personal to me. I lost a friend and comrade and that same media covered for people who should be in prison. Am I bitter towards the media? You damn right! The liberal media is made up of people I have an enormous amount of angst towards. This virus is no different.
I'm sorry about your friend, and I respect the hell out of you as a vet.

Regardless of what the media feels about the President and who dropped the ball, he's left things up to the states on what to do now. We'll just have to see what happens, and hope we can get good data and that those in power act accordingly.
Smh. Glad I don’t live in states like NY, NJ, MI, CA etc. I guaranteed many will move from those states.
I'm sorry about your friend, and I respect the hell out of you as a vet.

Regardless of what the media feels about the President and who dropped the ball, he's left things up to the states on what to do now. We'll just have to see what happens, and hope we can get good data and that those in power act accordingly.
Thank you....The states need to be making the decisions on this IMO even if I dont totally support the decision. So many people want to focus on the negative. Its foolish and petty to do that. That BS should wait until we are in the clear of this but some people cant help but point fingers like a child arguing with a sibling
Not sure why shaggy is so upset with Trump. Trump making mistakes has helped Shaggy to make bank during this virus. ??‍♂️

We were already 24/7 I've been making bank. If anything trumps lack of a response has hurt us because of the older population dying. Those were our customers.
I say open up now for the states that want to. Luckily here in TN we are opening up. My mom who is 72 a cancer survivor went to eat at a Mexican restaurant dine in she just told me. I’m happy she and her male friend went out to support a local restaurant. If the business requires people to wear a mask then I respect that. I will not go on a place that requires that. I say people continue to social distancing and do not go close to high risk people. Hopefully those that are high risk stay home and do not go out. My neighbor up the street yesterday came down and gave me a hug. His daughter hugged my daughter. Does not bother me. Actually had a customer Monday shake my hand. Did it bother me nope nor him. I say let the business decide the restrictions they want to have. Like here Home Depot limits people and stand in line and Lowe’s does not. I go to Lowe’s. Our church sent out survey about opening up. I believe it is going to start next Sunday.

I agree with you we should continue social distancing for awhile.

But then you said your neighbor gave you a hug, and a customer shook your hand. Isn't that not social distancing?
We were already 24/7 I've been making bank. If anything trumps lack of a response has hurt us because of the older population dying. Those were our customers.
Lack of response, lack of response, lack of response over and over and over again. You dwell on it trying to make it into something that harmed this country and its just not true man. You want to punish him for not panicking and making rash decisions. Its real easy to do that when you have never had to make decisions that affect lives. I dont care if it's your platoon or 300 million people, what you see as a lack of response is good leadership. Maybe you've never been around an actual leader in your life.....
I agree with you we should continue social distancing for awhile.

But then you said your neighbor gave you a hug, and a customer shook your hand. Isn't that not social distancing?
It’s not but I am ok with it. I would not go up to others wo knowing them and their reactions. My father in law came over yesterday and his wife. In their 70’s. They hugged me. They said they are not scared. Willing to sacrifice seeing those they love.
Lack of response, lack of response, lack of response over and over and over again. You dwell on it trying to make it into something that harmed this country and its just not true man. You want to punish him for not panicking and making rash decisions. Its real easy to do that when you have never had to make decisions that affect lives. I dont care if it's your platoon or 300 million people, what you see as a lack of response is good leadership. Maybe you've never been around an actual leader in your life.....

How rash is it to give the funding asked for on Feb 5th to ramp up PPE stocks? How rash would that have been and instead he cut the demand significantly.

What he was saying on TV to calm panic as you say doesnt mean he couldnt have been working behind the scenes to prepare.
How rash is it to give the funding asked for on Feb 5th to ramp up PPE stocks? How rash would that have been and instead he cut the demand significantly.

What he was saying on TV to calm panic as you say doesnt mean he couldnt have been working behind the scenes to prepare.
“during the president’s tenure, every part of our preparedness and infectious disease program activity has been enhanced and expanded.” that is a direct qoute from Alex Azar in an ABC news article about this very topic....Sure you can place blame on a lot of people for not being prepared "enough" for an unprecedented pandemic. But no you choose to blame 1 person and 1 person only and the wrong person at that. Why? Because you are simply a sore loser who cant get over 2016.
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