I guess Trump should nuke Russia. That way everyone will be happy and satisfied
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Only if he rode the nuke over there
I guess Trump should nuke Russia. That way everyone will be happy and satisfied
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Trump just tweeted this a while ago...and people are worried about Biden being mentally impaired.....Roger Ailes died 3 years ago......he was Trump's to answer Trump's question.....Roger Ailes is dead, and Trump forgot he was dead.
He knows he’s dead. That’s what he meant like where is he
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Almost as embarrassing as asking a paralyzed man to stand up for an ovation as hes being honored.
Unbelievable. Wow. I’m at a lost of words to say if you think cooper has handled ANYTHING.
A lot will depend on what he does with the upcoming school year. People are patiently waiting for his decision. I am a Republican and I think he has handled the virus pretty well so far.Ok dodo bird, whatever you say.
He shut down the state earlier than some of his neighboring counterparts and has kept us w/ restrictions longer, he's also enforcing the statewide mandates, and his public messages have been fine. Doesn't matter what party he's affiliated with, if he was a republican you'd be heaping praise on him, but of course you're a total hypocrite and going to cherry-pick any minor thing he's done wrong to reinforce your own skewed personal views.
nope people will vote with their wallets all gyms bars and many more who never vote are coming out just to vote him out!!! Yay
I'm sure there's something in the middle between publically ignoring the situation and launching nuclear missiles.If Trump sent nukes at Russia how would people feel?
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No I don’t think there should be a mandatory $15 minimum wage. But I believe in giving businesses as much of a break as possible if they can give it back to there employees. Hiring higher wage better benefits etc.
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Minimum wage has remained stagnated while inflation drove up the prices of everything.
Taking into account tuition, room, board, and fees across 2,312 public and private colleges and universities in the U.S., the average price of an undergraduate degree increased $63,973, or roughly 161%, since 1987.
The four-year price of University of Central Florida, including tuition, fees and housing, has seen a 87% increase between 1987 and 2016, for a total difference of $28,772. A student making a part-time, minimum-wage salary could pay for 106.5% of University of Central Florida's cost in 1987, while an equivalent job would cover 68.2% in 2016. If this part-time salary is dedicated entirely towards school, in 2016 a student would need to find a way to pay the additional $19,648 that the part-time salary doesn't cover. With this degree now in hand, the average salary for an early-career, college-educated worker in the U.S. saw a 2.3% increase between 1987 and 2016, from $49,406 to $50,556.
Assuming these early-career salaries grow at an average of 3% annually, graduates of University of Central Florida in 2016 will need approximately 4 years and 9 months more time to pay off their student loans.
This is just a small indicator of how much things have increased in cost just since 1987. This research only goes up to 2016, so inflation and tuition have increased in those four years, but the minimum wage has not.
Armed St. Louis protesters broke iron gate, threatened couple before they drew their own guns, attorney says | Fox News
'We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed,' homeowner
Here’s the real story. These home owners had every right to draw guns. I would have done the same. Of course the fake news will twist it to make this couple look bad.
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I think they will just burn the country down because “voting” doesn’t work.If Trump somehow pulls a miracle like in 2016. I’m sure Dems will blame Russia again.
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I’d figure away around this would be to raise it higher for those say out of high school but keep in the same for those in high school. A lot of these places employee high schoolers anyways and their parents pay for everything so theirs no need in them making $15 an hour.But when you raise minimum wage to $15. Your dollar general and dollar trees and Ollie’s and roses bargain stores would probably be forced to shut down because they can’t afford that wage. Or no one would work no more the 10hrs a week. I mean some companies can afford $15 other businesses and companies can not. And if Democrats raise there taxes and minimum wage look for mass job loss.
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They had the right to have them displayed, but not point them at anyone. Once that happened it became a threat whether they were on their own property or not. Add to the fact that that stupid c*** had her booger hook on the bang lever and it looks a lot worse. Her muzzle discipline was complete shite. She muzzled the back of her husbands head for Gods sake!!
Point is, you can’t point a firearm at anyone without there being repercussions. You can hold it at the low ready position, but you can’t point it at anyone. That is an overt threat.
Hispanics love Trump!
I’d figure away around this would be to raise it higher for those say out of high school but keep in the same for those in high school. A lot of these places employee high schoolers anyways and their parents pay for everything so theirs no need in them making $15 an hour.
Then like I think someone had mentioned yesterday those companies would have to prove they were doing it by giving over records and idk how willing they would be but it is an option.Yes that would be one solution. Another solution is tax breaks for companies able and willing to pay a higher wage. Like the higher the wage the less your tax burden is.
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I understand that but they feared for there life. If you charge these two people for pointing a gun at people. Then all those protesters that had guns should be charged as well. Because apparently they threaten these two people life
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But when you raise minimum wage to $15. Your dollar general and dollar trees and Ollie’s and roses bargain stores would probably be forced to shut down because they can’t afford that wage. Or no one would work no more the 10hrs a week. I mean some companies can afford $15 other businesses and companies can not. And if Democrats raise there taxes and minimum wage look for mass job loss.
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At no time was their life in danger. I say this as a HUGE 2A advocate. No one pointed a gun at them. I’ve reviewed the video. She screwed up, plain and simple. Hell, her husband had the common sense to keep his weapon in the low ready position. She looked like a gang banger in South Central ready to pop a cap.
Do you know that for a fact? If so, present me with peer reviewed evidence. I can give you peer reviewed evidence of my statements. I have every citation. Do you want it in MLA or APA format?
Armed St. Louis protesters broke iron gate, threatened couple before they drew their own guns, attorney says | Fox News
'We were told that we would be killed, our home burned and our dog killed,' homeowner
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Lol there we go again assuming the video shows the whole story. Yes her poor management of that gun was highly embarrassing. But unless you was there you don’t know if they legitimately feared for there lives. I would suggest her to learn proper gun handling skills though
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Lol there we go again assuming the video shows the whole story. Yes her poor management of that gun was highly embarrassing. But unless you was there you don’t know if they legitimately feared for there lives. I would suggest her to learn proper gun handling skills though
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The mob is the weapon, tramadoc. When they have the superior numbers and age against you, then they don't need weapons. You do.There is neither videographic nor photographic evidence of anyone pointing weapons at them, therefore you only have their side. Their side which shows them actually pointing weapons at unarmed people. Unless you can show me proof by video or photo, your “evidence” is merely here say.
Would you like links to the appropriate laws and statutes that govern Saint Louis County and the State of Missouri? I can give you the exact laws of evidence along with the weapons laws she broke.
The mob is the weapon, tramadoc. When they have the superior numbers and age against you, then they don't need weapons. You do.
The mob is the weapon, tramadoc. When they have the superior numbers and age against you, then they don't need weapons. You do.