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Political Thread

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Joel Griffith (@joelgriffith) Tweeted:
NYC police intruded on a private room of Jews simply studying Torah (while 6 feet apart in accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines). Fines of $1000 each issued. @TheDiscipulus @HowardSlugh https://t.co/GUU9e72Xvy

These pathetic Hitler style leaders of these states & cities will be voted out when it’s time. They are showing they abuse power.
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Joel Griffith (@joelgriffith) Tweeted:
NYC police intruded on a private room of Jews simply studying Torah (while 6 feet apart in accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines). Fines of $1000 each issued. @TheDiscipulus @HowardSlugh https://t.co/GUU9e72Xvy

These pathetic Hitler style leaders of these states & cities will be voted out when it’s time. They are showing they abuse power.

They are getting what they voted for.
Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) Tweeted:
Mika Brzezinski presses Joe Biden on opening up his Senate records at the University of Delaware:

"Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records?"

"I am absolutely certain."

"If so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?" https://t.co/f2pCXiWCyd

Who’s ready for a debate between Biden & Trump? ?
Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) Tweeted:
Mika Brzezinski presses Joe Biden on opening up his Senate records at the University of Delaware:

"Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records?"

"I am absolutely certain."

"If so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?" https://t.co/f2pCXiWCyd

Who’s ready for a debate between Biden & Trump? ?

If he did anything it cannot come close to trumps abuses.
Never have seen what trump really is.
Well how have you not seen?
Lowest employment we ever had before this virus
No country would mess with us
Pride in America And to be an American was high
The economy was doing the best it has ever done
Military was coming home fromAfghanistan and Iraq
He started no wars Which some said he would
I don’t know how you don’t see how good he has done for this country the last four years
Wow. Now that governor is a complete moron. He should be in prison if one of those released harm any child or anyone.
Just maybe Americans will wake up and realize liberals like that never need to be in office.
Well how have you not seen?
Lowest employment we ever had before this virus
No country would mess with us
Pride in America And to be an American was high
The economy was doing the best it has ever done
Military was coming home fromAfghanistan and Iraq
He started no wars Which some said he would
I don’t know how you don’t see how good he has done for this country the last four years
All was well when it took office, I am more ashamed of this country than I have ever been.
We've known each other a long time on these various forums. You know I am a staunch 2A supporter. Protesting these shutdowns while armed is the most idiotic thing in the world. It does the gun owning community no good to have these yahoos seen as representative of us in any capacity. These 8 guys stand alone in their belief they need to be armed to protest a response to a virus. Embarrassing.

Yeah they should have been arrested without question as it is illegal to protest in NC with a gun. They are definitely white nationalist types. I gave them an earful when I passed by them.
Wow. Now that governor is a complete moron. He should be in prison if one of those released harm any child or anyone.
Just maybe Americans will wake up and realize liberals like that never need to be in office.

Not a fan of prisoner releases.
Well how have you not seen?
Lowest employment we ever had before this virus
No country would mess with us
Pride in America And to be an American was high
The economy was doing the best it has ever done
Military was coming home fromAfghanistan and Iraq
He started no wars Which some said he would
I don’t know how you don’t see how good he has done for this country the last four years

What? For the first time in our lifetime the official government of IRAN fired cruise missiles directly at our troops with blatant in your face rhetoric. Just this last week their boats were harassing our military vessels.

Foreign leaders have been caught in open mic ridiculing trump.

SOME trumpers are delusional!!!
Once again, we are left with two horrible choices.

Yep, there goes ole Joe with one of those signature slip ups. This time with a decimal point!

The question is, how much does it hurt him? There's a lot of Democrats that see these mistakes as kind of endearing, like when your grandpa is talking and he calls you by your brother's name instead of your own when you know he meant you. In fact, a lot of Republicans like Trump for the same reason when he makes similar mistakes.

Either way, each side will have a lot of ammunition to use against the other. Both campaigns will have a field day.
Any trump supporter who types that with a straight face deserves an oscar award.
It holds true for him as well. Who says he's immune to a government reset? If it comes to this, he goes in the garbage pile with the rest of them. He's a narcissist at the highest level for sure but as long as he champions liberty and the pursuit of happiness, he can stay, as far as I'm concerned. I don't agree with him on everything, but at the moment, what other viable options are there?
I think Whitmer needs to tell Trump and the protesters to go poop themselves.
I think if she does, there may be an uprising, because I doubt this group is as small as the media portrays. Also I don't trust the images. In fact, I'm at the point that if I can't see it, I'm not believing it. I'll trust only what's close to me. Everything else is just hearsay and entertaining stories.
What? For the first time in our lifetime the official government of IRAN fired cruise missiles directly at our troops with blatant in your face rhetoric. Just this last week their boats were harassing our military vessels.

Foreign leaders have been caught in open mic ridiculing trump.

SOME trumpers are delusional!!!
Some anti-trumpers are too. They're on both sides. The Trump supporters I can handle, the fascist Karen socialists, not so much.
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