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Political Thread

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Ok, no way Biden is going to be the Democratic presidential nominee. That poor old man has literally lost his mind. I thought it was going to be fun watching the memes and gaffes but it’s quickly getting really sad.
If the Dems keep their wagon hitched to him, Trump has residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave until 2024
well I said every politician is corrupt and sold their souls to get where they are.


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Sigh. Then have them stay at home and hire those that want to work. Give them the PPP stimulus. That’s 3 months of pay. After that cut their hours and let ones that wanted to work during virus have their jobs. Actually you could ask them if would like to be fired and they can claim unemployment benefits for 16-17 weeks. Another solution is make them wear full hazmat suits. Because next will be working with the flu is unsafe.
Well after reading it all. The lead organizer of all of this was fired by amazon for having people to a walkout with him for unsafe conditions. Can we say looking for free money.
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Thanks Ga. Well being outta CA tells me all Ineed to know ?

Umm no that's not how this works.

Fox News for ex has its headquarters in New York City, a very liberal part of the country, so we can assume they're automatically left-leaning? How about the Washington post (DC)? The Wall Street Journal (NYC)? The Drudge Report (DC)?

The very right leaning Breitbart News is also headquartered in California, does that tell you all you need to know?

Try again.
Actor Kevin Sorbo: ‘Wake Up People,’ When the State Does These Things ‘It’s Not About Your Health’
By Craig Bannister | April 20, 2020 | 11:16am EDT


Kevin Sorbo
(Getty Images/Leon Bennett)
Actor-Producer Kevin Sorbo is urging Americans to “Wake up” and see the dangers and hypocrisy of how “the State” is exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to grab power and limit freedom.
In a series of Sunday tweets, Sorbo (@KSorbs) warns that “it’s not about your health,” when the government tells citizens they can go to the store to buy one thing, but not another – or actually does the very thing it’s prohibiting.
Likewise, Sorbo says, it’s not about your health when the State says it’s too dangerous for you to walk in the park with your child, then puts dangerous criminals back on the street – or, when it tells you it’s safe to go in-person to a grocery store, but not to a voting station. Everybody please WAKE UP!!

Oh an actors opinion matters now?
The entitled covidiots were out again in Raleigh yesterday. This time we had a few Karens arrested and one guy for damaging the gate at the Governor's Mansion. These Trumper asshats need to stay out of Raleigh and stop the nonsense. Cooper doesn't care about 300 nutjobs who would never vote for him anyway.
Is it okay for people to go to Walmart for toys and clothes? Stop signaling out Home Depot when they sale a lot of essential home items like freezers, pipes, water, etc.
The entitled covidiots were out again in Raleigh yesterday. This time we had a few Karens arrested and one guy for damaging the gate at the Governor's Mansion. These Trumper asshats need to stay out of Raleigh and stop the nonsense. Cooper doesn't care about 300 nutjobs who would never vote for him anyway.
Already went through this last night in this thread. Do what you want but "might" want to tone it down just a bit. A lot of really good posters wont come near it anymore because of this crap
Is it okay for people to go to Walmart for toys and clothes? Stop signaling out Home Depot when they sale a lot of essential home items like freezers, pipes, water, etc.
Went to Home Depot for project supplies this weekend. They have lost my business forever. They had people lined up on the curb, in the sun for hours waiting to get in. Got mine through curbside pick-up, waited under the lumber canopy in my truck. Went to Lowe's after this and walked right in! Business as usual! Love my Lowe's! They have earned my loyalty!
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