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Political Thread

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I thought most places had them rope those areas off as it wasn't essential.
You guys really love it when the authorities tell you what you can buy and when! You should really go live in Russia or Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea, but you might not even like Russia as they have really opened up their economy to free market forces.
It's a pandemic, not normal times.
So when does the pandemic end? What does "normal" times look like? The flu is a pandemic every year. Ya'll gonna want strong government control of everyone's lives then, too? This pandemic is looking more and more like every flu pandemic that happens every year.

You have to admit you love the government telling you what to do, though, and giving you my tax money without you having to work for it. You can't take a 2 to 3 month long vacation on someone else's dime! Do you feel like you deserve this?
I have not seen any areas roped off. The only thing Wilkes is doing differently is enforcing limit of 1 person household and some stores strictly not letting kids in. Workers are watching cars who pull up with more than 1 person.
Went to Home Depot for project supplies this weekend. They have lost my business forever. They had people lined up on the curb, in the sun for hours waiting to get in. Got mine through curbside pick-up, waited under the lumber canopy in my truck. Went to Lowe's after this and walked right in! Business as usual! Love my Lowe's! They have earned my loyalty!
Agree Lowe’s rocks! I know several that will not go to Home Depot now. The governors need to make it clear to those that are scared to death of catching this virus to not come out of your homes for anything. Just order everything on line. Trust the govt. to take care of you!?
You guys really love it when the authorities tell you what you can buy and when! You should really go live in Russia or Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea, but you might not even like Russia as they have really opened up their economy to free market forces.
Maybe one day the socialists will move outta this country. I’m curious Webber you work at a grocery chain. Surely you do not go to work during these times and risk spreading this virus? Steven do you work?
So when does the pandemic end? What does "normal" times look like? The flu is a pandemic every year. Ya'll gonna want strong government control of everyone's lives then, too? This pandemic is looking more and more like every flu pandemic that happens every year.

You have to admit you love the government telling you what to do, though, and giving you my tax money without you having to work for it. You can't take a 2 to 3 month long vacation on someone else's dime! Do you feel like you deserve this?
That’s what socialist want. They want everyone to share. Even those that are lazy and never work.
The entitled covidiots were out again in Raleigh yesterday. This time we had a few Karens arrested and one guy for damaging the gate at the Governor's Mansion. These Trumper asshats need to stay out of Raleigh and stop the nonsense. Cooper doesn't care about 300 nutjobs who would never vote for him anyway.
What a ------ governor if he doesn't care about all his constituents, of course, a freaking communist would be ok with some people just not having a voice. A lot, probably most, of those people are likely from Raleigh and the surrounding area. College kids, yall just dont get it.
So when does the pandemic end? What does "normal" times look like? The flu is a pandemic every year. Ya'll gonna want strong government control of everyone's lives then, too? This pandemic is looking more and more like every flu pandemic that happens every year.

You have to admit you love the government telling you what to do, though, and giving you my tax money without you having to work for it. You can't take a 2 to 3 month long vacation on someone else's dime! Do you feel like you deserve this?

The flu isn't a pandemic every year. It's no where near contagious either.

I don't love the government telling me what to do. Not sure why you keep assuming that. I'm certainly not taking a vacation on anyone's dime either.
A real question here for the trump supporters. It seems as though this socialism word is all the new rage. I get that it is not a viable form govt and is dangerous.

I also know that theres more than 1 way to skin a cat. While trumps assualt on presidential power and overreach are happening right here right now it's almost like yall think socialism is the only threat to our country.

Why is that?
Wonder if those that believe we should stay shut down would be willing to tell all these people. Think of the lives you’re saving. It’s about those lives and not about these people and their families right?
A real question here for the trump supporters. It seems as though this socialism word is all the new rage. I get that it is not a viable form govt and is dangerous.

I also know that theres more than 1 way to skin a cat. While trumps assualt on presidential power and overreach are happening right here right now it's almost like yall think socialism is the only threat to our country.

Why is that?
You could be like me and just be an all-around disenchanted individual.
A real question here for the trump supporters. It seems as though this socialism word is all the new rage. I get that it is not a viable form govt and is dangerous.

I also know that theres more than 1 way to skin a cat. While trumps assualt on presidential power and overreach are happening right here right now it's almost like yall think socialism is the only threat to our country.

Why is that?
I don’t think it’s the only threat at all. The economic collapse and the world’s economies collapsing and the tensions all around are the threats. Eventually America will become a socialist nation. It’s been taught to the younger generation by schools and media. Hopefully it’s not during my time or my kids times. Right now to me the focus is getting people jobs back. Bringing manufacturing back to America. Also preparing for hyperinflation and high taxes. Hopefully also everyone will see saving and less materialistic things is the way to live.
A real question here for the trump supporters. It seems as though this socialism word is all the new rage. I get that it is not a viable form govt and is dangerous.

I also know that theres more than 1 way to skin a cat. While trumps assualt on presidential power and overreach are happening right here right now it's almost like yall think socialism is the only threat to our country.

Why is that?

I don't feel threatened in the least by anything specific Donald Trump has done......What has he implemented in his policy that directly threatens me?
I don't feel threatened in the least by anything specific Donald Trump has done......What has he implemented in his policy that directly threatens me?

Policy? Maybe not much. His actions speak differently though. He has done plenty. Latest being his attack on inspector general's. Trying everything he can to limit oversight.
"The more conservative politicians in the United States had historically referred to progressive reforms, such as child labor laws and women's suffrage, as "communist" or "Red plots", trying to raise fears against such changes. They used similar terms during the 1930s and the Great Depression when opposing the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Many conservatives equated the New Deal with socialism or Communism, and thought the policies were evidence of too much influence by allegedly communist policy makers in the Roosevelt administration. In general, the vaguely defined danger of "Communist influence" was a more common theme in the rhetoric of anti-communist politicians than was espionage or any other specific activity."

- from Wikipedia article on McCarthyism

No, we aren't there yet. But we need to be careful when starting down this road...
Policy? Maybe not much. His actions speak differently though. He has done plenty. Latest being his attack on inspector general's. Trying everything he can to limit oversight.
Dude oversight is great but overreach happens in every aspect of your life with every president, senator, representative down to your local mayor and city council. Yeah I'm sure Trump has overreached here and there. Welcome to the real world.

This is where the difference between taking things personal separates some of us. I don't see anything he has done as a threat to our country, to our constitution or our way of life. If there was something done that I really thought affected my freedom and my way of life then maybe I think differently but that's just no the case.....
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