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Political Thread

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You know this is such a sensitive active situation. I believe Trump doing as well as he possibly can. Giving Governors the power to open up in phases counties or entire state. I do not blame Trump regardless of outcome. Phase one basically test the waters to see if cases surge if so it’s easy to close back down. If not you go to phase 2. But president Trump understands the economy must reopen. Or poverty will hurt more then the virus. I applaud Trump for his efforts. Because Trumps done nothing wrong to this point!

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End of April better be end of lockdown. CA gov said end of May earliest. That state will erupt in riots if goes that long.

California does act crazy. There kinda like a country within a country.

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Wilkes County republican commissioners are ready to reopen and have sent a nasty letter to Cooper. Anyone who uses this virus as a means for handout will be voted out of office! If you would like to continue this conversation let’s go to political thread.
I'm a Trump fan now. The liberals have utterly failed to prove their strategy was wise. In fact, science is proving them wrong more and more everyday!

Let's roll!!!!!! We can still make the United States of America the best country in the world! Let's take advantage of the fear spreading throughout the world and re-make our nation as a powerhouse of innovation, smart manufacturing and a clean environment!

Wilkes County republican commissioners are ready to reopen and have sent a nasty letter to Cooper. Anyone who uses this virus as a means for handout will be voted out of office! If you would like to continue this conversation let’s go to political thread.
I'm a Trump fan now. The liberals have utterly failed to prove their strategy was wise. In fact, science is proving them wrong more and more everyday!

Let's roll!!!!!! We can still make the United States of America the best country in the world! Let's take advantage of the fear spreading throughout the world and re-make our nation as a powerhouse of innovation, smart manufacturing and a clean environment!

Really hope you are joking with this.
I am not going to pile on Biden here because I actually feel sorry for him. He is so obviously deteriorating mentally that it is a shame the Democrat party has gone so cuckoo leftward that they are propping him up as some kind of savior for the party. The man is not capable of making sound judgements anymore but they will set him up as a sacrifice for their party before they turn to the real ideologues of the left, if he should win. In other words, he is a figurehead who will have to turn over most of his duties to whomever he picks as his VP so that is who you will really be voting for.
I am not going to pile on Biden here because I actually feel sorry for him. He is so obviously deteriorating mentally that it is a shame the Democrat party has gone so cuckoo leftward that they are propping him up as some kind of savior for the party. The man is not capable of making sound judgements anymore but they will set him up as a sacrifice for their party before they turn to the real ideologues of the left, if he should win. In other words, he is a figurehead who will have to turn over most of his duties to whomever he picks as his VP so that is who you will really be voting for.
But I won't be voting for anyone on the left (Democrat side) at the national level. I am also not voting for Kemp in Georgia, or any incumbent that supported the shut down of the economy and got power hungry and tried to suspend constitutional rights of the citizens of the U.S.A.
I can see why there really isn't any room for compromise in this country. There will have to be a split going forward. There really is no middle ground anymore. You're either a leftist, collectivist, entitlement slave, or you're for personal freedom and conservation of liberty.

Liberty? Pretty big and important word tossed around by both sides. Liberty actually means something but boths sides only want their version of it. They can both go pound sand for all I care.
I can see why there really isn't any room for compromise in this country. There will have to be a split going forward. There really is no middle ground anymore. You're either a leftist, collectivist, entitlement slave, or you're for personal freedom and conservation of liberty.

So you're either a liberal or a libertarian? Republicans don't care about your personal freedoms any more than Democrats do.
The amount of ignorance and conspiracy in this thread is bonkers. We live in a developed Country, if you don't want "your rights" limited due to the Coronavirus, then I suggest move to an island in the middle of no where. Saving Lives > Having regular amenities reopen, but that's just me personally.
So you're either a liberal or a libertarian? Republicans don't care about your personal freedoms any more than Democrats do.
Yes, constitutional libertarian, if there is such a thing! Unfortunately the Democratic party is way too far left for my tastes in most cases. I have an easier time going right than give any more ground to the left side of the political spectrum.
The amount of ignorance and conspiracy in this thread is bonkers. We live in a developed Country, if you don't want "your rights" limited due to the Coronavirus, then I suggest move to an island in the middle of no where. Saving Lives > Having regular amenities reopen, but that's just me personally.
Interesting idea. Sweden is not shutting everything down and they are in need of some "quality" immigration. Something to consider, for sure.
The amount of ignorance and conspiracy in this thread is bonkers. We live in a developed Country, if you don't want "your rights" limited due to the Coronavirus, then I suggest move to an island in the middle of no where. Saving Lives > Having regular amenities reopen, but that's just me personally.
Unfortunately, that's what happens when you got the entertainment folks posing as "news" on Fox or Limbaugh spouting off ignorant nonsense and folks continue to believe it to their detriment. They have been the biggest driver over the past 25-30 years to get people to stop believing in things like science and common sense and pushing the hateful narrative that divides us.
It's like most of you believe there is a binary choice here; Trump or liberals. It's not that simple, and if you think it is, I suggest you expand your political horizons.
We have two main parties. Inviting a third only gives one of the main parties a sure win with much less support. See Bill Clinton's campaign when Ross Perot was an "also ran". Yes, at the national level, it is a binary choice.
Unfortunately, that's what happens when you got the entertainment folks posing as "news" on Fox or Limbaugh spouting off ignorant nonsense and folks continue to believe it to their detriment. They have been the biggest driver over the past 25-30 years to get people to stop believing in things like science and common sense and pushing the hateful narrative that divides us.
Steven, we can say the same for NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. Like I said, there is no more room for compromise.
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