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Political Thread

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I feel like I've only seen the tip of the iceberg there (thankfully I haven't been on the political board mentioned in a long time) but from what I've seen the arguments from the viewpoints of socialism are likely even more vile. This thought is mostly from how completely nuts some people got when their progressive candidate dropped (from what I saw in some places online), but one of those younger people that obviously sides with progressive ideas told my dad he wanted him to die from corona for not supporting Bernie.

Although our last name is in this, here's the proof:

I feel like I've only seen the tip of the iceberg there (thankfully I haven't been on the political board mentioned in a long time) but from what I've seen the arguments from the viewpoints of socialism are likely even more vile. This thought is mostly from how completely nuts some people got when their progressive candidate dropped (from what I saw in some places online), but one of those younger people that obviously sides with progressive ideas told my dad he wanted him to die from corona for not supporting Bernie.

Although our last name is in this, here's the proof:

Your father is MS gelbart ? Holy ---- been visiting his site since I was a lil ol 14 year old nerd reading about ice age climate down south. Man is a genius and only source I could ever find that seems to study the paleocology of that era .
I appreciate that. Thank you for not calling me an idiot or insulting me like others. I try really hard to be civil, mods have done a great job thus far, but there is way too much name-calling going on for my liking. I'd shut this thread down if it were up to me. I shouldn't need to report anyone, but I am so close.
So calling people Trumpsters and trashing Trump anytime some can. We’re all adults if can not take being called names like some call other names then don’t read this thread. I don’t get wanting to close this thread down. Or blocking people from commenting or their thoughts or opinions. So no free speech. Have to believe and act a certain way? Sad that a forum wants to silence instead of letting speak freely and maybe some will open their eyes and learn something. If possible create a thread that people enter at their own risk
So calling people Trumpsters and trashing Trump anytime some can. We’re all adults if can not take being called names like some call other names then don’t read this thread. I don’t get wanting to close this thread down. Or blocking people from commenting or their thoughts or opinions. So no free speech. Have to believe and act a certain way? Sad that a forum wants to silence instead of letting speak freely and maybe some will open their eyes and learn something. If possible create a thread that people enter at their own risk
We're adults not children. We shouldn't have to have groups of people stooping to petty insults and trashing other members because they disagree which is exactly what happened here. It's not about censorship also. It's about making sure this board stays civil. Also as a side note, if you're mature you won't stoop to calling others names constantly. There's enough immaturity in the world as it is. We were civil early on so why can't we be now? I get free speech and all, but members can't sit here and attack people. There are limits.
We're adults not children. We shouldn't have to have groups of people stooping to petty insults and trashing other members because they disagree which is exactly what happened here. It's not about censorship also. It's about making sure this board stays civil. Also as a side note, if you're mature you won't stoop to calling others names constantly. There's enough immaturity in the world as it is. We were civil early on so why can't we be now? I get free speech and all, but members can't sit here and attack people. There are limits.
Agree so can the ones quit calling us Trumpsters or trashing Trump?
Yes it’s not bad here yet but if people keep losing their jobs and income and run outta money we will not be far behind. Read the article to those that say stay shut down. The ones in that article saying they would rather die of virus than to go hungry. It’s easy for a lot of Americans to think it won’t affect us. It will because when those economies fail it’s like dominos. They all will fall. Plus those countries like Lebanon that is near economical collapse. Hopefully the radicals don’t take over it. Always a risk in Middle East.
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