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Political Thread

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Jackass' call other people Jackass'; a new low for you; just when I thought things couldn't go any lower on here.

Did you keep a straight face when typing this? Your hero does nothing but call people names. Does that make trump all the things he calls those people?

Trumps a jackass
Did you keep a straight face when typing this? Your hero does nothing but call people names. Does that make trump all the things he calls those people?

Trumps a jackass

Did you even read what your buddy wrote? He called Trump supporters Jackass'

I wonder how many of the Trump haters are just so blinded by their hatred they can't even see straight anymore so all they can do is spout off, call people names, and not have a relevant or decent conversation.

Y'all enjoy it while you can.
Did you even read what your buddy wrote? He called Trump supporters Jackass'

I wonder how many of the Trump haters are just so blinded by their hatred they can't even see straight anymore so all they can do is spout off, call people names, and not have a relevant or decent conversation.

Y'all enjoy it while you can.

I think that a good number of Trump supporters, quite possibly including you, secretly like him picking fights and calling others juvenile names...in other words, like him being a jerk. I'll never forgive him for how he treated John McCain. This lowlife who didn't serve in the military due to bone spurs has the nerve to talk the way he did about a dieing John McCain....saying heroes aren't captured? He's a jerk, plain and simple.
Did you even read what your buddy wrote? He called Trump supporters Jackass'

I wonder how many of the Trump haters are just so blinded by their hatred they can't even see straight anymore so all they can do is spout off, call people names, and not have a relevant or decent conversation.

Y'all enjoy it while you can.

Oh, stop with that rhetoric. I am so tired of Trump supporters saying that we "are blinded by our hatred of him." You know what, no. He did to that to himself. He has spent his whole presidency on Twitter mocking anyone who dares disagrees with him. He will fire you in a blink of an eye if you so as much question his abilities or decisions. He literally spent a month waisting time attacking the Dems for what he said was a "hoax virus." Everything you just said is LITERALLY EVERYTHING that Trump does, on a daily basis. People really need to quit worshipping him because he sure as hell isn't worshipping you.
Oh, stop with that rhetoric. I am so tired of Trump supporters saying that we "are blinded by our hatred of him." You know what, no. He did to that to himself. He has spent his whole presidency on Twitter mocking anyone who dares disagrees with him. He will fire you in a blink of an eye if you so as much question his abilities or decisions. He literally spent a month waisting time attacking the Dems for what he said was a "hoax virus." Everything you just said is LITERALLY EVERYTHING that Trump does, on a daily basis. People really need to quit worshipping him because he sure as hell isn't worshipping you.

Good post except for one thing. Trump never said it was a "hoax virus". He said that the Dems calling him out on how he was responding to the virus was a hoax.

Oh, stop with that rhetoric. I am so tired of Trump supporters saying that we "are blinded by our hatred of him." You know what, no. He did to that to himself. He has spent his whole presidency on Twitter mocking anyone who dares disagrees with him. He will fire you in a blink of an eye if you so as much question his abilities or decisions. He literally spent a month waisting time attacking the Dems for what he said was a "hoax virus." Everything you just said is LITERALLY EVERYTHING that Trump does, on a daily basis. People really need to quit worshipping him because he sure as hell isn't worshipping you.

Obviously you haven't paid attention to anything I've written on here as I've said numerous times I cringe at some of the things he says.

I support most of his policies and there sure as heck isn't anybody on the Democrat side who I'd consider voting for at this time so in that regard, you better believe I support Trump.

You might want to do a little research before you post falsehoods propagated by the lame media. It's not very hard; there's google and msn and other search engines widely available..
Obviously you haven't paid attention to anything I've written on here as I've said numerous times I cringe at some of the things he says.

I support most of his policies and there sure as heck isn't anybody on the Democrat side who I'd consider voting for at this time so in that regard, you better believe I support Trump.

You might want to do a little research before you post falsehoods propagated by the lame media. It's not very hard; there's google and msn and other search engines widely available..

Well, you have fun voting for Trump. You couldn't pay me enough money to gain support from me.

I do plenty of research and read plenty of news. That's why I am able to form the opinions I have and make an informed decision. And just what is the "lame media?" CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC? Just curious as to what you consider lame. And as much as I disklike Biden, he will have my vote in November.
Maybe a jerk is needed in times like this.

How can a jerk possibly unify the country? Would you like to see a more unified "United" States?

The point I've been trying to make is the contrast between him and Reagan. I thought Reagan was a great leader, easily the greatest POTUS of my lifetime, and he held to his strong conservative beliefs. But I never thought of him as a jerk as he tended to treat even his strongest opponents with respect. Even sometimes as good friends:


"A beautiful story of our true nature exemplified in the context of the political world, comes from the relationship between Republican president Ronald Reagan and Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill. Polar opposites politically–yet not allowing that to define their relationship. One time Reagan confronted O’Neill about some nasty things said in the newspaper, and O’Neil replied with: “That’s just politics, after 6 o’clock we’re buddies–we’re friends.” And that’s exactly what they were–frequently going out after work and simply having a beer together, and after Ronald Reagan was shot, the first person to come and visit him was Tip O’Neill. Reagan took it, that when things would get a little heated in some of their meetings, he would visibly set his watch to 6 o’clock, as a frolicsome reminder of their true identity in friendship."

How can a jerk possibly unify the country? Would you like to see a more unified 'United" States?

The point I've been trying to make is the contrast between him and Reagan. I thought Reagan was a great leader, easily the greatest POTUS of my lifetime, and he held to his strong conservative beliefs. But I never thought of him as a jerk as he tended to treat even his strongest opponents with respect. Even sometimes as good friends:


"A beautiful story of our true nature exemplified in the context of the political world, comes from the relationship between Republican president Ronald Reagan and Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill. Polar opposites politically–yet not allowing that to define their relationship. One time Reagan confronted O’Neill about some nasty things said in the newspaper, and O’Neil replied with: “That’s just politics, after 6 o’clock we’re buddies–we’re friends.” And that’s exactly what they were–frequently going out after work and simply having a beer together, and after Ronald Reagan was shot, the first person to come and visit him was Tip O’Neill. Reagan took it, that when things would get a little heated in some of their meetings, he would visibly set his watch to 6 o’clock, as a frolicsome reminder of their true identity in friendship."

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I actually agree that hes a jerk, compared to Reagan, but I also know that a jerk is needed to accomplish reforms needed. Nice presidents havent gotten anything done since Reagan.
I actually agree that hes a jerk, compared to Reagan, but I also know that a jerk is needed to accomplish reforms needed. Nice presidents havent gotten anything done since Reagan.

Would you like a more unified US? Or do you not care? Would you rather the country split into two?
Maybe a jerk is needed in times like this.
It does no good to say anything. Let them bash away. It’s called Karma. One day they will have their candidate in the WH. History proves that. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. Let them call us names. Heck liberals can call people names and cry when someone stands up to them. One day in 10-20-50-100 years America will have to decide to either fight to be a capitalism or socialist nation. Division is only going to get more bitter. Only the strong will survive when the fight breaks out.
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