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‘Time To Riot Everywhere’: Tennis Legend Martina Navratilova Following George Floyd’s Death
Tennis legend Martina Navratilova said it was

Just like any politician including Bidenthey all have someone write for them most of the time.
What part is socialism do you want in America
Biden will not be president. His VP will be. Which will mean open borders. All illegals will become legal. Universal basic income. Universal health care. Much higher taxes. ETCYou do understand that things like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, paying farmers to not farm etc are all forms of socialism right? Heck on many levels the US military is a socialist program, paid for and funded by the people. In a true free market capitalist regime there would be no government controlled military to protect you. So you already live in a nation that is chuck full of things that fall more under socialism than capitalism.....all of the above things are good for the nation....and all are a form of socialism.....to many people just dont understand how it all works, that and they totally by into the propaganda from the far right about how if Biden wins we are going to become a socialist nation.
I'm not sure why taxes are even necessary, when you can just print trillions on a whim to blunt the impact of a crisis du jour. Think about that for a second.
At some point, probably pretty soon, we'll see UBI, "free" healthcare, abolishing of certain loans, much broader social safety bets, etc. Why even have taxes? They'll be a drop in the bucket compared to the expenses. My guess is that they will go away completely for many/most Americans.
Maybe we should run!Where do I sign up?
You do understand that things like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, paying farmers to not farm etc are all forms of socialism right? Heck on many levels the US military is a socialist program, paid for and funded by the people. In a true free market capitalist regime there would be no government controlled military to protect you. So you already live in a nation that is chuck full of things that fall more under socialism than capitalism.....all of the above things are good for the nation....and all are a form of socialism.....to many people just dont understand how it all works, that and they totally by into the propaganda from the far right about how if Biden wins we are going to become a socialist nation.
Well reasoned and stated.This always gets said, we all know this already, this isn't informative. Some forms of "socialism" have been good, social security being one of them. The issue is, this country just didn't become the economic superpower by chance, it happened because you had a group(s) of people seeking freedom of all kinds predominately from Europe. Europe led the world in many ways, but in other ways it had still put limits on freedom. The people who decided to start a new life in a new world built this country from the ground up, it was pure Darwinism. A capitalist economic evolved over time, overcoming shortfalls along the way, to what we have today. In those days if you didn't work, you didn't eat. Our economic format encourages the smartest and hardest working individuals to create and build products and companies in away that has raised the standard of living for people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Once you take that incentive away (pure socialism or communism), you take the incentive away from people to create. Half of the jobs in this country are provided by small businesses, people with ideas, people who put their entire being into building a company for their families. Those companies change the lives of others and their families, while lifting the majority out of poverty. Yes, there needs to be some regulation. Have you ever worked for a state agency or country government? I have, some of the employees are great, but the majority are as entitled and worthless as they come, and all they do is complain. Its extremely easy for modern day Americans to complain about others having more or others having less, but everyone has the opportunity to have something depending on ones abilities.
It also becomes apparent that when countries as a whole fall below the average IQ of 95, they become less economically viable. There is absolutely no way any type of socialized medicine could be funded in a country with a sub 95 average IQ, there just isn't enough economic output from the citizens to fund it. The United States is currently around 98-99, so we will see what happens. One argument I go back and forth with is the minimum wage. Most Americans don't make minimum wage because they worked their way up the spectrum by learning a skill, trade, or started a business. There are the low IQ and disabled, many, that cannot move up, its simply impossible for them. The number of people in this category is growing at an exponential rate, which is going to lead to even more political unrest. Right now their low wages are supplemented with things such as rental assistance (Section 8), welfare, and foodstamps. If you give these people a higher minimum wage whereas it would take them above the level to not need government assistance for specific items such as food and shelter, would they spend that money wisely, or would they buy drugs and alcohol and live on the street? The system now keeps roofs over most people that want them, and you don't see very many truly starving people in this country. Yang wanted to give everyone $1000 a month. Well, everyone's rent just increased by $1000 a month trickling all that money back up.
The Republican party damaged itself long before DT came on the scene.In one sense we have slowing been becoming socialist or some capitalist/socialist hybrid for the last century or so. The Fabian socialists made it their aim to slowly implement socialism by taking control of the western educational institutions. That has by and large been accomplished.
In my view, it's only a matter of time before we become completely socialist in the mold of western European nations. It will probably happen when the Democrats regain control of both houses of congress and the White House--which could be very soon. My fear all along with a Trump presidency is that he would so damage the Republican party that the pendulum would swing radically in the other direction.
Legally speaking, no. First degree requires him to have known who he was in the first place and actively plotted to murder him before the incident ever occurred. If anything, it could be second degree murder.That was 1st degree murder. Plain an simple. Ashame 1 % bring down the 99% that do a great job. That 1 % in the video should spend the rest of their lives in prison.
It was reported that they knew each other, guess we will seeLegally speaking, no. First degree requires him to have known who he was in the first place and actively plotted to murder him before the incident ever occurred. If anything, it could be second degree murder.
It was reported that they knew each other, guess we will see
Yea I agree with at least 2nd degree. Sure they also want to make sure can get conviction.Legally speaking, no. First degree requires him to have known who he was in the first place and actively plotted to murder him before the incident ever occurred. If anything, it could be second degree murder.
The liberals will do anything they can to run this economy president and America they are supporting and backing looters and rioting and violence. They are POS and I hope Americans wake up and get rid of this garbage that is in our political system. Instead of running their mouths why don’t they get out there and tell people to quit looting and rioting. Fake news that’s all they are spinning the way they wanted to say.
What’s going on in Atlanta tonight is disgusting. How does this help anything? So dumb
The people burning and rioting and looting should be shipped out of America. Or round them up and make them rebuild and pay for all the supplies and loses.
I would not rebuild one store one house if I was these businesses. I would tell them welcome to the world of homelessness and poverty and no jobs. They want to act like they live in a jungle then let them live in a jungle. One step further. Don’t rebuild the police precinct. Put barriers around that area and say there is no law. Let them purge one another.It's much the same areas that already have poor infrastructure imagine that
The liberals will do anything they can to run this economy president and America they are supporting and backing looters and rioting and violence. They are POS and I hope Americans wake up and get rid of this garbage that is in our political system. Instead of running their mouths why don’t they get out there and tell people to quit looting and rioting. Fake news that’s all they are spinning the way they wanted to say.
No, they don't need to use lethal force to protect property. I don't want to share a world with people who think violence upon their fellow man over property is appropriate. If history gives us any indication, they'd be just as likely to shoot into a crowd and kill innocent people. And the punishment for property damage is not and should not be death in any case.Every governor of the state should call in national guard and if they don’t wanna disperse if you have to use lethal force use it. It is time to rid America of this garbage.
The point of this situation is 8 km above you guys heads.They will burn down the house as long they can rule over the ashes