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Political Thread

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What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?

Gonna need more specifics than that. But I'll tell you I don't choke on anyone's ____. So if it was Obama screwing up race relations or calling ISIS the JV team while letting them spread throughout the middle east or Bush and Cheney leading us into needless wars on bad info I've called them out.

I don't see any reasons for the "But Obama" or "But Hillary" reactions. They made more than their fair share of mistakes but they are not in office now.
What would you guys( Downeast,Gawx,Nerman) think if Trump in the face of a brand new virus, waited 10 months till he declared a national emergency only after over a million people had been infected, over 100,ooo hospitialized and 18,000 dead?

I'd hate it. I'm glad he's doing this today. I can't see how doing so isn't an excellent move.
I'll put this in here...

Unfortuantely this is not just a Trump thing, Obama blamed bush for the economy for 8 years. This happens with every administration, we all do it.

"Every generation, blames the one before,
When all of their frustrations, come beating on your door"

Mike and the Mechanics "In the Living Years"
I’m sick of the one sidedness in this thread. We have people acknowledging some facts then blatantly ignoring others. For example, don’t tell me to not politicize this pandemic and then ignore the fact that many of President Trump’s comments have been blaming this on the Democratic Party and former President Obama. I’m an independent, but B.S. needs to be called out when it’s appropriate, and the same goes for the Democratic side, not everything is Donald Trumps fault...
Honestly, I have been unable to follow anything in this address.
The beginning of his speech was very concerning with the amount of misinformation, he said the United State's handling of this was excellent compared to other countries, which statistically is far from the truth. I do sympathize with him, but he needs to face this straight on. There's no sugar coating this, it's a Pandemic. Period. Yes we fell short with the initial handling of this, but we have time to turn it around.
Indeed. I'd say he doesn't have the virus nor is suspected of having it because the doc and others are standing near him and speaking into the same microphone.

I don't think he has it (yet). No coughing at all. But he has been in close contact with at least a couple people who have recently tested positive.
Stock markets seem to be liking Trump's briefing though they didn't rise initially.
I don't think he has it (yet). No coughing at all. But he has been in close contact with at least a couple people who have recently tested positive.

Maybe he got tested and came back as negative. I'd think that the speakers, especially the doc, would otherwise be more cautious around him and the microphone. Also, I think he sounds better now.

Edit: No, he said he didn't need to be tested due to having no symptoms.
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Push by reporters on why he hasn't been tested for coronavirus after coming in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump said, "I didn't say I wasn't going to be tested."

He followed up that "most likely" he'll get tested but didn't say when.

More on this: Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday.

Trump was in close physical proximity with the Wajngarten Saturday night in Florida, two people familiar tell CNN. The Brazilian press secretary attended the dinner Trump hosted at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, took a photo with the President and later stood feet away from Trump as he spoke during Kimberly Guilfoyle's birthday, the sources said.
I think he's most likely just exhausted due to the stress.

Typically i would agree. However an incredibly infectious virus coupled with multiple contacts with infected individuals imo gives him a higher chance of really being sick.
Typically i would agree. However an incredibly infectious virus coupled with multiple contacts with infected individuals imo gives him a higher chance of really being sick.

I agree, but the main thing that started this discussion here was that he didn't sound well at the start. I thought he sounded like normal later on when he was taking questions/ad libbing.

The issue about whether he got tested was confusing due to him giving mixed messages. He first said he didn't need to get tested because of having had no symptoms, which ignores the idea that one can be asymptomatic for at least a few days. Then later when pressed with a questioner, he seemed to give in and reluctantly say he will get tested after all. Hopefully he really doesn't have it!

Edit: I don't get why the doctor and others were not worried about using the same mic!! Isn't that setting a bad example by the doctor at least?
I had assumed that Trump must have been tested and came out negative. Then that would give comfort for the doc. But then Trump said he wasn't tested.
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I agree, but the main thing that started this discussion here was that he didn't sound well at the start. I thought he sounded like normal later on when he was taking questions/ad libbing.

The issue about whether he got tested was confusing due to him giving mixed messages. He first said he didn't need to get tested because of having had no symptoms, which ignores the idea that one can be asymptomatic for at least a few days. Then later when pressed with a questioner, he seemed to give in and reluctantly say he will get tested after all. Hopefully he really doesn't have it!

Edit: I don't get why the doctor and others were not worried about using the same mic!! Isn't that setting a bad example by the doctor at least?
I had assumed that Trump must have been tested and came out negative. Then that would give comfort for the doc. But then Trump said he wasn't tested.

I’m sure the whole White House staff got tested and will be tested multiple times. Trump just being Trump.

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