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Political Thread

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It's sad that even at times like these, America STILL can't seem to unite. Disasters, terrorist attacks, shootings use to unify us. Yet, we are more divided than ever. That speaks volumes on how we will handle this crisis. We need to set political differences aside and focus on our neighbors, our family, our friends. It's okay to voice opinions, but we as a country have become so hateful.
It's sad that even at times like these, America STILL can't seem to unite. Disasters, terrorist attacks, shootings use to unify us. Yet, we are more divided than ever. That speaks volumes on how we will handle this crisis. We need to set political differences aside and focus on our neighbors, our family, our friends. It's okay to voice opinions, but we as a country have become so hateful.
Agree 100%. Folks can go back to hating whatever and whoever when things calm down
I think he's most likely just exhausted due to the stress.

Told you guys, if you ever listen to him read a speech line for line, sotu , whether teleprompter or from papers like today, he always does terrible in that setting.
Notice when hes off script, taking questions today the 180 in how he comes across. Town hall,debates,rallies, press conference minus opening statement, he's a natural at that. In his comfort zone, sounds confident, fluid etc. Ive noticed this pattern from year 1.
It's sad that even at times like these, America STILL can't seem to unite. Disasters, terrorist attacks, shootings use to unify us. Yet, we are more divided than ever. That speaks volumes on how we will handle this crisis. We need to set political differences aside and focus on our neighbors, our family, our friends. It's okay to voice opinions, but we as a country have become so hateful.
I think outside the beltway, media both sides. Americans have jumped in full bore. Sporting events voluntary cancellling out,private sector getting involved to come up with and implement solutions are just 2 examples.
Everyone I know is like ok,this is what its gonna take,lets suck it up a month or 2,3 and get it done.
Got real second half of this week and will be going downhill fast over next 2 weeks, so we need to buckle up.
Goal is to flatten the curve or as was stated in press conference today make it a mold hill.
I think outside the beltway, media both sides. Americans have jumped in full bore. Sporting events voluntary cancellling out,private sector getting involved to come up with and implement solutions are just 2 examples.
Everyone I know is like ok,this is what its gonna take,lets suck it up a month or 2,3 and get it done.
Got real second half of this week and will be going downhill fast over next 2 weeks, so we need to buckle up.
Goal is to flatten the curve or as was stated in press conference today make it a mold hill.
I have no doubt we will weather the storm better than some project. We have a great administration leading the way! Time to buckle up and ride it out
I think outside the beltway, media both sides. Americans have jumped in full bore. Sporting events voluntary cancellling out,private sector getting involved to come up with and implement solutions are just 2 examples.
Everyone I know is like ok,this is what its gonna take,lets suck it up a month or 2,3 and get it done.
Got real second half of this week and will be going downhill fast over next 2 weeks, so we need to buckle up.
Goal is to flatten the curve or as was stated in press conference today make it a mold hill.

Couldn't agree more. Hadn't said it in this thread yet but today was a great day to be proud of America. Sometimes the worst will bring out the best in all of us, from POTUS down. Now let's whip this f'n thing and shown the world what this country is about!!
Couldn't agree more. Hadn't said it in this thread yet but today was a great day to be proud of America. Sometimes the worst will bring out the best in all of us, from POTUS down. Now let's whip this f'n thing and shown the world what this country is about!!
Excellent post sir! Humans first, Americans second, everything else doesn't really matter!
Not political although some of the tweets in response are just shocking.

Nothing is ever Trump's fault or responsibility, he could take a lesson from Truman and the "buck stops here" mentality....its not shocking though Trump is such a narcissist he can never do wrong or admit fault.

I finally figured it out! Its not TDS you have. Its OLD. Obsessive love disorder! Its where you are 100% obsessed and in love with a narcissist that wont love you back....
I finally figured it out! Its not TDS you have. Its OLD. Obsessive love disorder! Its where you are 100% obsessed and in love with a narcissist that wont love you back....

Nope just amazed that this man somehow fooled enough of you into actually voting for him....Trump has handled this poorly on all levels, part of being a true leader is accepting fault, instead Trump was promising people test that didnt exist.....and still dont.
Nope just amazed that this man somehow fooled enough of you into actually voting for him....Trump has handled this poorly on all levels, part of being a true leader is accepting fault, instead Trump was promising people test that didnt exist.....and still dont.
Of course. Im sure he didnt tie his shoes properly this morning either. When all is said and done with this, and we come out on the other end better because of his actions, ill make sure you know it! Still waiting for that impeachment hammer of yours to fall
Of course. Im sure he didnt tie his shoes properly this morning either. When all is said and done with this, and we come out on the other end better because of his actions, ill make sure you know it! Still waiting for that impeachment hammer of yours to fall
Why does every refutation have to do with impeachment? Can't we get off this? This has NOTHING to do with that. We are criticizing him because lives are on the line if the government does not meet the actions of Trump's words. That goes for any government official. If they promise more kits, they should be available when appropriate, not 3 months down the road after thousands or tens of thousands have died. I don't care if he tied his shoes, it doesn't directly affect me as a citizen. What he says regarding the virus and how they will handle it PLUS their actions matter. If he wants to prove to be a great president, he better make good on his word.
Of course. Im sure he didnt tie his shoes properly this morning either. When all is said and done with this, and we come out on the other end better because of his actions, ill make sure you know it! Still waiting for that impeachment hammer of yours to fall

Cowardly Republicans saved his ass on that. He was guilty and even those ass savers admitted he was guilty.

This is a global crisis it just because of the illness but the economic hit the world will take. Trump.has done nothing to mitigate this unfolding disaster and likely would t have unless they staged that intervention last Monday.

My analogy yesterday was spot on.
Trump and the entire federal government had a golden opportunity to get out in front of this and do a really great job and look really good. They failed miserably. We are so far behind where we needed to be. I was far more prepared for this than the government and that is SAD.

I don't have some magic 8 ball or some super psychic ability. I remember taking some flak in the beginning about saying this is the biggest disease to affect us since the Spanish flu. That may or may not turn out to be the case in terms of the number of deaths, although that remains to be seen. But it will be the most impactful virus since then in terms of disruptions and economics since. That was not hard to see in advance.
Why does every refutation have to do with impeachment? Can't we get off this? This has NOTHING to do with that. We are criticizing him because lives are on the line if the government does not meet the actions of Trump's words. That goes for any government official. If they promise more kits, they should be available when appropriate, not 3 months down the road after thousands or tens of thousands have died. I don't care if he tied his shoes, it doesn't directly affect me as a citizen. What he says regarding the virus and how they will handle it PLUS their actions matter. If he wants to prove to be a great president, he better make good on his word.
The problem is the criticism bullet has already been fired. Not chambered. FIRED! Doesnt matter what the man does or has been doing. He's already guilty. Guilty of whatever comes up in the daily Trump sucks CNN Google feed. Sorry thats just fact my man. Its ok though. Whats important is that his actions keep your family safe and he is going to do a great job with this issue too despite the inevitable criticism
Trump and the entire federal government had a golden opportunity to get out in front of this and do a really great job and look really good. They failed miserably. We are so far behind where we needed to be. I was far more prepared for this than the government and that is SAD.

I don't have some magic 8 ball or some super psychic ability. I remember taking some flak in the beginning about saying this is the biggest disease to affect us since the Spanish flu. That may or may not turn out to be the case in terms of the number of deaths, although that remains to be seen. But it will be the most impactful virus since then in terms of disruptions and economics since. That was not hard to see in advance.
So you dont think enlisting travel restrictions is getting out in front of it? Are you friggin kidding me? How far out in front of something like a virus do you think you can get?
Trump and the entire federal government had a golden opportunity to get out in front of this and do a really great job and look really good. They failed miserably. We are so far behind where we needed to be. I was far more prepared for this than the government and that is SAD.

I don't have some magic 8 ball or some super psychic ability. I remember taking some flak in the beginning about saying this is the biggest disease to affect us since the Spanish flu. That may or may not turn out to be the case in terms of the number of deaths, although that remains to be seen. But it will be the most impactful virus since then in terms of disruptions and economics since. That was not hard to see in advance.

The downplaying and flat out misinformation Trump and his admin were putting out there are soon as a week ago will come back to bite him in the ass.....

I was pretty skeptical at first, then Italy happened....when you watch some of the videos and interviews with the doctors and such on the ground over there it is very sobering and extremely concerning considering we are ahead of where they were on their timeline when we began to do some of the things they have done. It was to late there and now they expect 2-3 more weeks of what they have now which is hundreds of dead a day....

Even being what I think is very conservative with a death rate of .3% if 100 million Americans get it over the next 12 months that equals 300k deaths......thats insane to even consider.....hell even half of 300k would be a huge disaster....
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