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Political Thread

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I’ve got enough common sense to see what the stupid people can’t. And Trump totally had the greatest economy in the world before the virus tore it apart

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That great economy was literally nothing more than trump not ruining Obama's momentum. Follow the trend lines and trump didnt do anything with the exception of wages which saw a strong growth.

It's a charade you have fallen for.

Every business in that city should leave. Since they do not appreciate jobs and destroy things that had nothing to do with what happened. Let them fend for themselves. A disgrace to America.

It's more of a disgrace that police officers kill black men and get away with it. It's even more of a disgrace that it's been happening for hundreds of years.
It's more of a disgrace that police officers kill black men and get away with it. It's even more of a disgrace that it's been happening for hundreds of years.
I agree it’s a disgrace what these police did but where is the outcry for all the blacks killing blacks? Blacks that kills whites? Yes it happens more with white cops killing blacks that I agree with and hate it. It does not help bringing any awareness with the way they are acting in MN. It only takes focus off what happened and creates more bitterness. We as a nation need to come together and fix this issue with police. Burning and rioting and beating ladies in a wheel chair definitely jades feelings.
That great economy was literally nothing more than trump not ruining Obama's momentum. Follow the trend lines and trump didnt do anything with the exception of wages which saw a strong growth.

It's a charade you have fallen for.

Lol that’s what all you Democrat’s say. But Obama did nothing but crap on America

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Let's see how many trump fans actually read this or even just look at the graphs.

Follow the trend lines.

We have national debt I don’t care who the president is we never paying that debt off. But after this Caronavirus mess whatever we owe China should be completely written off

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If I had the choice for another republican nominee would I pick one yes. Do I really have a choice in who I vote for in November no. I can’t vote for Biden because his ideals don’t fall in line with what I believe and to uphold what I believe and hold dear I have to vote for Trump. It’s sad that theirs really no other options that actually have a shot at winning to vote for. I do also feel if Trump would stop tweeting like he does and use his social media like Reagan used Tv more people would like him.
If I had the choice for another republican nominee would I pick one yes. Do I really have a choice in who I vote for in November no. I can’t vote for Biden because his ideals don’t fall in line with what I believe and to uphold what I believe and hold dear I have to vote for Trump. It’s sad that theirs really no other options that actually have a shot at winning to vote for. I do also feel if Trump would stop tweeting like he does and use his social media like Reagan used Tv more people would like him.

Nikki Halley would be my pick if I had a choice. And I’m a Trump supporter so that says a lot

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Nikki Halley would be my pick if I had a choice. And I’m a Trump supporter so that says a lot

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At this point in time I’m probably looking to vote for her in 2024 for the Republican nominee. I need to do more research on her but just by what I’ve seen I think she’s the best choice.
That great economy was literally nothing more than trump not ruining Obama's momentum. Follow the trend lines and trump didnt do anything with the exception of wages which saw a strong growth.

It's a charade you have fallen for.
Man you drink some hard kool aid if you trully think obamanomics had anything to do with the past 3 years. Those trade deals , insane regulation that got axed, and doing a 180 from the globalist approach is what fueled this economy. All us middle class blue collar can see that. Go ahead and ride that globalist/socialist caboose. To each their own.
Well there goes her political career. Wish Biden would have named her before all this happened.

I wonder why no one blamed Obama when cops were doing killings then during his term. Oh that’s right it was trumps fault then also. Why are leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson not out there asking people to not riot? They continue to destroy places businesses homes. Trump has sent the DOJ today what else do they want him to do. It’s disgusting these thugs no matter what is the color of their skin is are doing up there. They deserve to have nothing to live in poverty because they don’t appreciate anything obviously.
Man you drink some hard kool aid if you trully think obamanomics had anything to do with the past 3 years. Those trade deals , insane regulation that got axed, and doing a 180 from the globalist approach is what fueled this economy. All us middle class blue collar can see that. Go ahead and ride that globalist/socialist caboose. To each their own.
You better go look at those graphs again... especially the trade imbalace
Minneapolis is burning. ?
It’s heartbreaking and disgusting. Those are pure garbage that are doing that. They should not get any money to rebuild. Those people that are against it should stand up to those that are rioting. Every business should have someone with guns in front of it. They come to destroy it. Then take their life. They don’t respect yours then remove them from this earth.
Those rioters are really not doing their cause any good. It serves to prove the point that right wing pundits make that BLM is a group of thugs with complete disregard to property or life. Hell, they aren’t wrong given the situation. While left wing media will ignore the rioting and make it seem justified . All serving to divide people further.

Reality is we should be looking at this as one . It is an unfortunate event and rioting is not the answer . We should be examining why black people are disporportionately shot by police . Examining police procedures but not just that, we should examine why the black community seems to also have a disproportionate amount of people in situation that even warrant police force in the first place. Wish cool heads would prevail.

I respect the police but where I live a lot of crime goes unanwsered for. Much of eastern nc is a crime ridden impoverished crap fest. Murderers get away, a gas station clerk was shot and killed a couple years back and no one even bothered . Hell, there have been 2 drive by shooting at my house last month alone. Its not fun waking up at night to the sound of bullets slamming into your neighbors house and worrying that if they shoot back its your house that would be caught in the cross hairs . Police told me this “ well this is the third attempt on his life meh” . Nothing. I cant even really come home that late for fear of being caught up in that.
It’s heartbreaking and disgusting. Those are pure garbage that are doing that. They should not get any money to rebuild. Those people that are against it should stand up to those that are rioting. Every business should have someone with guns in front of it. They come to destroy it. Then take their life. They don’t respect yours then remove them from this earth.
I hear you Matt. But there's thousands of protesters out there now, which means it's gotten so big it has it's own dynamics.

I don't think standing up to that mob would have any positive effects now. Cut your losses, and regroup for tomorrow. (just my opinion)

Total dumbass reporting. This is riots not protest. They want even call it want it is. POS media.

This is one example of why I don’t trust the news media at all anymore. They’re not concerned with truth or accurately portraying things. They only care about being politically correct and pushing their agenda. You can’t call looting, burning buildings and violence a “protest” it simply is dishonest, misleading and agenda driven. These are riots plain and simple no matter what the news media wants to call it.
If the police killed my father, brother or son the way that man died I would probably want to kill that thug cop. If I was a black man and grew up seeing this injustice my whole life and knew my parents and all my ancestors were treated the same way or worse for hundreds of years, I would want to burn the town. Just my personal opinion. I don't have any respect for the riots but I have less respect for the thugs in blue all over this country who think the law is for everyone else to follow. If you are white they give a warning if not you better go quiet or you won't be talking ever again. How many on this site have been pulled over for a simple traffic ticket but feared they would die for it?It happens everyday to good hard working minority citizens and nothing ever changes.
If the police killed my father, brother or son the way that man died I would probably want to kill that thug cop. If I was a black man and grew up seeing this injustice my whole life and knew my parents and all my ancestors were treated the same way or worse for hundreds of years, I would want to burn the town. Just my personal opinion. I don't have any respect for the riots but I have less respect for the thugs in blue all over this country who think the law is for everyone else to follow. If you are white they give a warning if not you better go quiet or you won't be talking ever again. How many on this site have been pulled over for a simple traffic ticket but feared they would die for it?It happens everyday to good hard working minority citizens and nothing ever changes.

Burning down a city and rioting accomplishes nothing beneficial and also hurts many innocent people in the process. There are right and wrong ways to address injustice. Rioting, looting and burning down stuff isn’t the right way to do so.
NWA said it best ---- the p
Burning down a city and rioting accomplishes nothing beneficial and also hurts many innocent people in the process. There are right and wrong ways to address injustice. Rioting, looting and burning down stuff isn’t the right way to do so.
I never said it was but Ice Cube was right ---- the police!
NWA said it best ---- the p

I never said it was but Ice Cube was right ---- the police!

The majority of police officers aren’t bad. Yes there have been some bad ones over the years and I think things like body cameras and other measures of accountability are great to help weed out the bad ones. But just because a few choose to do something like this doesn’t mean they all are. Also, the guy responsible could have been held accountable years ago by Amy Klobuchar but she refused to do anything about it...

Burning down a city and rioting accomplishes nothing beneficial and also hurts many innocent people in the process. There are right and wrong ways to address injustice. Rioting, looting and burning down stuff isn’t the right way to do so.

"Allow me to retort" well let me play devils advocate here. In this thread there are posters, not you persay, but people who see socialism as an "injustice" and seem to think a civil war would be started over abuses by govt.

Why would those calling for civil war not be seen as the same negative light as these rioters? The reaction is the same just different injustices.
The majority of police officers aren’t bad. Yes there have been some bad ones over the years and I think things like body cameras and other measures of accountability are great to help weed out the bad ones. But just because a few choose to do something like this doesn’t mean they all are. Also, the guy responsible could have been held accountable years ago by Amy Klobuchar but she refused to do anything about it...

Do the "good ones" report the bad ones? Nope.
"Allow me to retort" well let me play devils advocate here. In this thread there are posters, not you persay, but people who see socialism as an "injustice" and seem to think a civil war would be started over abuses by govt.

Why would those calling for civil war not be seen as the same negative light as these rioters? The reaction is the same just different injustices.
For one thing, talking about civil war on a weather board isn't even in the same universe as actually burning someone's place of business or residence down or hurting or killing someone who wasn't involved in something you're seeking retribution for -- something that didn't affect you. On the other hand, people really should tone down the civil war talk. That's nutty.
This isn’t political but I joined this board for weather. It’s a subject we all get along with and I appreciate that. I hope that people that don’t get along in the political board can continue to get along on the weather related boards. Because that’s really what this place is all about the weather something we all love and have a passion for!

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Do the "good ones" report the bad ones? Nope.
How do you know this doesn't happen? You see the occasional incident on TV or hear anecdotal evidence on Twitter and infer that most cops are bad and that no good cops never report bad cops. That's seems really silly when you actually *think* about it.
For one thing, talking about civil war on a weather board isn't even in the same universe as actually burning someone's place of business or residence down or hurting or killing someone who wasn't involved in something you're seeking retribution for -- something that didn't affect you. On the other hand, people really should tone down the civil war talk. That's nutty.

For me it’s just a prediction maybe a nutty one. But I do think if socialism truly takes over. You would have spark a violent group who refuses to go with a socialist Government. That’s what I predict not what I’m calling for I hope nothing like that happens. But I also would not Blame people for defending there rights and freedoms

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The president is advocating violence against those he disagrees with politically. If you are still supporting him, it's hard to interpret that as anything other than advocating violence against the same, including other members on this site.
Some of you need to take a moment or two and think about what your support is enabling and what it is a reflection of in yourself.
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