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Political Thread: The Sequel

Try some new material. It was the network ABC, the one where your boy Stephie works. We did one on the state run networks already. He wants fox so it isnt all your microphone zapper controlled , no audience enviroments. Your party formed a coupe a kicked out the nominee your people elected. Your party decided your candidate should be selected,not elected. Therefore the debates that your party selected,format,networks and all get re-set. No longer have to be mentally handicap accessible, since you changed your candidtes to one that can function normally, conversate.
Try some new material. It was the network ABC, the one where your boy Stephie works. We did one on the state run networks already. He wants fox so it isnt all your microphone zapper controlled , no audience enviroments. Your party formed a coupe an kicked out the nominee your people elected. Your party decided your candidate should be selected,not elected. Therefore the debates that your party selected,format,networks and all get re-set. No longer have to be mentally handicap accessible, since you changed your candidtes to one that can function normally, conversate.

Yup, he should be. She will crush him in a debate. She is very smart. And people know it. That's why she has been able to get a record number of votes in her previous bid for president. No way Trump will debate her. Your sources are exactly right. No debates at all. Take it to the bank, baby!
Why is he so scared? I thought he was a badass? I mean scared of Kamala? Cmon… I can understand why he would be scared of someone like OBama… but Harris? What a weakling
Just one of many reasons I will not watch one minute of the Olympics
They will mock Christians,Jews all day, every day of the week. But I gurantee you will never see them mock islam. Ill be joining you and never watch a second. Sports have played a big role in my life , opened many doors as a player / coach and kids who have been blessed to enjoy the same fruits. But personally, the olympics are on a shelf with all the profesional sports for me.
I do not watch sports like I used to. I still keep up with my favorite teams in the major sports but athletic competition has become too politically charged and correct like much of the entertainment industry and media. Whatever happened to letting athletes and teams compete against each other without subtle in most cases and sometimes outright political messaging?

Is there a major news service that just reports the facts of a news story without slant or selective reporting? In this day and time if there is one I am ignorant of it.
In Leftyland:

Kamala is dumb as a rock = racist

Kamala has a dumb, irritating cackle = sexist

Kamala slept her way into power = sexist

Kamala is a liar = homophobic

Kamala's parents weren't US citizens = xenophobic

Meanwhile, in the real world:

Saying Kamala can't do the job because she's a woman actually is exist.

Saying Kamala can't be trusted because she's 3% African American actually is racist.

All that other stuff is simply a low IQ way of trying to get lefties to like you. That's all it is.

It's a shame we have to reteach people over and over what actually is sexism and racism.
Without those terms they have no way to justify many of their stances on issues since they abandoned common sense, personal responsibility, and critical thinking long ago. Resorting to calling someone a name, labeling someone who doesn't acquiesce to their views as a hater, a bigot, an "ist", or diagnosing them with a made up phobia is the automatic go to. Anything to try and shame someone into thinking as they do.
Why is he so scared? I thought he was a badass? I mean scared of Kamala? Cmon… I can understand why he would be scared of someone like OBama… but Harris? What a weakling
Let me ask you something: Do you honestly think Trump is not going to have a debate with Harris, assuming she is the nominee and he doesn't get assassinated? Do you honestly think there's going to be no debate?

What seems more likely to you: They end up not debating because he chickens out, or they have at least one debate? One of those outcomes will happen. Which one is it?
I heard banjos playing as I read this post in my head.

It aint your body, bro.
And it's not yours or the mother's bodies being aborted either. If women don't want to bear children then they and the men they are with should exercise just a small amount of responsibility and self control and not get pregnant. Its pretty easy to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The truth is people who support abortion just value sexual freedom over personal control, personal responsibility, and the respect for life.
And it's not yours or the mother's bodies being aborted either. If women don't want to bear children then they and the men they are with should exercise just a small amount of responsibility and self control and not get pregnant. It’s pretty easy to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The truth is people who support abortion just value sexual freedom over personal control, personal responsibility, and the respect for life.
I agree with part of this. I think some sort of restrain should be exercised when it comes to non medical abortions. Medical abortions on the other hand have a purpose and should not be restricted. Non medical abortions though, I’m not entirely sure where I’d draw the line but I certainly wouldn’t advocate for a super lenient policy. Imma be honest though I don’t know enough to be able to determine where that line is and there is a lot of gray area ( rape, incest , etc).
Maybe it was mentioned and I missed it but I know y'all heard Biden's comments the other night about reforming the SCOTUS. This is what a threat to democracy truly looks like, pay attention people
But your guy saying at a Christian rally that if they vote him in they wont ever have to vote again isn't? I know I know the MSM , bloodbath blah blah blah........yall continue to ignore the danger because it's your team and that's sad. He is unfit for office.

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But your guy saying at a Christian rally that if they vote him in they wont ever have to vote again isn't? I know I know the MSM , bloodbath blah blah blah........yall continue to ignore the danger because it's your team and that's sad. He is unfit for office.

Take it like you wish but not a single person voting believes he is going to become a dictator. Geez.... it was clearly a true Trump ego statement about how he will make everything right, not I'm gonna be President forever statement. Plus he loves to give MSM fodder and you guys fall for it every time. You can't look at reality of the fact he was already POTUS once and none of that happened, but they tell you to believe it will this time and hook, line and sinker
Going to see the magas suddenly stop posting poll numbers and go back to how they are fake and useless soon....

This from the guy who claims he tells every pollster he's voting for Trump just to screw with the polls. You know in all my years of voting I've never been polled, who are the asking anyway?
I agree with part of this. I think some sort of restrain should be exercised when it comes to non medical abortions. Medical abortions on the other hand have a purpose and should not be restricted. Non medical abortions though, I’m not entirely sure where I’d draw the line but I certainly wouldn’t advocate for a super lenient policy. Imma be honest though I don’t know enough to be able to determine where that line is and there is a lot of gray area ( rape, incest , etc).
The problem with thar gray area is that's the area that gets driven down our throats as the reason to legalize it. It also accounts for less than 1% of abortions
This from the guy who claims he tells every pollster he's voting for Trump just to screw with the polls. You know in all my years of voting I've never been polled, who are the asking anyway?
I've never been polled either. I don't know how he gets polled all the time. The fact is, the polls don't matter all that much right now. They'll shed some light later on, but right now, they're not all that useful.

But come election time, Trump better be leading by 10+ if he wants to have a chance to overwhelm all of the fake ballots.

I still say it's 6 to 5 and pick 'em as to whether tomorrow not they take him out and blame Iran.
Going to see the magas suddenly stop posting poll numbers and go back to how they are fake and useless soon....

It’s not often to see a GOP candidate even close to the lead at this point. Also, go look at the electoral map polling and things don’t look as good for per the NYT email I got yesterday.
Take it like you wish but not a single person voting believes he is going to become a dictator. Geez.... it was clearly a true Trump ego statement about how he will make everything right, not I'm gonna be President forever statement. Plus he loves to give MSM fodder and you guys fall for it every time. You can't look at reality of the fact he was already POTUS once and none of that happened, but they tell you to believe it will this time and hook, line and sinker
You keep believing that