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Political Thread: The Sequel

I heard banjos playing as I read this post in my head.

It aint your body, bro.
Banjos eh? I’m as pro life as they come and have enough education and diplomas to hold my own. Not every pro lifer is a mouth breather just like not every pro choicer is a blue hair flag burner.
yFirst of all I think everyone is too infatuated with an executive branch that doesn’t have the power or authority to change the world in a day. Our structure of government is designed to prevent any one branch of government from holding total power and authority.

Trump has basically told us what he will do on day one, which is start to reenact all the policies that were working during his first presidency. These will be done by executive action, but his most difficult task will be getting policies passed through congress to become legislation.

I think in the beginning, Kamala would continue the policies that Biden has put in place the past four years. She is basically an incumbent, as Biden was never truly running the country to begin with. With each significant event, such as a shooting, major weather related disaster, etc., she will continue the playbook of pointing fingers at the “extremist” republicans who don’t want to fall in line with the leftist, bigger government, more control agenda.

Most of her actions as President will be reactionary to current events and social issues. She will speak of banning assault weapons which she can’t even define, codifying Roe v. Wade and moving toward solar and wind generated power, and electric vehicles to slow climate change. She may take some small executive actions on day one, which will all be deemed as giant achievements by most of the media. It’s hard to say what those would be, but they will most likely be socially driven and not for the betterment of safety or the economy.

On the foreign policy front, she will continue giving billions to Ukraine. If the Israel- Hamas war is still ongoing, she will take a tougher anti-Israel stance than her predecessor, perhaps going as far as calling Netanyahu a war criminal, but not necessarily calling for his arrest. Most of what she says and does will be virtue signaling.

What some fail to realize or comprehend is the executive branch of the government cannot make law. They can join or remove the country from treaties. They can take executive actions to temporarily change our daily lives, but those actions have to be put into law by congress to be permanent. Once passed into law, the Supreme Court has the ability to determine whether the law is constitutional. Checks and balances- this is the beauty of the basic construct of our democratic republic, and any true American on either side should be proud of this.
None of this matters if they get the White House and both Houses of Congress. They will expand the Court, get rid of the filibuster, and to make it much harder on Republicans, they will make DC and Puerto Rico states. That would add 4 Democratic Senators and at least 2 Democrats to the House. Once this is all done all the Republicans can do is stand by and watch, while President Harris and Congress do anything they want. No more checks and balances.
If Harris wins the White House and the Democrats win both the House and Senate there will be an Assault Weapons Ban targeting semiauto military style rifles and other semiauto firearms. While I believe in background checks and think that there should be a minimum age of 21 to purchase one and more severe penalties for those who help someone acquire one illegally, I believe that they should not be banned. There are numerous law abiding citizens who own guns of this type that do not and would never use them to create chaos and ruin the lives of others in a mass shooting or the commission of a crime. It seems unfair to punish the vast majority of gunowners that own this type of firearm because someone happens to get hold of one that has no business having one.
Wrong, I think they go after ALL guns.
Wrong, I think they go after ALL guns.
I will add to my prediction that there would be magazine capacity limits like those in place in California and New York on all guns. I believe that if they tried to enact a blanket ban on all firearms, to use a phrase that might seem like a pun many Americans would be "up in arms". The political situation after a close election with a deeply divided populace would be a trail of gunpowder leading to a powder keg waiting to be lit and something like a complete ban on firearms might ignite it.
Biggest threat if Harris is elected is the continuation of destroying freedom of speech. Of all the bad that has come from Biden/Harris occupying 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. The weaponization of the DOJ and the censoring,policing and control of freedom of speech tops the cake. Their Inflation and catastrophic failure to secure our border is close second place.
We need another President like LBJ, minus what he did in Vietnam. He knew how Congress worked and could work with both parties. Unfortunately, he made the wrong choice with the war, stopping all progress on his Great Society.
Another horrible endorsement from Trump. Lake has no chance. She is a disgusting grifter. Another seat swirling down the toilet

If you’re worried about the prospect of a Kamala presidency, you’d want a GOP senate to constrain her…..but the leader of the party is working his hardest to help the GOP lose a bunch of winnable senate seats by helping nutjobs win senate primaries.Just like in 2022.
Right now the only seat that reps will win is WVA because the state is so far to the right there. But even there where a real conservative would win Trump endorsed the man who will be to the left of Romney and Manchin.
I am very pro life, and am against the federal 6 week ban. I don't think it is early enough! It should remain in the states until it is deemed to be murder ( as it should be) and is dealt with accordingly. I believe until then the states should have the right to have law as they see it. Good will happen for those who honor life, and others will see!
Agree 100% and the banjo comment later makes no sense to me. It's their passive aggressive way of making derogatory comments about those of us of Faith who believe a certain way. Typical for the party of "tolerance"
Anyone going to watch the Olympics? I doubt i will. And i can answer the question what would happen if they mocked Islam in the same way. Riots, murder and the people who did the mocking would arrested for hate speech.

Anyone going to watch the Olympics? I doubt i will. And i can answer the question what would happen if they mocked Islam in the same way. Riots, murder and the people who did the mocking would arrested for hate speech.

Just one of many reasons I will not watch one minute of the Olympics
Agree 100% and the banjo comment later makes no sense to me. It's their passive aggressive way of making derogatory comments about those of us of Faith who believe a certain way. Typical for the party of "tolerance"
I am also a person of faith. I was mostly busting balls with the banjo comment. Of course, I grew out of the Christian nationalist garbage I was fed as a child. My god is a liberating societal radical who would be shunned by a majority of his own faith if he came back today.

My problem with the “pro life” crowd is that they aren’t pro life. They are pro birth.
I am also a person of faith. I was mostly busting balls with the banjo comment. Of course, I grew out of the Christian nationalist garbage I was fed as a child. My god is a liberating societal radical who would be shunned by a majority of his own faith if he came back today.

My problem with the “pro life” crowd is that they aren’t pro life. They are pro birth.
Not correct at all but I'll stop because it's not the religion thread. Trust me though your god and my God aren't the same. As far as pro life, I'm very pro life, including the life of the unborn, protecting children after birth, taking care of the elderly, taking care of those who can't take care of themselves, all life.
Not correct at all but I'll stop because it's not the religion thread. Trust me though your god and my God aren't the same. As far as pro life, I'm very pro life, including the life of the unborn, protecting children after birth, taking care of the elderly, taking care of those who can't take care of themselves, all life.

I figured you were. Not enough are though.