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Political Thread: The Sequel

I mean RFK is batshit crazy so it is no surprise he will endorse Trump...it also tells you why he had zero to no real support among actual democrats. RFK wilk take more votes from Trump than Harris which is why Trumps team is leaning on him so hard to drop out.
Ahhh.... but if he endorses Heels Up, he will be a hero to you. You still are letting emotion and your TDS drive your outlook.
Ahhh.... but if he endorses Heels Up, he will be a hero to you. You still are letting emotion and your TDS drive your outlook.

Lol no....RFK is kook, he is literally nuts I don't care who he supports.

What drives my outlook is what Trump and friends tell me they plan to do to this country if Trump wins..
I really don't have a opinion and don't know enough about it to say about it...seems pretty bad though.
I’d read some more about then ask yourself where is the outrage, and is the judge actually right here.

Starting to think Vance is a deep state plant sent to undermine and destroy Trumps campaign from within. Doubling down on the childless women should have no say on our country is well effing stupid. Then again these are stupid people with egos to big to just admit they said something dumb

How many different groups can Vance alienate by election day.... being single and not having kids needs to be punished.

I’d read some more about then ask yourself where is the outrage, and is the judge actually right here.

Holy cow! I admit I didn't exactly know what FGM was and I carefully looked it up. Anyone performing this on a female child should be hung from a tree until dead. This judge is wrong as this procedure is a form of punishment inflicted upon a person without due process and therefore unconstitutional. In fact, they aren't even guilty of a crime but just suspected to be predisposed to one - infidelity in this case. It is a horrible, barbaric act and should never be permitted! Removing genital tissue due to disease or deformity is excepted, of course.

I hate Islam and it should absolutely be banned everywhere and in all cases. China is wrong on many human rights and freedoms, but they have this one right, I believe. We should not allow any Muslims in to our country. The ones that are already here should be under very close observation at all times. This is an evil, satanic cult!
I mean RFK is batshit crazy so it is no surprise he will endorse Trump...it also tells you why he had zero to no real support among actual democrats. RFK wilk take more votes from Trump than Harris which is why Trumps team is leaning on him so hard to drop out.
All these people you say are batshit crazy What if you're the one that follows batshit crazy politicians?
I am not a liberal it just seems that way since you are so far right everyone is to the left of you. I am a true middle independent moderate....my voting record is strongly republican though, and I would not be considering voting for the Dems if the GOP was not so batshit scary.

- Please list in detail how the posters on this board are "far right".
- Please list the "far right" policies of Trump's past presidential term.
- Please list the details of the policies that are "far right" on his current platform, and don't say Project 2025.

Please explain why RFK, a published author is crazy, a kook, as you say.

I want to see bulleted, cited responses to these questions and not garbage 25 second video clips.

The Republican party is led by a former New York Democrat that has policies on the same plane as Bill Clinton, but more isolationist in nature. Please explain to the forum what you mean by "far right". The current Republican party has homosexual members now, does it not? Gay marriage was not even supported by Obama during his first term. Not wanting minors transitioned before adulthood is far right? Having a controlled border is far right? Being anti-war is far right? Most republicans have always been against abortion, that hasn't changed. The supreme court ending Roe vs Wade and passing the buck to the states so that citizens can vote on the issue is the very meaning of democracy. Just because the left doesn't like something doesn't make undemocratic. There is no precedent for abortion in the constitution because it didn't exist. If abortion was so popular, there would be a law passed through congress. Please enlighten us.
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Holy cow! I admit I didn't exactly know what FGM was and I carefully looked it up. Anyone performing this on a female child should be hung from a tree until dead. This judge is wrong as this procedure is a form of punishment inflicted upon a person without due process and therefore unconstitutional. In fact, they aren't even guilty of a crime but just suspected to be predisposed to one - infidelity in this case. It is a horrible, barbaric act and should never be permitted! Removing genital tissue due to disease or deformity is excepted, of course.

I hate Islam and it should absolutely be banned everywhere and in all cases. China is wrong on many human rights and freedoms, but they have this one right, I believe. We should not allow any Muslims in to our country. The ones that are already here should be under very close observation at all times. This is an evil, satanic cult!

Democrats will never touch it because it would royally tick off the northern Muslims, neither will the “it’s between the Dr and parents” crowd well for obvious reasons.
- Please list in detail how the posters on this board are "far right".
- Please list the "far right" policies of Trump's past presidential term.
- Please list the details of the policies that are "far right" on his current platform, and don't say Project 2025.

Please explain why RFK, a published author is crazy, a kook, as you say.

I want to see bulleted, cited responses to these questions and not garbage 25 second video clips.

The Republican party is led by a former New York Democrat that has policies on the same plane as Bill Clinton, but more isolationist in nature. Please explain to the forum what you mean by "far right". The current Republican party has homosexual members now, does it not? Gay marriage was not even supported by Obama during his first term. Not wanting minors transitioned before adulthood is far right? Having a controlled border is far right? Being anti-war is far right? Most republicans have always been against abortion, that hasn't changed. The supreme court ending Roe vs Wade and passing the buck to the states so that citizens can vote on the issue is the very meaning of democracy. Just because the left doesn't like something doesn't make undemocratic. There is no precedent for abortion in the constitution because it didn't exist. If abortion was so popular, there would be a law passed through congress. Please enlighten us.
I'm at work so I don't have time to really address a lot of this right now but I'll get back to you on most of this....I will touch on abortion real quick though

Yes or no Trump will support a national abortion ban....the answer is yes cause Trump will do whatever Miller, and Robert's want him to do
Also abortions have existed for millenia, in fact it was commonplace and legal in colonial America when the constitution was written so it certainly existed.
I'm at work so I don't have time to really address a lot of this right now but I'll get back to you on most of this....I will touch on abortion real quick though

Yes or no Trump will support a national abortion ban....the answer is yes cause Trump will do whatever Miller, and Robert's want him to do
Also abortions have existed for millenia, in fact it was commonplace and legal in colonial America when the constitution was written so it certainly existed.
Wrong. Trump has come out and said he is not in favor of a ban. Smh.
I hate Islam and it should absolutely be banned everywhere and in all cases. China is wrong on many human rights and freedoms, but they have this one right, I believe. We should not allow any Muslims in to our country. The ones that are already here should be under very close observation at all times. This is an evil, satanic cult!