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Political Thread: The Sequel

You keep believing that
I have said it before and will keep saying it. You already have a dictatorial, tyrannical government but you refuse to acknowledge it for what ever reason. So Met is correct in one sense. The chaos they said would ensue if Orange Bad Man was elected in 2020 has come to pass under their administration. We are indeed closer to a global conflict than we have been at any time in my lifetime. Voting them back into power in this election will further the decline of what we all love - freedom.
The problem with thar gray area is that's the area that gets driven down our throats as the reason to legalize it. It also accounts for less than 1% of abortions
I agree fully! But the gray areas become more black and white when you know what abortion is. I know some say it is not the proper way to have birth control. Some say that it is immoral. Some say it is avoiding responsibility. God says in the Bible that it is murder. He treats the death of an unborn child the very same way he treats the death of an adult when he says "22If men who are fighting strike a pregnant woman and her child is born prematurely, but there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband demands and as the court allows. 23But if a serious injury results, then you must require a life for a life— 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25burn for burn, wound for wound, and stripe for stripe."
We believe it because it’s already been seen. Smh
They are so desperate. They put all their hopes and dreams into a person that's never even gotten one vote in any presidential election much less a primary election. They also put their hopes and dreams into someone that has participated in elder abuse. They are addicted to Twitter and anybody that posts whatever follows their mindset.
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If that's the "dumbest sh*t" Ronnie has ever heard, then he obviously hasn't listened to Kamala give a talk.

You will have a binary outcome in November (assuming both Trump and Harris are on the ballot). One of them will become president.

If you vote for one or the other, then you are giving your active support for that person's ideology.

If you don't vote, there are exaclty 2 possibilities:

1) Both ideologies are equally good or equally bad and you are OK with either.

2) One ideology is worse than the other, and you are just fine with that outcome.

That's it. The Tweet is complete nonsense, couched in deep intellectual-sounding language.

Why won't all these brave and honest social media warriors just come out and say, "I love communism, I hate America, the common person is a waste of a life, and more than anything, white people, especially white Christian people, are the worst."

It's really ok. We all know it. Just drop the act, stop being afraid, and just own up to it, instead of obfuscating behind a big nonsensical word salad.
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If that's the "dumbest sh*t" Ronnie has ever heard, then he obviously hasn't listened to Kamala give a talk.

You will have a binary outcome in November (assuming both Trump and Harris are on the ballot). One of them will become president.

If you vote for one or the other, then you are giving your active support for that person's ideology.

If you don't vote, there are exaclty 2 possibilities:

1) Both ideologies are equally good or equally bad and you are OK with either.

2) One ideology is worse than the other, and you are just fine with that outcome.

That's it. The Tweet is complete nonsense, couched in deep intellectual-sounding language.

Why won't all these brave and honest social media warriors just come out and say, "I love communism, I hate America, the common person is a waste of a life, and more than anything, white people, especially white Christian people, are the worst."

It's really ok. We all know it. Just drop the act, stop being afraid, and just own up to it, instead of obfuscating behind a big nonsensical word salad.
I have said on this forum before that I did not vote for either candidate in the 2020 election. I own that. I won’t make that mistake again after seeing the events of the past 4 years.
Why won't all these brave and honest social media warriors just come out and say, "I love communism, I hate America, the common person is a waste of a life, and more than anything, white people, especially white Christian people, are the worst."

It's really ok. We all know it. Just drop the act, stop being afraid, and just own up to it, instead of obfuscating behind a big nonsensical word salad.

We are getting closer and closer to them admitting it. They are communists, they admit daily that the free market is unfair. I was researching the career of Kamala's father who was a professor at Stanford. He is a known Marxist.

If you sit back and really think about it for a minute, we now know that a large portion of our own government along with China would want a communist style government installed. Obviously the voters aren't going to willfully vote that way in our current political climate, even most of the left. Kamala, likely the most communist candidate in 2020 couldn't get more then 1% of the vote in in the primaries. What is the solution? Make her the VP of the most feeble and corrupt candidate who might not even make it through one term. Get past the primaries, make her your candidate. Is it crazy talk? Maybe, maybe not.
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We are getting closer and closer to them admitting it. They are communists, they admit daily that the free market is unfair. I was researching the career of Kamala's father who was a professor at Stanford. He is a known Marxist.

If you sit back and really think about it for a minute, we now know that a large portion of our own government along with China would want a communist style government installed. Obviously the voters aren't going to willfully vote that way in our current political climate, even most of the left. Kamala, likely the most communist candidate in 2020 couldn't get more then 1% of the vote in in the primaries. What is the solution? Make her the VP of the most feeble and corrupt candidate who might not even make it through one term. Get past the primaries, make her your candidate. Is it crazy talk? Maybe, maybe not.
If that's the "dumbest sh*t" Ronnie has ever heard, then he obviously hasn't listened to Kamala give a talk.

You will have a binary outcome in November (assuming both Trump and Harris are on the ballot). One of them will become president.

If you vote for one or the other, then you are giving your active support for that person's ideology.

If you don't vote, there are exaclty 2 possibilities:

1) Both ideologies are equally good or equally bad and you are OK with either.

2) One ideology is worse than the other, and you are just fine with that outcome.

That's it. The Tweet is complete nonsense, couched in deep intellectual-sounding language.

Why won't all these brave and honest social media warriors just come out and say, "I love communism, I hate America, the common person is a waste of a life, and more than anything, white people, especially white Christian people, are the worst."

It's really ok. We all know it. Just drop the act, stop being afraid, and just own up to it, instead of obfuscating behind a big nonsensical word salad.
Lol you guys wonder why so many people think the maga crowd is nuts and far right...yet here you are labeling anyone that disagrees with you or votes for Harris a communist....this entire post and its mentality is why the GOP won't and can't win on national scales anymore. You treat your fellow Amerians as enemies just because they see things differently than you. It's ok I promise you everything will be fine even if Harris is your president.
Lol you guys wonder why so many people think the maga crowd is nuts and far right...yet here you are labeling anyone that disagrees with you or votes for Harris a communist....this entire post and its mentality is why the GOP won't and can't win on national scales anymore. You treat your fellow Amerians as enemies just because they see things differently than you. It's ok I promise you everything will be fine even if Harris is your president.
Nah, my fellow Americans can think whatever they want. They're not enemies at all. Not very bright when they say stuff like that maybe, but definitely not enemies.

What doesn't seem to be clicking is that if you are fine with Harris being president, then you are fine with a communist worldview. But maybe that's better than safety, freedom, and all that good stuff.

There's no mystery about Kamala's stances. You can actually listen to her speeches and hear her say it. It ain't like Trump, where y'all pick words and phrases and take them out of context. She actually says all this stuff.