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Political Thread: The Sequel

Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
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Yup. most people I know that said no to Trump and Biden are liking Harris. And that’s a ---- ton of people. Wanna grab coffee at Foxy Loxy and discuss this
Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
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And this is sad. What has Harris done in the last 4 years? I'll wait................................................................................................................................................... guess what she has done nothing but talk in circles and you know it. You also voted for that old man that couldn't speak or think for himself because trump was mean or aggressive or tweeted too much. . Harris would be another disaster but you guys like drama. Yall like to talk ---- about Trump but I never see post about how good Harris would be or how good Biden was and you know why? They are awful. The fact we have to debate this is embarrassing and shows me how dumb some people are in this country. A good country ------ by dummies' that have no balls to stand up for themselves or disagree with others.
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Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
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If you gave these same people a choice of sticking a fork in their eye or voting for Trump, you'd have a bunch of one-eyed jacks walking around. This is the very reason why we are on the road to collapse as a nation. It's going to happen. It'll just happen much more quickly under the left's influence.
If you gave these same people a choice of sticking a fork in their eye or voting for Trump, you'd have a bunch of one-eyed jacks walking around. This is the very reason why we are on the road to collapse as a nation. It's going to happen. It'll just happen much more quickly under the left's influence.
It already collapsed under Trump with Covid. He destroyed our economy and gave PPE loans to the rich that will never be accounted for. We will never know the true costs. He literally killed people with Covid given his guidance. We are just now seeing the costs (inflation) due to Trump.
And this is sad. What has Harris done in the last 4 years? I'll wait...................................................................................................................................................
It doesn't matter. A good portion of the population is easily manipulated by messaging. My wife went out with a liberal friend of hers last night. This person is literally afraid of Donald Trump. He's never going to leave the office. Kamala was never in charge of the border. Trump is going to ban all abortion. Kamala has been one of the most effective VPs in modern history. Inflation is much better now. Trump is the cause of all of the divisiveness. I'm serious. That was the conversation. This is an example of how stupid, gullible, and easily manipulated people are. And this is a huge percentage of people. It doesn't matter who wins the election, we are in serious trouble.
It already collapsed under Trump with Covid. He destroyed our economy and gave PPE loans to the rich that will never be accounted for. We will never know the true costs. He literally killed people with Covid given his guidance. We are just now seeing the costs (inflation) due to Trump.
It doesn't matter. A good portion of the population is easily manipulated by messaging. My wife went out with a liberal friend of hers last night. This person is literally afraid of Donald Trump. He's never going to leave the office. Kamala was never in charge of the border. Trump is going to ban all abortion. Kamala has been one of the most effective VPs in modern history. Inflation is much better now. Trump is the cause of all of the divisiveness. I'm serious. That was the conversation. This is an example of how stupid, gullible, and easily manipulated people are. And this is a huge percentage of people. It doesn't matter who wins the election, we are in serious trouble.
Case in point
Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
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This is pretty much spot on IMO
It doesn't matter. A good portion of the population is easily manipulated by messaging. My wife went out with a liberal friend of hers last night. This person is literally afraid of Donald Trump. He's never going to leave the office. Kamala was never in charge of the border. Trump is going to ban all abortion. Kamala has been one of the most effective VPs in modern history. Inflation is much better now. Trump is the cause of all of the divisiveness. I'm serious. That was the conversation. This is an example of how stupid, gullible, and easily manipulated people are. And this is a huge percentage of people. It doesn't matter who wins the election, we are in serious trouble.
A lot of it is media manipulation but at the same time, it's very obvious the hate in America for the other party got way worse after Trump than it did before on both sides. Last point is true because either way we are going to hit a wall fast under either administration. Doesn't matter who is elected because that wall will be hit in the next 4 years either way. We seriously need to stop choosing idiots who divide to put into power. Trump is a massive divider as is the left and the media. This madness needs to be stopped but sensationalism is a pain to beat.
A lot of it is media manipulation but at the same time, it's very obvious the hate in America for the other party got way worse after Trump than it did before on both sides. Last point is true because either way we are going to hit a wall fast under either administration. Doesn't matter who is elected because that wall will be hit in the next 4 years either way. We seriously need to stop choosing idiots who divide to put into power. Trump is a massive divider as is the left and the media. This madness needs to be stopped but sensationalism is a pain to beat.
Obama said hold my beer Big Mike
A lot of it is media manipulation but at the same time, it's very obvious the hate in America for the other party got way worse after Trump than it did before on both sides. Last point is true because either way we are going to hit a wall fast under either administration. Doesn't matter who is elected because that wall will be hit in the next 4 years either way. We seriously need to stop choosing idiots who divide to put into power. Trump is a massive divider as is the left and the media. This madness needs to be stopped but sensationalism is a pain to beat.
I think deeper that sensationalism is conformation bias. I'll repost a great video about it and how the internet is ruining minds.
This kid was searching all.kinds of celebrities before trump.announced the rally near his house. This was an act of opportunity by a kid that fits the profile of just about every other shooter. Nothing nefarious behind other than our nation's pandemic of public shooters

I tend to agree, but the argument that If the government wanted him dead he would have been killed is a bad one if you also tend to believe that a whole bunch of inept government allowed this to happen.
A lot of it is media manipulation but at the same time, it's very obvious the hate in America for the other party got way worse after Trump than it did before on both sides. Last point is true because either way we are going to hit a wall fast under either administration. Doesn't matter who is elected because that wall will be hit in the next 4 years either way. We seriously need to stop choosing idiots who divide to put into power. Trump is a massive divider as is the left and the media. This madness needs to be stopped but sensationalism is a pain to beat.
Your first sentence is key. So now, it would be to the benefit of everybody in our society to figure out and understand why that is the case.

The problem is, most people who who hate Trump, like we've talked about, will say it's his fault. But you know what? It isn't.
Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
Other opinions?
I agree there are a lot of not Trump voters who will support her but there are a couple of brothers on here who scolded us for voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" in 2016. Funny how times change
This kid was searching all.kinds of celebrities before trump.announced the rally near his house. This was an act of opportunity by a kid that fits the profile of just about every other shooter. Nothing nefarious behind other than our nation's pandemic of public shooters
He was such a loser kid yet duped the SS. Weird. I tend to agree he wasn't "hired" to assassinate Trump but it sure seems the one's in charge didn't care what happened either.
I got an assignment for the Media. Instead of reverberating the DNC Bulletin Word of the day (weird).
Go round up Kamalas Interns and get the real scoop. I mean we all concerned about a dictator being in charge.

I saw this but on another site other than the pundit. So let me give folks on here the readers digest version: 1) She had employees stand every time she entered a room (demeaning) 2) Instructed her staff to call her general when she entered the office. 3) Banned many of her employees from looking her in the eye 4) Speaks in profane language often in the office 5) Interns were given instructions to never ever address Kommiela 6) Her current staff turnover rate stands at 92 percent 7) According to former staff and interns, General Kommiela does not show quality leadership skills much less being a decent boss WILL NOT HEAR ANY OF THIS IN MSM! SHE CONSIDERS HERSELF AN ELITIST AND US PEONS ARE BENEATH HER. SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!