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Political Thread: The Sequel

My wife and I lived in a run down 800 sq. foot house we rented for 5 yrs right after we got married. Curtains moved when the wind blew, caught a dozen mice in there over the years, killed wasp and bees inside during the summer. It was brutal but we saved, worked two jobs and built our own home. Builds character and really helps you appreciate the "finer" things later in life

We lived in an old trailer that I took payments from my brother. Then we put $1500 in it before we got married and lived in it for nearly five years. It had so much character and memories, we were sad when we moved.
Vote Democrat!! lol!! They’ve been making it better for younger folk
This is what never makes any sense. Who do they think has been in power the last 4 years (and 12 of the last 16)? So they are going to vote for the worst and most amemic vp in history, from the same administration responsible for the recent devaluation of the dollar, because they think she will fix their financial issues? If this is what our youthful voters of today think the country has no chance. It will go the way of CA and other states, whose people have voted a certain way for  decades, yet are still convinced voting the same way will fix their problems that those same politicians produced.

Maybe the dem politicians are smarter than I give them credit for. They have apparently figured out how to convince large portions of the population to completely relinquish their ability for self thought and embrace the role of faceless voters for people who continuously abuse them, whilst simultaneously convincing them their problems are the fault of the people they haven't been voting for.
Ok so yeah our rent was also 350 a month but we got what we paid for. It's why we shared it with rodents. But salaries were nowhere near what they are now either. My first year's salary was under 18k, kids start out at 35k, 40k plus nowadays. That's on the low side tbh. Problem I see is so many out of college want it easy, they don't want to "pay their dues" so to speak, they don't think they need to work their way up, they don't want to sacrifice some luxuries of life to survive until things get better. They want those end results without putting in the work.

I know of one guy who went from high school to making $24/hr starting pay and another who is also around 20 years old making ~$30/hr whose Dad told me turned down another job making $34/hr or so. A kid just out of high school could study, take the ADEM Grade 4 water operator exam, pass it, work at a water plant for a year or so, get fully certified, and go make $24-$29/hr starting pay plus benefits.
The reason they keep building them is because people keeping wanting them. Builders build what people want, where they want them. Until the younger generation decides to build their own place, buy an old trailer and put it on their land or decide they aren’t gonna move to high demand areas, no government will fix these issues.

Kids is an entirely different subject that people blow out of proportion cost wise.
Builders are building for profit and interest of those outside of the area. Land also isn't cheap anymore I don't get how people assume you can just dump a trailer with plumbing and electricity on land when the cost of that today is something around 300k. You're buying something with poor value on expensive land that's still very far from your employer.
Cooper would stay Governor until January either way. Becoming a VP nominee would not change that.
NC constitution allows Robinson to gain acting governor powers anytime Cooper travels out of state. Sources say this is why he denied joining Harris. The dude would have stole the spot light in the media by passing legislation as acting Gov.
Ive tried hard to learn,hear out the govt response to the attempted assassination of DJT. But the more Ive learned, listened and watched them handle,respond,dismiss,cover up stuff, deflect. The more Im convinced this was an inside job, assisted by neffarious and conspiring actors to say the least. Their preceeding reputation of spying on him in 2016, from the top down(obama/Biden/clinton) during a failed coupe attempt,we now call Russia collusion gate, on top of multiple other failed/orchestrated attempts. Does them no favors.
Ive tried hard to learn,hear out the govt response to the attempted assassination of DJT. But the more Ive learned, listened and watched them handle,respond,dismiss,cover up stuff, deflect. The more Im convinced this was an inside job, assisted by neffarious and conspiring actors to say the least. Their preceeding reputation of spying on him in 2016, from the top down(obama/Biden/clinton) during a failed coupe attempt,we now call Russia collusion gate, on top of multiple other failed/orchestrated attempts. Does them no favors.

If it was a inside job Trump would be.dead right now....
NC constitution allows Robinson to gain acting governor powers anytime Cooper travels out of state. Sources say this is why he denied joining Harris. The dude would have stole the spot light in the media by passing legislation as acting Gov.
They dont need the Gov sig to pass any legislation. He (cooper)can veto whatever he wants, but they have veto proof in both chambers. Cooper is a lame duck gov. Has been for almost 2 years now. So this theory of yours is a nada burger. The state legislature, house and senate can propose whatever bill they want and get it enacted without any coooeration from the govenor. They hold the power.
Builders are building for profit and interest of those outside of the area. Land also isn't cheap anymore I don't get how people assume you can just dump a trailer with plumbing and electricity on land when the cost of that today is something around 300k. You're buying something with poor value on expensive land that's still very far from your employer.

Things are more expensive, but no where near that much unless you are just dead set living in super high demand areas. I have little doubt you could find an acre of land within 20-30 minutes of Shelby county for ~10k. Then you will have to add 20k for clearing, septic tank, ect. Then throw in a new singlewide trailer for about 60k.

So have you own place for 90k.
Not if the government was completely inept.
This kid was searching all.kinds of celebrities before trump.announced the rally near his house. This was an act of opportunity by a kid that fits the profile of just about every other shooter. Nothing nefarious behind other than our nation's pandemic of public shooters
They dont need the Gov sig to pass any legislation. He (cooper)can veto whatever he wants, but they have veto proof in both chambers. Cooper is a lame duck gov. Has been for almost 2 years now. So this theory of yours is a nada burger. The state legislature, house and senate can propose whatever bill they want and get it enacted without any coooeration from the govenor. They hold the power.
You’re missing the point. It’s an open governors race and Cooper traveling with Kamala would only hurt Stein with Robinson taking all the media coverage as acting governor. It’s all publicity whether he did anything or not legislative wise he would for sure cause chaos to sway the polls.
You’re missing the point. It’s an open governors race and Cooper traveling with Kamala would only hurt Stein with Robinson taking all the media coverage as acting governor. It’s all publicity whether he did anything or not legislative wise he would for sure cause chaos to sway the polls.
He gets all the media attn he wants,when he wants. Infinite. Pro and con
So the media is making out Kommiela to be the saviour. She will save us from conservative evil. However, she was known to be one of if not the most liberal member of Congress (Dare I say most communist member of Congress), dropped out of the 2020 race bc she had no chance, is probably one of if not the most inept VPs we have had in history and the media and elites are telling you to believe she is the best option. You know the old saying. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. You can polish a turd and try to sell it but you are still trying to sell a turd and many of you are buying that turd.
So the media is making out Kommiela to be the saviour. She will save us from conservative evil. However, she was known to be one of if not the most liberal member of Congress (Dare I say most communist member of Congress), dropped out of the 2020 race bc she had no chance, is probably one of if not the most inept VPs we have had in history and the media and elites are telling you to believe she is the best option. You know the old saying. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. You can polish a turd and try to sell it but you are still trying to sell a turd and many of you are buying that turd.

Her main appeal to swing voters and independents is that she's the "not Donald Trump" candidate rather than she being a quality candidate. Just like Trump was the "not Joe Biden" candidate" for swing voters/indies. Now it is largely "the not Trump" candidate vs the "not Harris" candidate for those voters. The main Q now is how the # of "not Trump" voters compares to the # of "not Harris" voters in swing states. With Harris not being in bad shape cognitively like Biden, I'd think that her recent bump was due to her better cognitive condition rather than she being appealing on her merits.
Other opinions?