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Political Thread: The Sequel

So what should we the old people do for you the smart generation since life is so so hard and not fair?
Not elect people or advocate for wastes of money like pointless wars we shouldn't be involved in, push county commissioners to stop building so many suburban mcmansions and instead support for denser in-city housing and smaller suburban development in addition to preserving more trees, basically not to continue creating a suburban hellscape where everything gets way too expensive because all developers want to do is cater to the rich in California to move here. Also help get rid of the idea the only point of a business is to increase shareholder value.
Fun fact: the old have been hogging the wealth

Share of household wealth held by those over 65 has soared while the young have gotten poorer. Top that off with those older folks receiving social security dollars when they don’t need it, bankrupting a system I’m paying into and won’t ever receive benefit from. I’m getting robbed , yet it’s blasphemous to consider canceling student loan debt , but welfare for the wealthy old? Keep it coming. I wish Americans could set aside the party bs and look at the problems we are facing. Stop the us vs them bs

Old people are just getting the money they paid into the system. Anything shorter than not getting their money back is corrupt.
It's not free money the younger generation even wants, it's just the ability to work and afford to live comfortably, which is even more difficult now than it was 10 years ago or even 30. That's why you see more depressed and hopeless people, because they feel and have been shown working hard and working gives the same result.
Maybe they should vote More wisely and not so emotionally.
Not elect people or advocate for wastes of money like pointless wars we shouldn't be involved in, push county commissioners to stop building so many suburban mcmansions and instead support for denser in-city housing and smaller suburban development in addition to preserving more trees, basically not to continue creating a suburban hellscape where everything gets way too expensive because all developers want to do is cater to the rich in California to move here. Also help get rid of the idea the only point of a business is to increase shareholder value.
AKA Smart Cities. Birthed from the Green new Deal. No thanks.
So you'd rather have constantly torn down forests and suburban hellscapes and more walmarts, got it.
I don't think anyone here is advocating for that. You have some valid points. Unfortunately, socialistic economic and social policies are only going to make things worse and worse more rapidly.
So far France has shown the world how not to host an Olympic games. Besides the controversial opening ceremonies with the drag queens and freak show performers with what could be interpreted as a blasphemous parody of The Last Supper, the athletes are calling the conditions at the Olympic Village with a mostly vegan diet and recyclable cardboard beds and mattresses some of the worst they ever seen.

During the opening ceremonies South Korea was introduced as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the wrong national anthem was played for the South Sudan basketball team before their game against Portugal.https://www.foxsports.com.au/olympi...s/news-story/ca7e58f92b76594c2acbf8b5a10c673a
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They make a pretty cheap single wide trailer, you can get that and work your way up.
My wife and I lived in a run down 800 sq. foot house we rented for 5 yrs right after we got married. Curtains moved when the wind blew, caught a dozen mice in there over the years, killed wasp and bees inside during the summer. It was brutal but we saved, worked two jobs and built our own home. Builds character and really helps you appreciate the "finer" things later in life
My wife and I lived in a run down 800 sq. foot house we rented for 5 yrs right after we got married. Curtains moved when the wind blew, caught a dozen mice in there over the years, killed wasp and bees inside during the summer. It was brutal but we saved, worked two jobs and built our own home. Builds character and really helps you appreciate the "finer" things later in life

We lived in a basement briefly when I was a teenager that flooded everytime it rained(in Alabama where it rains a lot more than here)... yeah it really changes your perspective. Talk about no privacy
My wife and I lived in a run down 800 sq. foot house we rented for 5 yrs right after we got married. Curtains moved when the wind blew, caught a dozen mice in there over the years, killed wasp and bees inside during the summer. It was brutal but we saved, worked two jobs and built our own home. Builds character and really helps you appreciate the "finer" things later in life

I dunno its not the same now as back then for sure, when I was 18-19 everyone I knew had moved out into a apt, now over half of all 21 yr olds still live at home. Rent at my first apt in a almost new building in a good location was $375 for a 2 bedroom.....its a lot more expensive, average rent in town now for a 2 bedroom is $1200. So I get where Forsyth is coming from, things were a lot easier 30 yrs ago when it came to living on your own.
I dunno its not the same now as back then for sure, when I was 18-19 everyone I knew had moved out into a apt, now over half of all 21 yr olds still live at home. Rent at my first apt in a almost new building in a good location was $375 for a 2 bedroom.....its a lot more expensive, average rent in town now for a 2 bedroom is $1200. So I get where Forsyth is coming from, things were a lot easier 30 yrs ago when it came to living on your own.
Things are always easier in another place at another time, aren't they?