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Political Thread: The Sequel

Boy you sure do get triggered by Christians 🤣🤣🤣

Naw its more that I get triggered by people professing to be constitutionalist and liberty loving Americans who are literally trying to shove their religious beliefs down our throats through laws. These same people who love liberty want to pass laws that restrict liberty of fellow Americans because their god says its wrong, all of this flies in the face of what the founders had in mind when they started this country.
Naw its more that I get triggered by people professing to be constitutionalist and liberty loving Americans who are literally trying to shove their religious beliefs down our throats through laws. These same people who love liberty want to pass laws that restrict liberty of fellow Americans because their god says its wrong, all of this flies in the face of what the founders had in mind when they started this country.
The majority of the people you're talking about are just trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy and common sense thinking. The flaw in your argument is that the vast majority of people you're trying to pass of as religious lunatics are not trying to implement some new religious structure upon the country but rather restore the moral code that used to guide us as a nation. You make it sound like they're trying to establish an Islamic or Buddhist society. It's just not happening.

The real problem is, you would love to see a completely amoral society, where anything goes and right and wrong are in the eye of the beholder, so that you get to act any way you want. Problem with that is, it always leads to societal collapse. You really want to see the end of the great American experiment, let's just stay on the track we're on. You can see cracks and crumbles all around in every direction already.
The majority of the people you're talking about are just trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy and common sense thinking. The flaw in your argument is that the vast majority of people you're trying to pass of as religious lunatics are not trying to implement some new religious structure upon the country but rather restore the moral code that used to guide us as a nation. You make it sound like they're trying to establish an Islamic or Buddhist society. It's just not happening.

The real problem is, you would love to see a completely amoral society, where anything goes and right and wrong are in the eye of the beholder, so that you get to act any way you want. Problem with that is, it always leads to societal collapse. You really want to see the end of the great American experiment, let's just stay on the track we're on. You can see cracks and crumbles all around in every direction already.
He must be fun at parties
Just read the following in a sub stack. It is spot on. The Republicans could loose this election because instead of fighting back they write sternly written letters:
The RNC is doing everything it can to lose an easily winnable election.

The upper ranks of the GOP and those who make key decisions regarding elections are, by and large, the same people who have been handling this sort of work for decades. The fruit of their labor is 191 permanently lost electoral votes and a fleet of states moving very quickly by stomping on the quisling GOP affiliates and office holders within them to a permanent 270-plus electoral vote majority. Stephen Richer, Maricopa County’s dreadful Recorder and supposedly a Republican, reportedly flipped the proverbial middle finger to a legal request to remove non-citizens from the county’s voter roll last week. Where is the RNC?
Just read the following in a sub stack. It is spot on. The Republicans could loose this election because instead of fighting back they write sternly written letters:
The RNC is doing everything it can to lose an easily winnable election.

The upper ranks of the GOP and those who make key decisions regarding elections are, by and large, the same people who have been handling this sort of work for decades. The fruit of their labor is 191 permanently lost electoral votes and a fleet of states moving very quickly by stomping on the quisling GOP affiliates and office holders within them to a permanent 270-plus electoral vote majority. Stephen Richer, Maricopa County’s dreadful Recorder and supposedly a Republican, reportedly flipped the proverbial middle finger to a legal request to remove non-citizens from the county’s voter roll last week. Where is the RNC?
Those Republicans don't want to win. Never did. Happy being in the background of the Dems with their elitist crap, Chyna connections, offices and photo ops and that's it. This is truly a deep state. They care nothing about people. Nothing. Good vs Evil. This is why they hate Trump. When he said he was going to take the power from DC and return it to the people EVERYTHING WENT SIDEWAYS. When he was against war they were totally panicked. Then the project misinformation campaign started to manipulate the masses. By the time this is over though most people will change their tunes. All but a few percent. Gona get interesting.
Not a real quote.

If you don't believe it, when was this said? Not the year, the occasion.

Here’s what is being claimed Reagan said in 1987:

“Keep voting Democrat ... One day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.”

First of all, Reagan (my favorite POTUS of my lifetime) would have referred to it as “Democratic” rather than “Democrat” when referring to the party:

“Interestingly, although the Reagan revolution of the 1980s succeeded where Goldwater’s failed, Republicans didn’t routinely drop the ‘ic’ in that decade. The practice only reemerged with a vengeance in the 1990s when Democrats were once again in power.”

Secondly, Reagan didn’t treat Democrats as enemies but instead he treated them respectfully as opponents. As a matter of fact, Reagan and solid liberal Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill socialized at times and were actually friendly with each other.
Here’s what is being claimed Reagan said in 1987:

“Keep voting Democrat ... One day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.”

First of all, Reagan (my favorite POTUS of my lifetime) would have referred to it as “Democratic” rather than “Democrat” when referring to the party:

“Interestingly, although the Reagan revolution of the 1980s succeeded where Goldwater’s failed, Republicans didn’t routinely drop the ‘ic’ in that decade. The practice only reemerged with a vengeance in the 1990s when Democrats were once again in power.”

Secondly, Reagan didn’t treat Democrats as enemies but instead he treated them respectfully as opponents. As a matter of fact, Reagan and solid liberal Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill socialized at times and were actually friendly with each other.
That Democratic party is not the same as the one we see today. There has been a big shift to the left to the point that Tip O'Neill would be called a MAGA now.
I love picking these apart for how nutty they are in general but some of these def are their fault.

- Policy, this has been an issue for decades and no president, left nor right, has really fixed it. Issues caused by South America that make people flee those regimes. Maybe if we didn't destabilize them with covert govt operations this wouldn't be a problem, hmmm...

- Started under Trump with Covid but isn't necessarily his fault, more of the entire govt, but continued under Biden getting worse. Nobody knows how to stop a fast moving train without a crash which nobody is letting happen.

- Blame oil industries they love to constrict us by making us dependent on oil. The issue on this is greater and we should be finding alternative fuels, but the EV push isn't necessarily the way to do it. Can of worms about infrastructure and mass transit investment instead of the great oil lie/mass suburbanization ruining America.

- Tied to inflation, mass consumption not slowing, corporate greed. Blame corporations.

- Stupid move if true, would need more than just terrorists to know who/what kind, null point unless proven

- Bad foreign policy, decades of Russia wanting to reclaim land from post-Cold War times but we had to get involved.

- Bad foreign policy since post-ww2, we created Israel with Europe and set this off so we keep insisting on sunk cost fallacy to keep a war going. This would happen under anyone.

- Bad move on Biden's part, commander in chief failure, this you can actually blame on him.

- Ties back to inflation. Rising costs lead to more homelessness and desperation, which leads to more crime. Blame landlords, corporations scraping housing and controlling it, and making it overall worse for the average American to get by. This isn't solved by tax cuts to corporations, but by taxing them harder, reinvesting it into cities, and solving these issues with real counters to inflation. This isn't happening under either administration.

- Trump did this to himself and he's crying because he got exposed. Can't say there hasn't been unfair coverage trying to push an agenda, but you do reap what you sow.

- He's senile, be glad he surrendered running again because that's just too old. Both him and Trump are too old in my opinion. All govt should be forced to not run when older than 75 years old. Age cannot be biased by any party or influence.

- We seriously need to invest in better technology instead of use polluting fuels that aren't efficient. Nuclear would solve a lot of the energy issues and once we achieve a breakthrough in fusion, we should push towards that. Electricity costs will drop massively the safer and more efficient we get it from start to finish. Oil industries are running the country just as they were in the late 1800s and early 1900s and we need to take back control.

- TikTok iPad children. Blame parents not the government.

- Statistics keep making each one worse and worse, I'm surprised we keep choosing bad candidates, oh wait... we keep electing bad ones to choose them instead of demand we fix root issues. Turn off the gas on the stove before attempting to put the fire out.
They only understand meme form with sentences shorter than 6 words. Please try again.
I'm still waiting to hear something she has accomplished on her own
Didn’t you hear, she got thousands upon thousands of American loving people into the states without having to go through any vetting or background checks, and allowing them to bring their arms and recreational medicines with them.
Didn’t you hear, she got thousands upon thousands of American loving people into the states without having to go through any vetting or background checks, and allowing them to bring their arms and recreational medicines with them.
That's great as long as people can continue to have recreational abortions And as long as Christians can't say anything publicly about their views.
I think Kamala will do better than what Biden would have done. This was my November prediction map I posted on another forum a month ago.
You honestly think Kamala is winning AZ, GA, PA, MI, and WI ? The polls say she is losing in every one of those states right now.
She's buying influencers and her positions are popular among the younger people. I think it's highly doable. Trump framed his campaign on age and now he's the only old person in the race.