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Political Thread: The Sequel

Some ppl look at a pile of s##t.. and they see vitamin B12

According to the invention, most of the vitamin B12 is made up of this sewage sludge subjected to methane fermentation at ordinary temperature in Freedom by treating it with calcium hydroxide [Ca (O H) 21,

Did Trump post this cause it doesn't make any sense....but feels like a answer he would give if you asked him about space exploration
These national polls don't mean anything. Biden won by almost 5% nationally in 2020 and yet Trump would have won if he had about 100,000 more votes in the battleground states. Georgia and Wisconsin were bascially a tie with the slight edge going to Biden. There's only about 6 or 7 states that even matter.
Naw I really don't fall into any party really I have always voted GOP for president until Trump came along. Trump is a horrible human being.

I will most likely vote Harris especially if NC is in play. If I think Trump has NC locked up I might write in someone or support a 3rd party.
I was just messin'
I agree with what Harris said here very much. There were many peaceful protests yesterday in D.C. against Israel's war policy, including by many Jews. But this was not in the least in addition to outrightly supporting Hamas (who doesn't even support Israel's right to exist) and only serves to undercut what the peaceful protestors are trying to accomplish.

Anyone else here agree with what Harris said here?

Her writers did a good job writing here.
If Robert Kennedy had a snowball's chance in hell, I might vote for him. I like his stances on many issues and am tired of Donald Trump shooting himself in the foot every time he turns around. There is little I agree with policy wise with Kamala Harris and the current Democratic Party since I am not an "elite" WASP male and they seem not too concerned about my vote. As I have said before, it's a shame there is not a viable third party in the American electoral system.
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Did Trump post this cause it doesn't make any sense....but feels like a answer he would give if you asked him about space exploration
I'll ask him tonight at dinner

Point being some ppl see things differently.. but that's OK. Live your life fully! Do what you can but don't get caught in the grinder
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Her writers did a good job writing here.
I got her 1st draft off Reddit.

"Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. which is a state in the United States of America with other States with people and roads. we saw despicable acts by patriotic Democratic voters protesting and non-dangerous non-hate-fueled rhetoric," Harris said. "I condemn any individuals associating with the non-brutal non-terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews which are people on the other side of the world which we call earth. I'm wearing a blue dress.

"I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have only one place in our nation and that’s against Cops and white people," the vice president concluded.
Yep, I agree. Good for her.

Lick will tell her that she needs to do more research.
America, the country where the media is run by zionists, the government is beholden to Zionist lobbies, and the church worships at the feet of Zionist’s ….

Why do we have to go kiss ass at AIPAC? The only foreign lobby not forced to register as such… you’re not awake, you are brainwashed sir if you think this is not corrupt … it’s the only country on earth that gets such special treatment? Why? Why is it now law that you can not criticize Israel? Why is it law in multiple states that you can not boycott israel and you have to sign documents saying you won’t if you work for the state ( Texas )? You can boycott the USA in Texas but heaven forbid you boycott Israel … Israel , an experiment by 19th century European Jews and colonialism … 186,000 dead , but Gaza has 0 right to defend itself because the people bombing them are white passing…
I got her 1st draft off Reddit.

"Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. which is a state in the United States of America with other States with people and roads. we saw despicable acts by patriotic Democratic voters protesting and non-dangerous non-hate-fueled rhetoric," Harris said. "I condemn any individuals associating with the non-brutal non-terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews which are people on the other side of the world which we call earth. I'm wearing a blue dress.

"I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have only one place in our nation and that’s against Cops and white people," the vice president concluded.
For a group of people that likes to call people snowflakes and criticize people for pulling the victim card yall sure do like to play victim … wahh wah wahh
Some Insights on Kamala. Her priorities, vision for Anerica. The Agenda you are voting for.

View attachment 148805
As a Supreme Court justice once said discussing an obscenity case "I know pornography when I see it". Books like this do not belong on the shelves of any elementary, middle or high school library. I would consider this material pornographic just for some of the visual imagery that was thankfully blacked out alone.
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This whole she isn't black thing is hilarious, guess what color people in Jamaica are....guess where they came from...the attempt to marginalized her blackness tells you all you need to know about how worried the maga crowd is that she is half black.
Jamaica has white people too and Asians , she is probably more like 30% black . None of that really matters anyway, it’s silly to obsess over what her race/ethnicity is… very irrelevant point imo