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Political Thread: The Sequel

This whole she isn't black thing is hilarious, guess what color people in Jamaica are....guess where they came from...the attempt to marginalized her blackness tells you all you need to know about how worried the maga crowd is that she is half black.
We dont see skin color, use DEI to hire folks. Thats your crowd. Didnt mean to blow a hole in your armor.
This whole she isn't black thing is hilarious, guess what color people in Jamaica are....guess where they came from...the attempt to marginalized her blackness tells you all you need to know about how worried the maga crowd is that she is half black.
Worried? Nah, we only mock and joke because the party of democracy and tolerance sole focus is race above everything else. You can’t get mad when we make fun of how ridiculous it all is.
Valid concern....Vance is super cringe and the fact Trump is the oldest presidential nominee ever who will be 83 in his last year if elected should be played up a lot by Harris.

Valid concern....Vance is super cringe and the fact Trump is the oldest presidential nominee ever who will be 83 in his last year if elected should be played up a lot by Harris.

just remove the word trump and add Biden and you see what we have to talking about for years.
Jamaica has white people too and Asians , she is probably more like 30% black . None of that really matters anyway, it’s silly to obsess over what her race/ethnicity is… very irrelevant point imo
I have an Ancestry account and I am of 98% European descent according to DNA analysis. I was quite surprised at the number of black people who are distant cousins that have DNA ties with my ancestors. It's almost safe to say most blacks with ancestry in America have European DNA in their genetic makeup
I have an Ancestry account and I am of 98% European descent according to DNA analysis. I was quite surprised at the number of black people who are distant cousins that have DNA ties with my ancestors. It's almost safe to say most blacks with ancestry in America have European DNA in their genetic makeup
Yeah I’d say that’s an accurate statement. South was isolated for 200 years and didn’t start seeing new outsiders in large numbers till the last 60 years. Not surprising that most black people would also have some white
Valid concern....Vance is super cringe and the fact Trump is the oldest presidential nominee ever who will be 83 in his last year if elected should be played up a lot by Harris.

That dumb hussy would've voted for Oatmeal Joe 10 times if he'd stayed in the race. Get outta here with that argument , DelTaco.
This whole she isn't black thing is hilarious, guess what color people in Jamaica are....guess where they came from...the attempt to marginalized her blackness tells you all you need to know about how worried the maga crowd is that she is half black.
True, but dems sure seem to obsess about skin color in everything else.
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Another interesting article concerning the mass migration of residents from blue states to red states to escape the economic conditions and high taxes in those states. Although I believe the extremely wealthy should be in a higher bracket than they are now, I also believe that taxes should be reduced for middle income taxpayers and those below that. I also believe that the Federal Gasoline Tax should be eliminated. Consider this, in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s the wealthiest taxpayers paid a ninety percent tax rate! While I do not condone that much of a bite out of their earnings, taxpayers with more than, let's say just to throw out a number, ten million in adjusted gross income could be taxed at 50% without diminishing their standard of living too much.
The judicial system in America has become too politicalized. While I do not believe that Trump is a guiltless saint who should be a candidate for canonization I do believe that there was no way that his prosecution in New York on the cover up of his hush money payments didn't have an element of political bias from the Attorney General of New York and others involved in his prosecution. Judicial elections should be made without political party affiliation being disclosed on the ballot, the way it was in North Carolina for many years. I know I am dreaming but appointments by elected officials should be made the same way.

Another interesting article concerning the mass migration of residents from blue states to red states to escape the economic conditions and high taxes in those states. Although I believe the extremely wealthy should be in a higher bracket than they are now, I also believe that taxes should be reduced for middle income taxpayers and those below that. I also believe that the Federal Gasoline Tax should be eliminated. Consider this, in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s the wealthiest taxpayers paid a ninety percent tax rate! While I do not condone that much of a bite out of their earnings, taxpayers with more than, let's say just to throw out a number, ten million in adjusted gross income could be taxed at 50% without diminishing their standard of living too much.
Oh, man, we should play a game called "find the Bolshevik" in this thread... here's your first mulligan. When you tax high achievers much above the rate you tax everyone else, you encourage them to reduce their tax burden. The reason they make so much is because they are generally more intelligent and conscientious than their peers. They will find creative ways to "hide" this income to reduce their tax burden. This results in lower taxes than if you would have left it the same.
Breaking News…The wife of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson owes the government thousands of dollars due to claims filed by her nonprofit organization that shouldn’t have been allowed, according to allegations outlined in documents released Thursday by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Lock her up!
Oh, man, we should play a game called "find the Bolshevik" in this thread... here's your first mulligan. When you tax high achievers much above the rate you tax everyone else, you encourage them to reduce their tax burden. The reason they make so much is because they are generally more intelligent and conscientious than their peers. They will find creative ways to "hide" this income to reduce their tax burden. This results in lower taxes than if you would have left it the same.
This is one of the best things said in here thus far. You're never going to get people to understand this though because they can't get past the fact that some people are more intelligent and driven then others. They wallow in anger as they sleep in their air conditioned apartment with their Apple phone posting Instagram videos right after coming from the Wendy's drive thru.