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Political Thread: The Sequel


I like some here already have have questioning J.D. Vance's selection as Trump's running mate. There may be even more questions about Trump's choice if this polling data is even close to being truthful. I think this might come back to biting Donald Trump.
It would be a huge disaster for trump to have to dump Vance. Goes back to his mismanaged rotsting door of positions from his presidency.
Breaking News…The wife of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson owes the government thousands of dollars due to claims filed by her nonprofit organization that shouldn’t have been allowed, according to allegations outlined in documents released Thursday by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Lock her up!
Even more reason to support Mark Robinson. 🖕🏻the government.
This is one of the best things said in here thus far. You're never going to get people to understand this though because they can't get past the fact that some people are more intelligent and driven then others. They wallow in anger as they sleep in their air conditioned apartment with their Apple phone posting Instagram videos right after coming from the Wendy's drive thru.

On the flip side good luck convincing people that those uber rich people that make more money a month than you will in your life and somehow pay less than you in taxes deserve a "break".

Good luck selling this to Americans

Oh, man, we should play a game called "find the Bolshevik" in this thread... here's your first mulligan. When you tax high achievers much above the rate you tax everyone else, you encourage them to reduce their tax burden. The reason they make so much is because they are generally more intelligent and conscientious than their peers. They will find creative ways to "hide" this income to reduce their tax burden. This results in lower taxes than if you would have left it the same.
Tax avoidance will happen at any tax rate. If someone making $500k (or whatever) has a tax rate of 35% or 25% they are still going to do what they legally (or illegally) can to reduce their tax burden.

Are you suggesting they get rid of progressive tax rates? That would result in one of two things - further deficit spending due to decreased tax revenue (more debt) or higher taxes on lower incomes to keep it flat to current rates. I’m not even sure why anyone who isn’t in the top 10% of income would be in favor of this.
On the flip side good luck convincing people that those uber rich people that make more money a month than you will in your life and somehow pay less than you in taxes deserve a "break".

Good luck selling this to Americans

It's not Donald Trump's project 2025, so the tweet starts with a lie just like every thing else the left spews
How you all keep falling in line with out right lying MSM is beyond me. Evidence everywhere that Harris was the border czar and now every single one of them in lock step to deny it ever happened and GOP is lying. How can people with brains be so gullable but here we are and frankly why this will be a close race. Half the electorate are lazy low information voters or just out right stupid
Bah its the GOP plan for if Trump wins....own it already...

Keep sharing leftist tweets, they do the thinking and speaking for you. If you actually read, listened and thought for yourself you'd see otherwise. Not gonna get caught up in this nonsense.
No, it isn't. Stop acting acting like you can't think for yourself. He was already president once, we know the policies.
Don't you remember? We were ruled by a dictator then, the constitution was destroyed, gas was $4, inflation was out of control, the border was wide open, we had war after war.......oh wait 😏
If trump wins I predict a lot of protesting and I’m not sure if Biden will hand over the torch. He should make it an official act and stop the count if he see Trump close
No, it isn't. Stop acting acting like you can't think for yourself. He was already president once, we know the policies.
Think for myself? Trump tells you what he is going to do....Trump totally agrees with the whole thing, it was created by a who's who of former admin and party folks who Trump works closely with. The only reason Trump even tries to disavow it half assedily is because it hurts him with moderates and independents he needs. So he tried to play it both ways but in the end these people at Project 2025 will be the policy makers in a Trump admin if he wins...

These people are telling you what is going to happen if Trump wins, Bannon, Miller, Roberts etc are all the people pulling Trumps strings anyways they are out there campaigning on Project 2025.....listen to them do they sound unsure that this plan is going to be done?
