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Political Thread: The Sequel

What I find so interesting about the past few election cycles is the vitriol the left has with Trump as a person. Trump being a racist, sexist, rapist, etc. takes so much more of of the conversation then actual policy, for obvious reasons. I don't feel this hate for Joe Biden, Harris, or anyone on that side right now other then some of the talk show hosts. I find them feckless and basically the current avenues of the MIC and PIC. If the left thinks their candidates aren't having sex with hookers and doing blow off their backsides right along with everyone else, there is really nothing else to say. I guess that's why high level policy discussion just gets left behind.
If accurate then it's a bad sign for Trump

Harris will get women and especially black women to vote for her in droves. I think winning the male vote is key to her chances for success in the November election. The polls have really tightened up in the Real Clear Politics averages and the odds of Trump winning which looked good after the Republican convention are now about even. This race might be the closest and most contested in history.
It would be nice if the Media would spend less time covering up the fact Kamala was the boarder Cszar and let 10million plus illegals in or was outspoken on Defunding the Police just 3 short years ago.
But instead, ask the Deep State Candidate of Choice(sorry primary voters/peasants). What her plans are toward CBD. This one issue should be on everyones radar. I dont care what the rest of your idealogy,political party leanings are. This can never happen in America,or all of us will have our goose cooked.

What I find so interesting about the past few election cycles is the vitriol the left has with Trump as a person. Trump being a racist, sexist, rapist, etc. takes so much more of of the conversation then actual policy, for obvious reasons. I don't feel this hate for Joe Biden, Harris, or anyone on that side right now other then some of the talk show hosts. I find them feckless and basically the current avenues of the MIC and PIC. If the left thinks their candidates aren't having sex with hookers and doing blow off their backsides right along with everyone else, there is really nothing else to say. I guess that's why high level policy discussion just gets left behind.
Look, this is easy. Trump isn't part of or beholden to the deep state, uniparty, establishment, global cabal, or whatever you want to call it. He's unpredictable and doesn't play ball like these other politicians do.

Therefore, they attack him, lie about him, spin everything he does as evil, and lie about themselves, telling you not to believe your own eyes and ears. The fact that people are stupid enough to believe all of this is what baffles me. But that's what the media and political establishment count on.
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It would be nice if the Media would spend less time covering up the fact Kamala was the boarder Cszar and let 10million plus illegals in or was outspoken on Defunding the Police just 3 short years ago.
But instead, ask the Deep State Candidate of Choice(sorry primary voters/peasants). What her plans are toward CBD. This one issue should be on everyones radar. I dont care what the rest of your idealogy,political party leanings are. This can never happen in America,or all of us will have our goose cooked.

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Central bank digital currency is every tyrant's wet dream for sure!
I'm starting to believe that @Downeastnc is a closet MAGA and just loves to troll us. Bet he already has a Trump/Vance 2024 sticker on his Tesla. :p
Haha I don't think so. Trump has put he and Shaggy out of order or like on those old pinball games in Tilt mode.

They don't really want the confiscation of guns, the rape and murder of women and other violent crime by illegals, medicine mandates and lockdowns, rampant crime, the decimation of our cities, the collapse of our economic, world wars, etc. They've just forgotten, because Trump has put them in Tilt mode.

When it gets bad enough for them, and it will, they'll be back.
I PROMISE you, I don't care what they are protesting. If they want to march and shout and hold signs, I have no problem with it at all, whatever the movement. Personally, all protesters annoy me. But they have a right to do it.

My whole point is that I always find it ironic that the left always protest violence and hate violently and hatefully.

And you're not bothering me at all. I'm not saying or claiming anything untrue or outrageous. In fact, it's pretty in your face evident. If you want to see videos of those folks destroying others' property and what not, it's easy to find.
January 6
I agree with what Harris said here very much. There were many peaceful protests yesterday in D.C. against Israel's war policy, including by many Jews. But this was not in the least in addition to outrightly supporting Hamas (who doesn't even support Israel's right to exist) and only serves to undercut what the peaceful protestors are trying to accomplish.

Anyone else here agree with what Harris said here?

I agree with what Harris said here very much. There were many peaceful protests yesterday in D.C. against Israel's war policy, including by many Jews. But this was not in the least in addition to outrightly supporting Hamas (who doesn't even support Israel's right to exist) and only serves to undercut what the peaceful protestors are trying to accomplish.

Anyone else here agree with what Harris said here?

Yep, I agree. Good for her.

Lick will tell her that she needs to do more research.
I agree with what Harris said here very much. There were many peaceful protests yesterday in D.C. against Israel's war policy, including by many Jews. But this was not in the least in addition to outrightly supporting Hamas (who doesn't even support Israel's right to exist) and only serves to undercut what the peaceful protestors are trying to accomplish.

Anyone else here agree with what Harris said here?

Is she trying to disassociate herself from the Democrat party?
I'm starting to believe that @Downeastnc is a closet MAGA and just loves to troll us. Bet he already has a Trump/Vance 2024 sticker on his Tesla. :p

Naw I really don't fall into any party really I have always voted GOP for president until Trump came along. Trump is a horrible human being.

I will most likely vote Harris especially if NC is in play. If I think Trump has NC locked up I might write in someone or support a 3rd party.