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Political Thread: The Sequel

How bout Xmas since that was originally a pagan holiday that was hijacked?
I'm not denying hijacking pagan holidays but both the Catholic and Orthodox churches came to December 25th by different means. It's too long to get into here but they didn't necessarily hijack Christmas. I'd be happy to get into more offline.
If you thought it was bad our VP took over the ticket, wait till I tell you how Trump took over the party and constitution. That ad just played while I was on vacation 😆
Morning Observations:
1. Several on here are wetting their preverbial pants now that Kamala is the presumptive nominee. So the self proclaimed "protectors of democracy" , the DemoncRATS are essentially telling you who you can vote for and not allowing you to select who you can vote for in the 24 election. The anointing of Kamala is suspect not that I would vote for her or any of the possible candidates on their bench. The point is they took you out of the process and you are falling in line with it.
2. Many of you on here are probably members of your neighborhoods or community's message boards. I am increasingly seeing things like this on my community's message board:
"Hey me again. I really hate this but when I have no choice I have no choice. I work, and I am definitely not asking for a handout, but I don't get paid until Sunday and I have absolutely no way to get anything until then. I was doing door dash but my car broke down and I can't get it fixed until I get paid. Anyway, I don't want money unless u just feel like you can do that, but I need some cat food, litter, and some peanut butter and jelly and some bread. I can make it until Sunday with these things."
Again I see this with increasing frequency. If you are lower, middle or upper middle class you are being squeezed out by the gov. The left for sure wants you squeezed out.
Hell they did it in 2020 too! Democracy must mean different things to those left of center
Christmas has diff changed over the years. People have forgot the real meaning of Christmas. Its not about gifts and snapchats of snow falling and lights.
That's kind of my point. In general Holidays are meaningful only to the people who adhere to that ideology. I only celebrate Xmas as a time for family. I don't recognize it as a christian holiday at all. In essence as a meaningful religious holiday it is a "fake holiday" to me.
That's kind of my point. In general Holidays are meaningful only to the people who adhere to that ideology. I only celebrate Xmas as a time for family. I don't recognize it as a christian holiday at all. In essence as a meaningful religious holiday it is a "fake holiday" to me.
Do you say it like "X"mas, when you say it out loud?
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
That's kind of my point. In general Holidays are meaningful only to the people who adhere to that ideology. I only celebrate Xmas as a time for family. I don't recognize it as a christian holiday at all. In essence as a meaningful religious holiday it is a "fake holiday" to me.
I wouldn't call it a fake holiday, It wasn't made up to please a certain race or single religion or made up my companies for profit.
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.

Thank you for your opinion. I’ll file it in the “Do not care, except to make a snarky response” cabinet.
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
would you rather live in a world where everyone agrees with you? Peoples different views on things shouldn't hurt your feelings or make you feel differently.. a great nation is built on varying ideas and plans. I believe the longer we go down this road of hurt feelings and soft personality's the worst the country has become.. we need strong men
the sooner ppl wake up and see both sides dems and reps all are playing to the same means.. they have different paths but they most certainly don't have our best interest in mind.
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.

You are not alone I promise you a lot of moderate middle road Republicans have no party any longer, the GOP of today is a party of victims who want a christian nation with a authoritarian leader to force all Americans to live their idea of "America". The days of a live and let live, liberty and freedom party are gone...
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
Don’t let the alley cat Cold Rain take away your experiences with the weather board. The bigger picture is…the rich (on both sides) want us to fight over little things instead of home buying or war over seas. I mean abortion should have been left alone. The rich will continue to have the procedure done. Take away gay marriage? The rich will just go overseas and marry in the Philippines which just passed it into law too. Ban guns? Can’t ban what they already stockpiled. The rich will get what the want while the poor fights in a war we never wanted and even against each other as long as the guys at the top continue to eat good food.
would you rather live in a world where everyone agrees with you? Peoples different views on things shouldn't hurt your feelings or make you feel differently.. a great nation is built on varying ideas and plans. I believe the longer we go down this road of hurt feelings and soft personality's the worst the country has become.. we need strong men
the sooner ppl wake up and see both sides dems and reps all are playing to the same means.. they have different paths but they most certainly don't have our best interest in mind.
That is the post of the week! Thank you!
You are not alone I promise you a lot of moderate middle road Republicans have no party any longer, the GOP of today is a party of victims who want a christian nation with a authoritarian leader to force all Americans to live their idea of "America". The days of a live and let live, liberty and freedom party are gone...

One thing is for sure, Trump definitely caused a lot of Republicans to slap their head and say “I’ve just realized, I’m a liberal”

I dub this the Second Great Coming out of the Closet.
would you rather live in a world where everyone agrees with you? Peoples different views on things shouldn't hurt your feelings or make you feel differently.. a great nation is built on varying ideas and plans. I believe the longer we go down this road of hurt feelings and soft personality's the worst the country has become.. we need strong men
the sooner ppl wake up and see both sides dems and reps all are playing to the same means.. they have different paths but they most certainly don't have our best interest in mind.
There's a big difference between different ideologies and disgusting behavior. The right has accepted insults and name calling as a MO now. It's one thing to discuss border policy it's another to refer to Kamala in numerous different sexist ways.

It's the difference between being decent and being a douchebag
There's a big difference between different ideologies and disgusting behavior. The right has accepted insults and name calling as a MO now. It's one thing to discuss border policy it's another to refer to Kamala in numerous different sexist ways.

It's the difference between being decent and being a douchebag
Should I pull up past posts Shag? We all say stupid ---- and we all will never agree but hey I like you and the other Biden boys. Good clean banter helps the day moves faster but don't act like you are clean.