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Political Thread: The Sequel

Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
And when were those glorious "moderate" republican days again? You mean the days when your "moderates" sent me to war for 16 years? How exactly did Trump change the party to the point you can't recognize it anymore? Just admit you don't like your president to be mean and stand up to people. You like your candidates to roll over and just do whatever Democrats propose is my guess. What exactly do you consider "far right"?
Having the ability to call each other a douchebag without taking it personally is actually a much bigger issue than we give it credit for. When did everyone become so damn sensitive about everything. Life is what you make it, nobody's silly words should change anything. Somewhere in the last 5-10 years everyone's skin became translucent and we can't handle anything in this country. Hang out with some other cultures for a bit and you realize they spend their days making fun of each other and remain the best of friends. Laugh first, the world isn't so "cringe" or whatever weird ass word people make up next.
There's a big difference between different ideologies and disgusting behavior. The right has accepted insults and name calling as a MO now. It's one thing to discuss border policy it's another to refer to Kamala in numerous different sexist ways.

It's the difference between being decent and being a douchebag
ppl are going to be ppl.. if you hadn't noticed we really have no morals at this point. I blame tv and phones!
In any case we are moving into times that are uncertain. 2025-2030 . Don't bother trying to change minds! Others will always see things in a different light for better or worse. Always leave your mind open and willing to change if presented with facts. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle, but very few can assemble all the pieces

and be thankful to live in a place where somewhat of free speech can still take place. we could all move to china!
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Go ahead and pull up as many posts you want but I guarantee you you will never find one where I referred to anyone as in any racist or sexual derogatory names or terms. Sure I've called Trump orange Jesus because that's what he is to a lot of people
Well that old thread is gone thank goodness but NO friend you are no saint and there are many ways to insult and demean someone other than by sexist and racist means. We all had our d*ckhead moments even you buddy!
Go ahead and pull up as many posts you want but I guarantee you you will never find one where I referred to anyone as in any racist or sexual derogatory names or terms. Sure I've called Trump orange Jesus because that's what he is to a lot of people
She did slept her way into office. Ask Mr. Brown - because that's what she is to a lot of people.
Having the ability to call each other a douchebag without taking it personally is actually a much bigger issue than we give it credit for. When did everyone become so damn sensitive about everything. Life is what you make it, nobody's silly words should change anything. Somewhere in the last 5-10 years everyone's skin became translucent and we can't handle anything in this country. Hang out with some other cultures for a bit and you realize they spend their days making fun of each other and remain the best of friends. Laugh first, the world isn't so "cringe" or whatever weird ass word people make up next.
I was just watching some early 2000s Family Guy yesterday evening on DVD and wouldn’t be shocked if some episodes are banned from TV now. Times have changed, and not necessarily for the better.

Most of the sensitivity that has been created is purposeful by the left, to sow more division. The left is guilty of making every single issue about race or culture. In doing so, they create unneeded chaos, which gives them more ways to control and promise solutions to problems they created. Just my two cents.
Having the ability to call each other a douchebag without taking it personally is actually a much bigger issue than we give it credit for. When did everyone become so damn sensitive about everything. Life is what you make it, nobody's silly words should change anything. Somewhere in the last 5-10 years everyone's skin became translucent and we can't handle anything in this country. Hang out with some other cultures for a bit and you realize they spend their days making fun of each other and remain the best of friends. Laugh first, the world isn't so "cringe" or whatever weird ass word people make up next.
In Leftyland:

Kamala is dumb as a rock = racist

Kamala has a dumb, irritating cackle = sexist

Kamala slept her way into power = sexist

Kamala is a liar = homophobic

Kamala's parents weren't US citizens = xenophobic

Meanwhile, in the real world:

Saying Kamala can't do the job because she's a woman actually is exist.

Saying Kamala can't be trusted because she's 3% African American actually is racist.

All that other stuff is simply a low IQ way of trying to get lefties to like you. That's all it is.

It's a shame we have to reteach people over and over what actually is sexism and racism.
I was just watching some early 2000s Family Guy yesterday evening on DVD and wouldn’t be shocked if some episodes are banned from TV now. Times have changed, and not necessarily for the better.

Most of the sensitivity that has been created is purposeful by the left, to sow more division. The left is guilty of making every single issue about race or culture. In doing so, they create unneeded chaos, which gives them more ways to control and promise solutions to problems they created. Just my two cents.
Same with about every show from back then. We have been watching episodes of Home Improvement, which is a great family show, by the way. But there are episodes of that that would never be aired today.

But that's what the "progressive" left does. They destroy common sense and demonize normal ideology and replace it with bizarre and deviant behavior. They redefine that as the new normal and label opponents of that ideology as evil right wing conspiracy theorist Christian radicals. And people are brainwashed into believing it. You see it here every day.

But you will always be able to sniff it out because it runs counter to common sense and rationality.
To put it plainly, cancel culture is censorship of free speech. Freedom of speech is the right of every American no matter which side of the political isle they stand. By the way, I am enjoying the back and forth of the opinions and arguments on this thread.
There is no back and forth opinions and arguments. It’s right or wrong. Some will simply not be invited to Thanksgiving dinner this year. I will not tolerate overthrowing the constitution, abortion rights, freedom to marry, freedom of separation of church and state among many Project 2025 mandates. ---- mandates.
There is no back and forth opinions and arguments. It’s right or wrong. Some will simply not be invited to Thanksgiving dinner this year. I will not tolerate overthrowing the constitution, abortion rights, freedom to marry, freedom of separation of church and state among many Project 2025 mandates. ---- mandates.
🤣 Just wondering why do democrats celebrate Thanksgiving anyway? Another day not to work? To whom do the atheist, socialist democrats give thanks? 🤣 I know! the government🤣🤣🤣
There is no back and forth opinions and arguments. It’s right or wrong. Some will simply not be invited to Thanksgiving dinner this year. I will not tolerate overthrowing the constitution, abortion rights, freedom to marry, freedom of separation of church and state among many Project 2025 mandates. ---- mandates.
I have a liberal stepdaughter who even though I don't subscribe to many of her political opinions will be invited to Thanksgiving this year and any year I am still alive. She is very articulate and a natural born debater. We both respect each other and even if we butt heads on an issue of the day we agree that each of us has a right to our own viewpoints. I've even made some headway in convincing her to allow her husband to have firearms in their house and she has helped convince me that the current system of taxation in America does favor the wealthy and the big corporations. If we allow political differences to come in between our relationships with others then we are myopic and losing a wealth of information from those that we differ with. At least, even if you don't agree with someone you can learn what they believe and where they are coming from.
their plan seems to be working as we are dividing ourselves pretty darn good. The only hope we have albeit slim to none imo is -everyone realizing what's really happening and throwing them all out and taking it back. I say slim to none because they control the message in all platforms. They have the judges and most DA's, they have the schools... I say we band together and not get caught up in the small things or the path we need to take... lets just focus on the destination of where we need to get.
I'm sure most can agree if we stay on the route we are on many of us will not make it!
Speaker Johnson failed to get a vote on the appropriations bills. So now Congress is headed to recess and when they come back in September there will need to be stop gap legislation or we’re looking at a partial government shutdown the month before the election. They wouldn’t possibly be so stupid as to let that become part of the news cycle but then again everything this election is a bit off kilter.
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.
Let me see what I can do.
Biden is going to come out tonight and say he was in good health and was looking forward to campaigning, but over the last couple of days, an acute health situation has been revealed and that is what has caused him to not run. Watch.

And we'll also have a "terrorist" attack" before the election too. Watch.
I’m hoping we can get some hurricanes rolling to blame climate change. Would be a miracle but changing Florida, Texas and Louisiana blue would be nice. How many cat 5 will it take?