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Political Thread: The Sequel

Those doggone right wing pro-Israel insurrectionists are at it again!

Oh wait

Where? Where in that video did you see violence ? I saw people walking , waving signs, and being loud… omg the violence … republicans really hate Americans right of assembly and protest … don’t say you are pro America, you are a fascist, say that, say you want law and order and no protesting but don’t pretend to be a freedom loving American because that’s very different from the world you describe . I can respect an out fascist but I can’t respect someone who pretends to be a Freedom loving American but then is upset when freedom is exercised …

Or better yet, say you don’t like what they are protesting about , but don’t sit here and attack the freedoms afforded to us in our constitution , it’s plain anti American. It’s sad how many of y’all hate America
Where? Where in that video did you see violence ? I saw people walking , waving signs, and being loud… omg the violence … republicans really hate Americans right of assembly and protest … don’t say you are pro America, you are a fascist, say that, say you want law and order and no protesting but don’t pretend to be a freedom loving American because that’s very different from the world you describe . I can respect an out fascist but I can’t respect someone who pretends to be a Freedom loving American but then is upset when freedom is exercised …

Or better yet, say you don’t like what they are protesting about , but don’t sit here and attack the freedoms afforded to us in our constitution , it’s plain anti American. It’s sad how many of y’all hate America
The are the same ones saying January 6th was peaceful and the rioters are political prisoners
The are the same ones saying January 6th was peaceful and the rioters are political prisoners
Tbf rain cold never called them peaceful but he certainly was indifferent to them. Support the right of all to protest not just those you agree with

That’s the real American spirit, unfortunately not many have it
Where? Where in that video did you see violence ? I saw people walking , waving signs, and being loud… omg the violence … republicans really hate Americans right of assembly and protest … don’t say you are pro America, you are a fascist, say that, say you want law and order and no protesting but don’t pretend to be a freedom loving American because that’s very different from the world you describe . I can respect an out fascist but I can’t respect someone who pretends to be a Freedom loving American but then is upset when freedom is exercised …

Or better yet, say you don’t like what they are protesting about , but don’t sit here and attack the freedoms afforded to us in our constitution , it’s plain anti American. It’s sad how many of y’all hate America
A for drama, tho

Protesting is fine. But I don't think graffiti, destroying property, threatening people, putting bugs and worms in someone else's property, and things like that really qualify as protesting. But maybe I'm wrong on that. Maybe I'm just being unamerican. Maybe it has to be beating people up or burning the city down before it's considered slightly more than protesting and assembling. Maybe that's all covered under right to assembly and right to protest. Anyway, I don't care who does it. The folks on J6 who acted violently by vandalizing, threatening people, or outright assaulting people were wrong to do so as well. Was it an insurrection, though? No.
A for drama, tho

Protesting is fine. But I don't think graffiti, destroying property, threatening people, putting bugs and worms in someone else's property, and things like that really qualify as protesting. But maybe I'm wrong on that. Maybe I'm just being unamerican. Maybe it has to be beating people up or burning the city down before it's considered slightly more than protesting and assembling. Maybe that's all covered under right to assembly and right to protest. Anyway, I don't care who does it. The folks on J6 who acted violently by vandalizing, threatening people, or outright assaulting people were wrong to do so as well. Was it an insurrection, though? No.
lol and where in that video did we see graffiti, worms in property, and the city on fire… I’ll wait… I watched it didn’t see that. Wonder what your thoughts on the civil war, revolutionary war, and the 60s civil rights protests are…scary scary protesting , don’t forget, the founding fathers warned against those who would trade freedom for security … watch out what you trade cold rain
lol and where in that video did we see graffiti, worms in property, and the city on fire… I’ll wait… I watched it didn’t see that. Wonder what your thoughts on the civil war, revolutionary war, and the 60s civil rights protests are…scary scary protesting , don’t forget, the founding fathers warned against those who would trade freedom for security … watch out what you trade cold rain
Just search Twitter and you can find all the videos of that stuff you want. I'm surprised you're advocating for law-breaking in the name of protesting, though. Anyway, I'll lean on my right to free speech and define it however I want. Btw, comparing something like this to the Civil War or Revolutionary War is like comparing the Pacific Ocean to Shetley's drought-ridden yard.
Just search Twitter and you can find all the videos of that stuff you want. I'm surprised you're advocating for law-breaking in the name of protesting, though. Anyway, I'll lean on my right to free speech and define it however I want. Btw, comparing something like this to the Civil War or Revolutionary War is like comparing the Pacific Ocean to Shetley's drought-ridden yard.
Except you can’t define it how you want, it’s explicitly defined for you already. Just search Twitter? That’s your defense? If I have to search Twitter then it doesn’t define the movement , a few agitators makes not a movement. I’m sorry a few weirdos hurt your feeling. However, you can’t hide what you really feel. Your aversion has more to do with what they are protesting about than anything else.

No, my point of comparison was that your aversion to violence is hypocritical … loyalists argued the same things you did btw…

I disagree with you but be honest with me, what’s your real discomfort with these protestors? Is it the methods of the violent ones or what they protest for… what do you dislike more? I’ll leave you alone and stop here if you answer that for me
Biden is going to come out tonight and say he was in good health and was looking forward to campaigning, but over the last couple of days, an acute health situation has been revealed and that is what has caused him to not run. Watch.

And we'll also have a "terrorist" attack" before the election too. Watch.
I agree we will have an event in the next few months that will delay or pause the election. It ain’t happening in November.
To put it plainly, cancel culture is censorship of free speech. Freedom of speech is the right of every American no matter which side of the political isle they stand. By the way, I am enjoying the back and forth of the opinions and arguments on this thread.

Its not censorship if you wanna go say racist sexist homophobic stuff have at it....but if I own a company and want minorities, women and gay people to use my services and I see a viral video of one of my employees being racist or sexist etc guess what happens next.
Except you can’t define it how you want, it’s explicitly defined for you already. Just search Twitter? That’s your defense? If I have to search Twitter then it doesn’t define the movement , a few agitators makes not a movement. I’m sorry a few weirdos hurt your feeling. However, you can’t hide what you really feel. Your aversion has more to do with what they are protesting about than anything else.

No, my point of comparison was that your aversion to violence is hypocritical … loyalists argued the same things you did btw…

I disagree with you but be honest with me, what’s your real discomfort with these protestors? Is it the methods of the violent ones or what they protest for… what do you dislike more? I’ll leave you alone and stop here if you answer that for me
I PROMISE you, I don't care what they are protesting. If they want to march and shout and hold signs, I have no problem with it at all, whatever the movement. Personally, all protesters annoy me. But they have a right to do it.

My whole point is that I always find it ironic that the left always protest violence and hate violently and hatefully.

And you're not bothering me at all. I'm not saying or claiming anything untrue or outrageous. In fact, it's pretty in your face evident. If you want to see videos of those folks destroying others' property and what not, it's easy to find.
Can you imagine how the media would be treating Kamala if she had children with 3 different baby daddy's and had sex with a porn star....
Can someone ban me from this thread so I am not tempted to open it when I visit for weather things?

I've lost a lot of respect for a good portion of you with the inane far right takes. It's crazy the political polarization this country has seen since 2010 or so, since the tea party wave came to Congress. If you don't agree with everything the far right believes in, you are automatically considered a libtard and ostracized. I understand there is going to be a certain lean to a southern-based user base, but most of you have gone too far. Yes, I live in the south, but I am born and raised in the northeast (where we actually elected moderate republicans as governors!).

I consider myself a libertarian, and have actually voted mostly (moderate) Republican up until 2016. I really do miss the days of the moderate republican, as I don't think there are any left at this point. I'll be voting for Harris (or whoever ends up the nominee), as I'd rather vote for an inanimate carbon rod than the fraud that is Donald Trump.

Anyway, throw those clown emojis my way.

Instead of whining about posters "far right" takes, why don't you define what "far right" is, and provide some dialogue as to why you disagree?

Wave of polarization since the tea party? Try Bush vs Gore.

Gone to far? Why don't you provide some examples instead of whining.

You are no libertarian if you intend to vote for Kamala Harris. Donald Trump is a New York democrat, and if you are actually from the northeast you would understand that, but clearly you do not.

Vote for that carbon rod, Harris as you said you would. Maybe when you get your stimulus check you can donate it all back to Act Blue.

You provided a post with zero subtance.
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Kamala wants to eliminate guns because they kill people but expand abortion so we can kill more people 🤣🤣
Hopefully the Republicans can take the Senate because I think Kamela gets the White House. If that happens and the Democrats keep the Senate eliminating the guns would only be the 1st thing of many they would do.
Can you imagine how the media would be treating Kamala if she had children with 3 different baby daddy's and had sex with a porn star....
Bill Clinton? Anyone?

She could have sex with Hunter Biden on the White House lawn for all I care. I wouldn't vote for her because she is an empty suit with zero policy understanding, and has no ability to sound coherent to the public.
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Can you imagine how the media would be treating Kamala if she had children with 3 different baby daddy's and had sex with a porn star....
Yes, they would spin it just like they are spinning it today telling you she was not the Border Czar when all of America knows WOAT put her in charge of the boarder and she did nothing. And the normies are lapping up every word of it.
Its not censorship if you wanna go say racist sexist homophobic stuff have at it....but if I own a company and want minorities, women and gay people to use my services and I see a viral video of one of my employees being racist or sexist etc guess what happens next.
I think most would agree with you that if you have employees saying racist and/or homophobic stuff be it online or in person, that person should be disciplined and/or terminated for such behavior.
Its not censorship if you wanna go say racist sexist homophobic stuff have at it....but if I own a company and want minorities, women and gay people to use my services and I see a viral video of one of my employees being racist or sexist etc guess what happens next.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences