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Political Thread: The Sequel

People really thought he was dying? šŸ˜‚ Leave it to Jewish space laser MTG to say he was in hospice. The reps on both sides of the aisle are absolutely embarrassing. It's like a competition between the left & right on who can be the most unhinged.
clowns the left of me jokers are to the right
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I have posted here toung and cheek items regarding Kamala. So let me make some things clear with respect to my view on Kamala. I donā€™t reallycare who she slept with. Donā€™t really care about her laugh. I donā€™t care if she is too Black for some and not Black enough for others. My decision not to even consider her is based solely on the following:

*She created a bail fund for rioters in 2020 who destroyed cities to push a politics agenda.
*She supported two propositions in CA that exacerbated crime and made it incredibly difficult to for law enforcement to stop crime. As well as No Cash Bail, even against the will of California voters. Which also put Californians in danger.
*She was tasked with solving the border crisis. She only went to the border because she was pressured and all she did was peek at it to find ā€œroot causesā€. Which is progressive code for ā€œI ainā€™t gonna do šŸ’© about this.ā€
*She engages in race baiting and fear mongering. Which lets me know she has zero solutions to the many issues Americanā€™s are facing right now.
*She for sure is further left than WOAT and further left than many in her party.
*I donā€™t believe she is ready to lead and her politics will slide America further down the crapper.

Some will say "Well you are basing this on the fact she is a woman and is black" I could give two sh*ts about the fact she is a woman or black. I donā€™t care about gender or color when it comes to leadership. I just want the leader best capable to lead and she aint it.
I have posted here toung and cheek items regarding Kamala. So let me make some things clear with respect to my view on Kamala. I donā€™t reallycare who she slept with. Donā€™t really care about her laugh. I donā€™t care if she is too Black for some and not Black enough for others. My decision not to even consider her is based solely on the following:

*She created a bail fund for rioters in 2020 who destroyed cities to push a politics agenda.
*She supported two propositions in CA that exacerbated crime and made it incredibly difficult to for law enforcement to stop crime. As well as No Cash Bail, even against the will of California voters. Which also put Californians in danger.
*She was tasked with solving the border crisis. She only went to the border because she was pressured and all she did was peek at it to find ā€œroot causesā€. Which is progressive code for ā€œI ainā€™t gonna do šŸ’© about this.ā€
*She engages in race baiting and fear mongering. Which lets me know she has zero solutions to the many issues Americanā€™s are facing right now.
*She for sure is further left than WOAT and further left than many in her party.
*I donā€™t believe she is ready to lead and her politics will slide America further down the crapper.

Some will say "Well you are basing this on the fact she is a woman and is black" I could give two sh*ts about the fact she is a woman or black. I donā€™t care about gender or color when it comes to leadership. I just want the leader best capable to lead and she aint it.
I'll ask again. WHO IS WOAT?
20,000, 40,000, 60,000 absurd amount of people signing up to vote in Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte and Columbia now. Michell Obama joining the fight and digging deep into Obama supporters. Georgia may dip further blue away from Trump than the last election! Also note worthy they have decided to let Florida and Texas go. Donā€™t even bother with those two
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I doubt South Carolina will turn blue. But NC and GA oh yes. This is maddening! They are already starting to examine how Harris can lose the election while winning NC/GA and are focusing all their money in a few state wild cards. Itā€™s amazing how much money you can save when you donā€™t bother with Florida.
Nikki Haley folds in ads played across the battleground states of NC and GA. ā€œThe first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election,ā€ Haley said during a speech on the campaign trail.
20,000, 40,000, 60,000 absurd amount of people signing up to vote in Atlanta, Macon, Savannah, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte and Columbia now. Michell Obama joining the fight and digging deep into Obama supporters. Georgia may dip further blue away from Trump than the last election! Also note worthy they have decided to let Florida and Texas go. Donā€™t even bother with those two
Ga. is about as Blue as Tn. try another state.
Cardi B and BeyoncĆ© endorse Harris with songs and money. Oh boy. Imagine if she gets Swift too. šŸ˜±