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Political Thread: The Sequel

I'm not saying to paint cops as racist monsters. I'm actually saying the issue of many more killings of black people per capita is likely more related to the poverty issue for black folks rather than to racism. That's not at all to say that there aren't cops who have killed black people due to racism/hatred. Of course there have been but I assume you'd agree. But overall despite the bad ones, I respect cops in general and the very difficult job that they have keeping us safe. I'd never take on that job!

Its more likely that the same things that are causing poverty are also causing the violence. We need a deeper understanding of that variable.
I know better than anyone(I have family who are LEOs) that a good cop hates a bad cop more than anyone else. All I am asking for is for there to be changes so that the bad ones think twice before they do what they are going to do. They also shouldnt be allowed to be fired for excessive force from a different agency and get hired somewhere else.

I mean this all seems pretty simple to me.
Again how quickly do you think humans can make that decision between taking a life and losing their own? You don't get to think twice in this line of work. If something like what you want exist where all it takes is one Alvin Bragg and you are in prison for life, how many cops do you think are going to be able to make that decision every single time because that's exactly what you are asking them to do? You don't have time to stop, call time out and analyze all the outcomes that best suites all parties. Every cop knows when they walk out that door they may never see their family again and that's with current laws. Add in the fact that they might go to prison because some dumbass puts them in a bad situation, nobody of quality is going to do that job with that kind of pressure. That's why you are seeing departments gutted and the best people are leaving
Again how quickly do you think humans can make that decision between taking a life and losing their own? You don't get to think twice in this line of work. If something like what you want exist where all it takes is one Alvin Bragg and you are in prison for life, how many cops do you think are going to be able to make that decision every single time because that's exactly what you are asking them to do? You don't have time to stop, call time out and analyze all the outcomes that best suites all parties. Every cop knows when they walk out that door they may never see their family again and that's with current laws. Add in the fact that they might go to prison because some dumbass puts them in a bad situation, nobody of quality is going to do that job with that kind of pressure. That's why you are seeing departments gutted and the best people are leaving
Ride around with your solid blues on, make sure the criminals crime it up somewhere else so there is no interaction. Avoid confli t at all costs. Every cop becomes a detective, mopping up after the fact and apprehending the perps in the middle of the morning, when they are least expecting it.
Here's been my take on the white vs black killings by police (U.S.) for years:

- Many more whites killed than blacks
- But on a per capita basis blacks killed much more often than whites
- But blacks commit many more crimes per capita than whites and thus have many more encounters per capita with police than whites
- Thus with more encounters the chance of a cop killing a black person is naturally higher
- However, poverty rate among blacks much higher than whites
- The increased crime rate among blacks vs whites is very likely an economic related issue rather than racial. In other words, if it were the reverse, white crimes per capita would likely be higher than that for blacks
- Thus the solution is to reduce the poverty rate of blacks. Why is their poverty rate so much higher? What can be done to reverse that?
You would think after 60 years of democrats fixing black people's problems we would be in a different place but I digress. They keep voting for them and, well you know how the story goes. Maybe try something different?