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Political Thread: The Sequel

Told y’all Vance was female voter repellent. May or may not be a decider in the election but his creep factor does not help.
Have you ever thought that maybe they don't trust you either? Of course you didn't think of that. Until you put yourself in their shoes you don't really know what you are yapping about. I know this will blow your mind but cops have a family waiting at home for them too. Now if you want more and better training for cops I'm all for it. I used to provide that and then BLM burnt the country to the ground over a crackhead and the defunding happened. Genius move!

I know better than anyone(I have family who are LEOs) that a good cop hates a bad cop more than anyone else. All I am asking for is for there to be changes so that the bad ones think twice before they do what they are going to do. They also shouldnt be allowed to be fired for excessive force from a different agency and get hired somewhere else.

I mean this all seems pretty simple to me.
I cannot believe people on here continue to believe what the MSM and the left are telling you about everything. What is it actually going to take to open your eyes a little bit?
Haven’t kept up. What’s the issue now?
Haven’t kept up. What’s the issue now?
Oh, nothing really. Just a compilation of 30 or so years' worth of stuff. Maybe we just need one more example to tip the scales. Let's watch and see.
free speech union

Prof Fryer, who has received numerous awards for his academic research, in 2016 published a research paper, which he describes as taking the “first steps into the treacherous terrain of understanding the nature and extent of racial differences in police use of force and the probability of police interaction”.

The paper analysed four separate datasets, which in total included well in excess of five million observations of police interactions with civilians.

On the question of non-lethal uses of force, the study found “sometimes quite large” racial differences in police use of force, even after accounting for “a large set of controls designed to account for important contextual and behavioural factors at the time of the police-civilian interaction”.

In stark contrast to non-lethal uses of force, however, the study observed that when it came to the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – there were no racial differences “in either the raw data or when accounting for controls”. According to one case study of the Houston police department, black people were actually 23.5% less likely to be shot by police, relative to white people, in an interaction.

Reflecting on the data, Prof Fryer wrote: “Given the stream of video ‘evidence’, which many take to be indicative of structural racism in police departments across America, the ensuing and understandable outrage in black communities across America, and the results from our previous analysis of non-lethal uses of forces, the results [of the study] are startling.”

So startling, in fact, that when his initial analysis suggested there was no racial bias in police-involved shootings, he hired a new team of assistants and repeated the study, but the results were the same."
Okay now do per capita like I did.

White people do get shot dead unjustly by the police the same as anyone else can. However, those numbers are lower than those faced by folks of color.
Black ethnicity has a higher percentage of criminals than all other ethnicities per the chart that was posted. It is logical to expect a higher rate of police shootings of blacks per capita due to the higher level of criminality.
Black ethnicity has a higher percentage of criminals than all other ethnicities per the chart that was posted. It is logical to expect a higher rate of police shootings of blacks per capita due to the higher level of criminality.
Clearly the answer is we need more white people committing crime.
Here's been my take on the white vs black killings by police (U.S.) for years:

- Many more whites killed than blacks
- But on a per capita basis blacks killed much more often than whites
- But blacks commit many more crimes per capita than whites and thus have many more encounters per capita with police than whites
- Thus with more encounters the chance of a cop killing a black person is naturally higher
- However, poverty rate among blacks much higher than whites
- The increased crime rate among blacks vs whites is very likely an economic related issue rather than racial. In other words, if it were the reverse, white crimes per capita would likely be higher than that for blacks
- Thus the solution is to reduce the poverty rate of blacks. Why is their poverty rate so much higher? What can be done to reverse that?
Told y’all Vance was female voter repellent. May or may not be a decider in the election but his creep factor does not help.
Oh man what a meat pitch. You mean to tell me JD Vance is going to have trouble because of a creep factor when a few short years ago, women apparently elected a man who, on the reg, goes around sniffing womens' hair, creeping out little girls, scaring babies, taking showers with his daughter, inappropriately toucing women, etc.? Holy cow man are you serious with that?
Oh man what a meat pitch. You mean to tell me JD Vance is going to have trouble because of a creep factor when a few short years ago, women apparently elected a man who, on the reg, goes around sniffing womens' hair, creeping out little girls, scaring babies, taking showers with his daughter, inappropriately toucing women, etc.? Holy cow man are you serious with that?
they are desperate
Here's been my take on the white vs black killings by police (U.S.) for years:

- Many more whites killed than blacks
- But on a per capita basis blacks killed much more often than whites
- But blacks commit many more crimes per capita than whites and thus have many more encounters per capita with police than whites
- Thus with more encounters the chance of a cop killing a black person is naturally higher
- However, poverty rate among blacks much higher than whites
- The increased crime rate among blacks vs whites is very likely an economic related issue rather than racial. In other words, if it were the reverse, white crimes per capita would likely be higher than that for blacks
- Thus the solution is to reduce the poverty rate of blacks. Why is their poverty rate so much higher? What can be done to reverse that?
That's a good analysis but it isn't awared any points in the "let's paint cops as racist monsters" debate. There's no statistical evidence to support the hypothesis that cops are racially motivated to go after black people unjustly. The poverty issue is actually a good and worthy topic to get into, and I agree, it explains a lot.
RNC has their first Harris attack ad out this morning……and of course they include the clip of her talking to a room full of blind people and describing her appearance. There’s a bizarre competency gap right now between the Trump campaign (good) and the RNC (awful). Kind of sad to see TBH. I knew a lot of interesting people over the years in that org. Some very nice ladies too.

From the outside looking in it appears the Trump campaign planned for the possibility of Biden dropping out and got on message while the RNC is just throwing crap at the wall. Gotta tighten that up because eventually the hype for Harris will die down and the lack of cohesion on the R side will stick out.