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Political Thread: The Sequel

Told y’all Vance was female voter repellent. May or may not be a decider in the election but his creep factor does not help.
Vance was a very bad choice and adds zero votes to the ticket. Instead of talking about Kamalas cackling reps should be defining her in commercials as bad as Bernie Sanders.
Here's been my take on the white vs black killings by police (U.S.) for years:

- Many more whites killed than blacks
- But on a per capita basis blacks killed much more often than whites
- But blacks commit many more crimes per capita than whites and thus have many more encounters per capita with police than whites
- Thus with more encounters the chance of a cop killing a black person is naturally higher
- However, poverty rate among blacks much higher than whites
- The increased crime rate among blacks vs whites is very likely an economic related issue rather than racial. In other words, if it were the reverse, white crimes per capita would likely be higher than that for blacks
- Thus the solution is to reduce the poverty rate of blacks. Why is their poverty rate so much higher? What can be done to reverse that?
-And blacks have the lowest rate of nuclear families, incentivized many years ago by the government "Have babies, you don't need a man, just marry the government, we will give you food stamps and a stipend (you'll still be a little poor, but you won't go hungry), hey and the more babies you have: the more crumbs we'll give you. If you don't want the baby, just go to the government funded (taxpayer dollars) baby kill center and we will off your fetus for free...but remember to vote for us!" This is why my argument for encouraging the nuclear family rings true to me.
Oh, nothing really. Just a compilation of 30 or so years' worth of stuff. Maybe we just need one more example to tip the scales. Let's watch and see.
If CNN keeps up with what they have been doing lately their ratings will plummet. It is easy to see what side they are on.
RNC has their first Harris attack ad out this morning……and of course they include the clip of her talking to a room full of blind people and describing her appearance. There’s a bizarre competency gap right now between the Trump campaign (good) and the RNC (awful). Kind of sad to see TBH. I knew a lot of interesting people over the years in that org. Some very nice ladies too.

From the outside looking in it appears the Trump campaign planned for the possibility of Biden dropping out and got on message while the RNC is just throwing crap at the wall. Gotta tighten that up because eventually the hype for Harris will die down and the lack of cohesion on the R side will stick out.
The convention was really good, and it seemed that they were going to be pretty united in their messaging. Still time to get it tightened up.
I mean if you want a mass shooting, white folks are your jam
Black people commit mass shootings in Chicago, Philly, Atlanta and many other major cities across the US everyday. They don't get the coverage that they should. They are just as horrific and even more troubling because no one seems interested in preventing them.
That's a good analysis but it isn't awared any points in the "let's paint cops as racist monsters" debate. There's no statistical evidence to support the hypothesis that cops are racially motivated to go after black people unjustly. The poverty issue is actually a good and worthy topic to get into, and I agree, it explains a lot.
I'm not saying to paint cops as racist monsters. I'm actually saying the issue of many more killings of black people per capita is likely more related to the poverty issue for black folks rather than to racism. That's not at all to say that there aren't cops who have killed black people due to racism/hatred. Of course there have been but I assume you'd agree. But overall despite the bad ones, I respect cops in general and the very difficult job that they have keeping us safe. I'd never take on that job!
I'm not saying to paint cops as racist monsters. I'm actually saying the issue of many more killings of black people per capita is likely more related to the poverty issue for black folks rather than to racism. That's not at all to say that there aren't cops who have killed black people due to racism/hatred. Of course there have been but I assume you'd agree. But overall despite the bad ones, I respect cops in general and the very difficult job that they have keeping us safe. I'd never take on that job!
I know man. That's what I was saying you were saying and I was saying what you were saying was a good point. That's all I'm saying.