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Political Thread: The Sequel

Here’s question for you all. What are your thoughts on mandatory national service for 18 year olds that would last one year? Not necessarily military service, but something resembling the old CCC or Erasmus type programs we see in Europe. I was once against this idea but I’ve started to see the benefits it could bring. A lot of teenagers now are stuck in social media bubbles and aren’t interacting with people that are different than themselves. It seems to me this could be a way to increase the amount of common experience for young people.
Correcting issues with teenage socialization begins in the home. It is the policy of the left, their cronies, and the globalists to rip apart the nuclear family, which is the glue to any unified and free society. This is widely known and has been underway for a long, long time. We are now a culture of entitlement, who elevates the self above everything else. We are taught to worship at the alter of Me, which is quite a change from the days of the Greatest Generation.

This has all been part of a process which has exponentially increased in speed and expanse in recent years. The power base of the country has enriched themselves at the expense of our societal decline, and we are now reaping the results. Unless we return to God, the nuclear family as the "normal" idea, and unless we stop pursuing all of these insane and aberrant social ideologies, nothing from healthcare to unity to the debt to the economy or anything else will get any better. That's just a cold, hard fact.
You understand that all the kameltoe and heels up stuff from the right doesnt help with the women vote right? Nothing drives women voters to support Trump more than all the sexist post and banter bashing a women presidential candidate.
The women in my circle who speak honestly about her know she began her career by sleeping her way into power.
The women in my circle who speak honestly about her know she began her career by sleeping her way into power.
Stop with the truthful comments. You can't attack someone's character. It's sexist. Or is it racist? Or xenophobic? I can't remember. Let's ask the left bros.
It would be one thing If she just had bad policy, but it’s really impossible to even listen to her speak publicly. (Kamala)
Correcting issues with teenage socialization begins in the home. It is the policy of the left, their cronies, and the globalists to rip apart the nuclear family, which is the glue to any unified and free society. This is widely known and has been underway for a long, long time. We are now a culture of entitlement, who elevates the self above everything else. We are taught to worship at the alter of Me, which is quite a change from the days of the Greatest Generation.

This has all been part of a process which has exponentially increased in speed and expanse in recent years. The power base of the country has enriched themselves at the expense of our societal decline, and we are now reaping the results. Unless we return to God, the nuclear family as the "normal" idea, and unless we stop pursuing all of these insane and aberrant social ideologies, nothing from healthcare to unity to the debt to the economy or anything else will get any better. That's just a cold, hard fact.
The nuclear family will not help a thing. It all falls apart too when everything becomes so unaffordable for new families to start that the only way couple can make ends meet is both to work. Yes, issues begin at home, but look who raised the past few generations. If you're under 80 you had some piece of creating this mess so we all really have to work together on this as a society, not blame each other or point to ideals of a past generation during an era that is completely different foundationally than today is. Look at Japan and how far they've gone downhill as a society due to an escalated speed of societal advance. Suicide rates are high, cost of living is high, you're forced to be the best or be thought of as a failure to the world. Birthrates are falling rapidly, it's a mess. Fighting how society changes instead of working with what we have and where we should go will just create a longer, more painful process with a worse result. It doesn't mean insane approaches, but there's too much distraction, too much ideal pushing between the young and old that we create generational wars and never resolve a thing.
Here’s question for you all. What are your thoughts on mandatory national service for 18 year olds that would last one year? Not necessarily military service, but something resembling the old CCC or Erasmus type programs we see in Europe. I was once against this idea but I’ve started to see the benefits it could bring. A lot of teenagers now are stuck in social media bubbles and aren’t interacting with people that are different than themselves. It seems to me this could be a way to increase the amount of common experience for young people.

Absolutely not with the state of the government as it is. Would be one of those “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” ideas and I don’t want my kids in that.
After seeing the message discipline from Rs last week it’s been a bit strange to see them fall back into the pattern of haphazard communication. I did not expect that with who is running the Trump campaign.

Trump himself has completely whiffed on Biden dropping out. All he had to do was say something “presidential” and move on to attacking Harris. Instead he’s being the “old Trump” and rambling. Assuming his staff get him to hush I think it’s still their election to lose. What may change that are ridiculous statements from the likes of JD Vance attacking Harris for not having a biological child. That kind of stuff will 100% galvanize female voters.
Correcting issues with teenage socialization begins in the home. It is the policy of the left, their cronies, and the globalists to rip apart the nuclear family, which is the glue to any unified and free society. This is widely known and has been underway for a long, long time. We are now a culture of entitlement, who elevates the self above everything else. We are taught to worship at the alter of Me, which is quite a change from the days of the Greatest Generation.

This has all been part of a process which has exponentially increased in speed and expanse in recent years. The power base of the country has enriched themselves at the expense of our societal decline, and we are now reaping the results. Unless we return to God, the nuclear family as the "normal" idea, and unless we stop pursuing all of these insane and aberrant social ideologies, nothing from healthcare to unity to the debt to the economy or anything else will get any better. That's just a cold, hard fact.
The Chinese, and east Asia in general, have proven that religion is not necessary for a successful society. Asian immigrants outperform Americans on nearly every metric from academic achievement to income. Same story abroad. The improvement in their society and standards of living in the past 20 years has been insane. The China I visited in 2005 is completely different than the China I visited in 2024. Arguably better than the US in many ways.

Many have done it without nuclear families either. I know plenty of families where the father works in a different city or even country than the mother and child and their children are still successful. I agree that America has a cultural problem but religion and nuclear families aren't going to fix it.
The nuclear family will not help a thing. It all falls apart too when everything becomes so unaffordable for new families to start that the only way couple can make ends meet is both to work. Yes, issues begin at home, but look who raised the past few generations. If you're under 80 you had some piece of creating this mess so we all really have to work together on this as a society, not blame each other or point to ideals of a past generation during an era that is completely different foundationally than today is. Look at Japan and how far they've gone downhill as a society due to an escalated speed of societal advance. Suicide rates are high, cost of living is high, you're forced to be the best or be thought of as a failure to the world. Birthrates are falling rapidly, it's a mess. Fighting how society changes instead of working with what we have and where we should go will just create a longer, more painful process with a worse result. It doesn't mean insane approaches, but there's too much distraction, too much ideal pushing between the young and old that we create generational wars and never resolve a thing.

While true, it is very possible to live on one income(We do it and I don’t make big time money) although it has become much harder in the past two or so years.

The only real way to break this cycle is to break the hold materialism has on us as Americans. We had got to reach a point where you don’t have to have that 3/2 new house in the subdivision, two new cars in the driveway, the brand new IPhone with top of the line plan, every streaming service subscription, Amazon Prime, the newest boat, RV, ATV, a week long vacation to the Bahamas, a pristine yard, ect. We have got to get back to a sense of what is actually important.

The fact is looking back over the past hundred years, big business baited us with materialism and we bit hard and refuse to let go.
The nuclear family will not help a thing. It all falls apart too when everything becomes so unaffordable for new families to start that the only way couple can make ends meet is both to work. Yes, issues begin at home, but look who raised the past few generations. If you're under 80 you had some piece of creating this mess so we all really have to work together on this as a society, not blame each other or point to ideals of a past generation during an era that is completely different foundationally than today is. Look at Japan and how far they've gone downhill as a society due to an escalated speed of societal advance. Suicide rates are high, cost of living is high, you're forced to be the best or be thought of as a failure to the world. Birthrates are falling rapidly, it's a mess. Fighting how society changes instead of working with what we have and where we should go will just create a longer, more painful process with a worse result. It doesn't mean insane approaches, but there's too much distraction, too much ideal pushing between the young and old that we create generational wars and never resolve a thing.
I think you're missing my fundamental point here. Saying that the nuclear family falls apart when economic times get tough (or anything else for that matter) doesn't hold water when you can point to the exact opposite happening throughout history. (Edit: and I am oversimplifying by using the term nuclear family. The family unit, where both parents are in the home playing an active role in childrens' lives is the point). Society is changing and changing rapidly, I'll grant you that. But I wouldn't be so quick to equate Change with Advancing. We may be advancing technologically, but we are devolving as a culture. This has happened throughout history, too. And you can see where it leads.

You simply cannot devalue the family unit, obliterate morality, and undermine the role of faith all while elevating individualism to the top of the pyramid of worship and expect things to get better. Those things underpin everything good about a stable and prosperous society. We can choose to dismiss it or not believe it, but it will be to our own peril. You can see it happening...in real time.

Even just 10 years ago, I could see how someone would be oblivious to this. But the rate of change has gotten so enormous and the openness with which this agenda is playing out now makes it impossible to ignore, unless you just want to. And that is fine, if that's what one chooses to do. We're still free to believe what we believe. But believing something isn't happening doesn't make it so in reality.

You are right, though, in that previous generations have had a hand in, or at the very least, been complicit in getting us to where we are. It's going to take a monumental effort to get out of this maelstrom. Personally, I don't think it's going to happen without a tremendous amount of heartache, suffering, bloodshed, and death. That is the path we're on.
After seeing the message discipline from Rs last week it’s been a bit strange to see them fall back into the pattern of haphazard communication. I did not expect that with who is running the Trump campaign.

Trump himself has completely whiffed on Biden dropping out. All he had to do was say something “presidential” and move on to attacking Harris. Instead he’s being the “old Trump” and rambling. Assuming his staff get him to hush I think it’s still their election to lose. What may change that are ridiculous statements from the likes of JD Vance attacking Harris for not having a biological child. That kind of stuff will 100% galvanize female voters.
You are going to need more than white suburban women voters I'm afraid. Some of you are acting as if Democrats haven't lost any votes the last few years. Black males are leaving the left in droves, Hispanics are moving to Trump in large numbers and young people as well. Kamala will do well with angry black women for sure

You fail leading a group of people who CAN NOT afford to fail then I'm not sure why this woman still has her job other than out of pure arrogance. I don't think a lot of folks understand (even in hindsight) what this could have led to in this politically charged environment had he been killed with this much incompetence being the cause. I know a lot of people were hoping it would happen anyways and didn't get their wish but this country was 1" away from something that hasn't been seen since the 60's or perhaps even further back than that. It may be a joke to some but it's anything but that
Where is Biden? Is he still alive? The 25th amendment should have Harris assuming the presidency upon the death of Biden, I think, and then she gets to nominate someone for VP. That person must be approved by a majority of the House and Senate. Who could possibly pass this test?

Maybe why we are seeing the delay. If Biden is only days away from dying, due to a stroke or something, Harris should already be acting as President.