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Political Thread: The Sequel

The irony is that Trump if he wins will be 82 his last year in office...

Now his rambling borderline incoherent speeches will look even more ridiculous as he can't point to the other old incoherent guy anymore
What Kamala's excuse gonna be?
As we head toward November, we need to be careful that we check our own biases and dont consume news from the far left or far right. I use these charts often when we're teaching first years regarding information literacy and finding good sources. We all also need to try and stay away from confirmation bias as best we can.

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Two of my favorite objective (closest to middle/unbiased hard fact based) news organizations continue to be AP and Reuters. They hardly ever drift into opinion. Also, I like WSJ overall. Newsweek seems to have recently moved to the right to some extent. I feel like a notable portion of their recent articles have drifted into right leaning opinion pieces.

If one wants hard news as opposed to opinion, the best bet for the 3 major news channels is to watch daytime as opposed to opinion heavy late afternoon/evening. Of the 3 major TV news networks during evening, CNN is easily the most balanced (a no-brainer vs MSNBC/Fox News).

CNN seems to have drifted from leaning left to middle, which apparently is due to a closer to middle head that a couple of years ago replaced a liberal leaner. They typically have a good balance between con and lib guests, who battle it out. You hardly see that on MSNBC and Fox.

However, regarding CNN’s regular evening hosts, I still see a heavy anti-Trump bias. Even though I’ve never liked and still don’t like Trump, I can recognize anti-Trump bias from these 4 CNN hosts: Jim Acosta, Erin Burnett, Kaitlin Collins, and to a lesser extent Laura Coates. They don’t even try to hide it.

Edit: On CNN John King is and has been for decades the GOAT for objective analysis of voters/polls to the county level.
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What Kamala's excuse gonna be?

Would love to see Trump debate Harris but I bet he wont....Trump is a old man with cognitive decline, if you think Biden was bad at 81 just wait. Trump falls asleep anytime he sits down and gets still, he cant talk in complete sentences. He has weird incoherent rambling tangents in his speeches that make no sense.....you guys ignore all of this or downplay it...but now there is only one old senile guy left in the race and it aint Biden.
Would love to see Trump debate Harris but I bet he wont....Trump is a old man with cognitive decline, if you think Biden was bad at 81 just wait. Trump falls asleep anytime he sits down and gets still, he cant talk in complete sentences. He has weird incoherent rambling tangents in his speeches that make no sense.....you guys ignore all of this or downplay it...but now there is only one old senile guy left in the race and it aint Biden.
This is just as bad as NCSnow's electoral votes chart.
That’s how our Bicameral Legislature is supposed to work. The Senate is intended to be a more rational, deliberative body than the House. Having centrist voices from both parties to offset the wings brings out better legislation. In theory.

That and the bills are mostly theater. They know what bills to “vote on” in to pacify certain voters and know on the backend who will stop it. Then they can say that they tried blah blah blah yet that evil person kept you from getting what you need. Both sides are masters of this.
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It's not that hard. Big companies, PACs, billionaires. We're looking more and more like the early 1900s by the day. If Boeing can kill two of their whistleblowers and not be caught, those kinds of people are your people, not some spooky shadow illuminatti black robe group under the presidential desk. There's definitely people part of that group you'd never want to admit are part of it and some that are. It's best we find a way as a country to scrape their power back from them instead of feed them more and more money.

Not ever gonna happen unless a lot of blood is shed, which won’t happen.
Two of my favorite objective (closest to middle/unbiased hard fact based) news organizations continue to be AP and Reuters. They hardly ever drift into opinion. Also, I like WSJ overall. Newsweek seems to have recently moved to the right to some extent. I feel like a notable portion of their recent articles have drifted into right leaning opinion pieces.

If one wants hard news as opposed to opinion, the best bet for the 3 major news channels is to watch daytime as opposed to opinion heavy late afternoon/evening. Of the 3 major TV news networks during evening, CNN is easily the most balanced (a no-brainer vs MSNBC/Fox News).

CNN seems to have drifted from leaning left to middle, which apparently is due to a closer to middle head that a couple of years ago replaced a liberal leaner. They typically have a good balance between con and lib guests, who battle it out. You hardly see that on MSNBC and Fox.

However, regarding CNN’s regular evening hosts, I still see a heavy anti-Trump bias. Even though I’ve never liked and still don’t like Trump, I can recognize anti-Trump bias from these 4 CNN hosts: Jim Acosta, Erin Burnett, Kaitlin Collins, and to a lesser extent Laura Coates. They don’t even try to hide it.

Edit: On CNN John King is and has been for decades the GOAT for objective analysis of voters/polls to the county level.
Michael Smerconish is on SiriusXM from 9-12 Monday through Friday and is very good at sticking to the political center or at least having both sides represented.
Even Joes brother laid out yesterday, suggested the same thing. Of course he was dismissed , because "He's an Alcholic". Not my words, MSM
Here’s question for you all. What are your thoughts on mandatory national service for 18 year olds that would last one year? Not necessarily military service, but something resembling the old CCC or Erasmus type programs we see in Europe. I was once against this idea but I’ve started to see the benefits it could bring. A lot of teenagers now are stuck in social media bubbles and aren’t interacting with people that are different than themselves. It seems to me this could be a way to increase the amount of common experience for young people.
Here’s question for you all. What are your thoughts on mandatory national service for 18 year olds that would last one year? Not necessarily military service, but something resembling the old CCC or Erasmus type programs we see in Europe. I was once against this idea but I’ve started to see the benefits it could bring. A lot of teenagers now are stuck in social media bubbles and aren’t interacting with people that are different than themselves. It seems to me this could be a way to increase the amount of common experience for young people.
This is not Freedom
Mandatory service designed by the Government (outside of criminal correction) is not my idea of a free society. How about we start encouraging strong male leadership back in the home to help guide our next generation(s)?
The overall western world is too progressive for that now so you're not going to get it. Forced Govt service I agree isn't freedom we as America should have, but you're going to get chaos and the next generations will not ever go the route of forcing nuclear families on everyone. That idea is how we get societal disasters like Andrew Tate that go to the extreme and brainwash young men into believing hating women instead of just being a decent human being to everyone exist. The best path forward would be killing off the idea of making more suburban hellscapes and creating environment that encourage interaction. Can't go outside and interact if it's endless highways and neighborhoods with the same cookie cutter lawn. That and breaking the addictive habits tied to social media.