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Political Thread: The Sequel

I'm not sure that they realize what will happen if the Democrats get the White House and all of Congress. It will be a dictatorship but instead of Trump it'll be the Democrats. The 1st thing they do after they accomplish what I said above, will be passing a very strict gun ban. ALL GUNS, not just assault style weapons.
Silly question. What’s stopping Rs from running candidates that appeal to other demographics other than the hardcore primary voters? Politics swing back and forth in this country. With the boomers soon to be exiting from political relevance the Republican Party will either have to continue with populism and hope the Ds light themselves on fire figuratively, or select more moderate candidates. They had a few in the mix this time around but none could dislodge Trump.
It will not matter if we get the 2 new states, and the Supreme Court gets expanded. Both of the new stats would be heavily Democratic and would almost certainly lock Congress up for them and with 7 or maybe 9 liberals on the Court the Republicans would not stand a chance.
That’s being a bit silly. He was a presumptive nominee through a noncompetitive primary. Political parties are not governmental organizations and may operate however they want.
But the electorate cast votes in those primaries for who they wanted to run for that office. Now those votes have been upended by political elites and those elites will choose the next nominee. That's not necessarily a free election and it's certainly not silly.
Allright this is it from me. Gonna sitback and watch the insane eat each other up. Its the Agenda that needs to be defeated, not a person. Anyway this is his best one of the day. Older folks will get,understand. Watch the Hilda beast all im saying.
Im more concerned with who has and is running our country. And HOW they just decide to sweep the failed assassination attempt of DJT under the rug. If what all has happened past 8 days dont open American voters eyes, nothing ever will.

But the electorate cast votes in those primaries for who they wanted to run for that office. Now those votes have been upended by political elites and those elites will choose the next nominee. That's not necessarily a free election and it's certainly not silly.

The delegates will decide at the conference, the people voting in the primary were voting for the Biden/Harris ticket when they voted for Biden, the delegates deciding who the nominee is actually is how things were done until the midish 1800's when the primary system was enacted. So I guess all presidential elections up till then were not free? If Trump dropped out tomorrow they would reconvene a conference and the delegates would pick a new nominee, it's how the system is setup.


But the electorate cast votes in those primaries for who they wanted to run for that office. Now those votes have been upended by political elites and those elites will choose the next nominee. That's not necessarily a free election and it's certainly not silly.
That isn’t how it works at all which is one reason I harp on primary reform so much. Nothing about a closed primary is a “free” election.
Both of y'all know exactly what I mean and you’re only defending it so fervently because you want someone, anyone, to beat Trump no matter the process, cost or fairness. The ends justify the means
You ought to explain what you mean then. You’re describing a process that is at odds with both R and D convention bylaw.

I’ve told people this for years. We need to reform how we run primaries to at least make them open because our two party system isn’t going anywhere. Only a few states have open primaries today. It should be national IMO. As it stands how we currently do things is more closely analogous to Sam’s Club members voting on pizza flavors at the food court. There’s always the possibility the Board decides to start selling BBQ instead.
The only thing I’m not sure of is the religious factor of Shapiro. We haven’t had a Jewish person on a Presidential ticket before to my knowledge.

Regarding major party tickets only: moderate Dem Lieberman (for VP) in 2000. I don’t think religious affiliation matters as much as it did in the past though I’m amazed that it took til JFK for first Catholic Pres. and Biden for 1st Catholic VP followed by 2nd Catholic Pres, considering the large number of American Catholics.
A week to remember..
We go from Trump being shot and almost taken out to Biden getting "Covid" and being forced out, by the same people who tried to take Trump out in 2016 to present. Maybe Trump and Biden can sit and enjoy a little opera and a movie together since they have so much in common. The last song performed at the convention. Not enough popcorn...
Lol if Biden resigns as President per Mike Johnson’s request, republicans will scream about that too. Esp. all the republican businesses who have already mass produced hats, shirts, etc with Trump and official numbering order etc.
Harris is gonna be busy. It would be smart for Biden to step down and let his wife run the country. Legacy would be made by Biden giving us the First Lady President ever in the USA. 🇺🇸
The next push will be to get biden into resign before the end of his term since everybody was misled for so long.
Where is he by the way? Anybody seen him? I just keep hearing somebody whispering in a dark mafia voice "Hey Joey, yuuz got a choice. Yuuz can choose to drop out wit dignity and be remembered as a patriot or...yuuz know..."
A picture of a piece of paper saying he is stepping down posted on X is all we have seen of him. Just sayin'. Wonder if he needs a welfare check.
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While I’ve sat here saying that RW populism really isn’t as popular as you’d imagine, tbh based off the early vibes I’ve been getting personally, I’d say the GOP has already won a bit against the Dems and pushed a move to the right, which would’ve likely happened on them losing to Trump.

It doesn’t appear as if Kamala plans to do the same things that she did in 2019, which included a lot of pandering to the left. Based off the quick ad they drew up, they seem to plan on leaning into her previous prosecutor days.

So, the backlash against woke has already probably produced results.
Where is he by the way? Anybody seen him? I just keep hearing somebody whispering in a dark mafia voice "Hey Joey, yuuz got a choice. Yuuz can choose to drop out wit dignity and be remembered as a patriot or...yuuz know..."
A picture of a piece of paper saying he is stepping down posted on X is all we have seen of him. Just sayin'. Wonder if he needs a welfare check.
Supposedly isolated with Covid and licking his wounds
A non insignificant number of voters were mad we had a rematch and that it was biden/trump again. Now only one of them is left. His base will never leave ever.

If it's kamala she can be painted as Biden 2.0 but she is VP and should be heavily considered. Just read where Manchin is thinking of rejoining the party and challenging Kamala.
As we head toward November, we need to be careful that we check our own biases and dont consume news from the far left or far right. I use these charts often when we're teaching first years regarding information literacy and finding good sources. We all also need to try and stay away from confirmation bias as best we can.

A non insignificant number of voters were mad we had a rematch and that it was biden/trump again. Now only one of them is left. His base will never leave ever.

If it's kamala she can be painted as Biden 2.0 but she is VP and should be heavily considered. Just read where Manchin is thinking of rejoining the party and challenging Kamala.

Manchin coming back would destroy the democrat party.