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Political Thread: The Sequel

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You see the 5 bedroom homes but miss the apartment complex down the street? The developers will build any product they can that turns a profit, right now yeah they have to build bigger to turn a profit because the regulations take up so much money there is no profit to be made on solely small layout homes In a given subdivision. They would love to build smaller houses in greater density, they are not allowed to do that. The decision makers in the local government want less development and more parks, yet somehow the parks don't get built either. You will continue to see the suburbs blow up with subdivisions until the more urban counties change their agendas. The developers will find the soft spots. Notice I didn't post my credentials
It could be different in NC, but here in GA, the entirety of the metro ATL area is suburbs for a good 80 miles from ATL. Developers make nothing but neighborhoods and Gentrified MUDs that sell apartments for 4k a month.

If you want to talk profit which would you rather have? Make a small amount making a small house, or make nothing and lose money holding a property with high value and no buyers because they're all priced out of the market?
This is just insane....

I agree 100% with you here if this is accurate. What dad, after the fbi shows up at your house cause your 13 yr old is making multiple threats on social media,does this? Go buy the kid a bike, atv etc if you felt the need. Not a Gun.
I cant emphasize this enough. And sound like a broken record so forgive me. But the lack of parenting (all faucets of it) in our country today is staggering. I have a front row seat to it. It is one of our main problems we face. Theres the economy,geo polotical stuff etc. But zero , absent parenting is Why we have been witnessing the rapid increase in all these teenage shootings, gang violence, shoplifting since the mid- late 90's.
Latest From Nate Silver!

View attachment 150762
His polling is a bit funky. Taking politics out completely.

GA: Kamala +.5 but translates to trump has a 65% chance

MI: Kamala +2 but translates to 50-50

NV: Kamala +1.2 but translates to trump having a 57% chance

PA: Kamala +.7 but translates to trump having a 61% chance

WI: Kamala +2.8 but translates to 50-50

Again not here to argue about the results but purely looking at numbers those do not make sense. He does say he is “unskewing” the polls to account for bumps post DNC, RFK Jr. dropping out, etc. However, it’s hard to account for these from a polling standpoint because these kind of events can have lasting effects that aren’t just “bumps”. If you want account for “bumps” the best way is to let polls resolve it themselves. Trying to do it yourself can make your own averages skewed if the bumps are rather trends. Most polls come with a MOE of at least ~3 which would put all of these as a coin flip.
I agree 100% with you here if this is accurate. What dad, after the fbi shows up at your house cause your 13 yr old is making multiple threats on social media,does this? Go buy the kid a bike, atv etc if you felt the need. Not a Gun.
I cant emphasize this enough. And sound like a broken record so forgive me. But the lack of parenting (all faucets of it) in our country today is staggering. I have a front row seat to it. It is one of our main problems we face. Theres the economy,geo polotical stuff etc. But zero , absent parenting is Why we have been witnessing the rapid increase in all these teenage shootings, gang violence, shoplifting since the mid- late 90's.
The rise of facebook moms and a lack of focus on supporting children especially teaching them how to handle situations really impacts the mental health of these kids. No sane kid will go kill people. There needs to be an increased focus on the mental health of students and poor parents and teachers too need to be held accountable when situations that cause persistent escalation are improperly handled.

What the dad did here completely defies logic and he needs to face the penalties for it, especially for not having the weapon safely locked away from his kid.
Dont say or claim you werent warned ahead of time. Elections have consequences!!! Do your wallett and my wallett a favour. Vote Trump this November. Help your working class Countrymen out! Thanks in Advance.

Or gut these dumb zoning regulations that prevent us from building in already urban areas…. Screw those ITB Raleigh ass holes. No one wants a never ending soulless sea of suburban crap, you can build livelier cheaper and more robust cities if you gutted some of those NIMBY regulations. That and we have millions of vacant homes in this country, the problem isn’t supply it’s supply that’s for sale… which a lot of it that should be isn’t.

What is the benefit of the review process being so long?
They use that as a tool to slow down the process in places with high growth. Mainly because they are understaffed but they also have to wade through mountains of BS made up by pencil pushers that never ends. We called that "The good idea fairy" in the teams
Oops. Guess he's not going on probation this week. Too bad I'm sure the anxiety pills are wearing thin on the ones that had so much emotionally invested in telling us how wrong we've been this whole time for years.
So the hammer won't be falling this month?...lol. Tried to tell them it wasn't happening but folks don't listen
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