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Political Thread: The Sequel

Trump really isnt very smart. Fox will rip into Trump just to show how "fair" they are. The CNN debate with trump/biden was actually pretty good. If Trump wants a truly fair debate have a non partisan group host it and have he and kamala each select a moderator from anywhere they want.

Only chance for the Dems is to go more center. Manchin/Sinema would almost certainly lock it up with AZ and the rust belt states. But we already know the Dems are gonna put the most left leaning liberal lunatics on the ballot and piss off even more moderates and independents to either 1) not vote, 2) vote a 3rd party, or 3) vote Trump.
Only chance for the Dems is to go more center. Manchin/Sinema would almost certainly lock it up with AZ and the rust belt states. But we already know the Dems are gonna put the most left leaning liberal lunatics on the ballot and piss off even more moderates and independents to either 1) not vote, 2) vote a 3rd party, or 3) vote Trump.
This would be great ticket. But they will most certainly go for Harris and if it is not her it may Newsome with a lower chance of it being Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton.
This would be great ticket. But they will most certainly go for Harris and if it is not her it may Newsome with a lower chance of it being Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton.
Quite a few states have pledged their delegates to Harris tonight
Manchin is no longer a Democrat and burned every possible bridge on his way out of the party. Not gonna happen there.

Harris/Beshear or Harris/Shapiro would be a challenging ticket if Rs want to win. Both would hammer Vance on his self described Appalachian roots. I stand by my earlier comments on Vance after thinking about this over the afternoon. He is not a strong running mate for Trump. He ran 12 points behind an incumbent R governor in 2022. His polling with suburban women is awful. Burgum would have brought in swing voters that vote on policy as he has quite a pedigree in that area.

The only thing I’m not sure of is the religious factor of Shapiro. We haven’t had a Jewish person on a Presidential ticket before to my knowledge.
She needs to be as receptive to stepping aside as Joe was if her polling shows she can't win by the convention. This is about beating a traitor and a wannabe dictator and slowing the project 2025 stuff down before its toonlate for our great nation
Good grief
Quite a few states have pledged their delegates to Harris tonight
She will get the nomination and will ultimately beat Trump and end up in the White House. Our best hope now is taking the Senate because if we don't, we will never get another Republican in the White House or win Congress back. With both houses of Congress and the White House, they will get rid of the filibuster, expand the Supreme Court, and bring DC and Puerto Rico in as states. Once this is all done, we will have a one-party country forever.
Are there really people on here that think Joe Biden or anyone on that side is good for the country? I thought all of you guys were smart. Anyways that’s the only comment I’m gonna post in here. By nov 8th I’m gonna be focused solely on my 3rd straight snowless season.
She will get the nomination and will ultimately beat Trump and end up in the White House. Our best hope now is taking the Senate because if we don't, we will never get another Republican in the White House or win Congress back. With both houses of Congress and the White House, they will get rid of the filibuster, expand the Supreme Court, and bring DC and Puerto Rico in as states. Once this is all done, we will have a one-party country forever.
Sounds about like your drought proclamations.
She will get the nomination and will ultimately beat Trump and end up in the White House. Our best hope now is taking the Senate because if we don't, we will never get another Republican in the White House or win Congress back. With both houses of Congress and the White House, they will get rid of the filibuster, expand the Supreme Court, and bring DC and Puerto Rico in as states. Once this is all done, we will have a one-party country forever.
Silly question. What’s stopping Rs from running candidates that appeal to other demographics other than the hardcore primary voters? Politics swing back and forth in this country. With the boomers soon to be exiting from political relevance the Republican Party will either have to continue with populism and hope the Ds light themselves on fire figuratively, or select more moderate candidates. They had a few in the mix this time around but none could dislodge Trump.
Good grief
I'm not sure that they realize what will happen if the Democrats get the White House and all of Congress. It will be a dictatorship but instead of Trump it'll be the Democrats. The 1st thing they do after they accomplish what I said above, will be passing a very strict gun ban. ALL GUNS, not just assault style weapons.
Some seem to forget the dictator wannabe was POTUS for 4 yrs already and didn't become a dictator, didn't rip up the constitution, didn't get us involved in wars, didn't deplete our energy reserves, didn't destroy democracy etc etc etc. Weird
Oh oh oh but but but he will this time. Bloodbath! Suckered and lovers! Pee tape! Good people on both sides! Russia!
An elected nominee forced out by the political elite, this is what an actual insurrection looks like.
That’s being a bit silly. He was a presumptive nominee through a noncompetitive primary. Political parties are not governmental organizations and may operate however they want.