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Political Thread: The Sequel

More than a partisan play I'm seeing it as a Homeland security play. We think we've been misled I'm sure that other countries now feel emboldened If they think our president is weak.
That isn’t really how it works in the real world. Sure you may have some irrational actor out there potentially do something stupid, but in general state players aren’t going to want to get involved with an adversary that appears unstable. You could argue this is self-deterrence but it’s really just smart policy IMO.

Some good recent examples of this are China pulling back from harassing Taiwan after an earthquake awhile back, the US backing off Russia when Prighozin made his run to Moscow, giving Iran space when their head of government died in a helicopter crash and so on. Don’t provoke your adversary into a miscalculation.
Let’s have discussion, not AM radio conspiracy chatter please.

Also something worth clarifying for many in here who don’t follow the ins and outs of the nomination process. Harris is now the “presumptive” nominee solely because she’s received an endorsement from POTUS, CBC, previous D presidents and candidates. She will not be the official nominee until the delegates vote and she accepts. It’s overwhelmingly likely she is on the ballot but there’s a timeline that doesn’t happen.

I think that line has become a little blurry over the last four years.
Look, the Dems aren’t going to take a chance on losing to Trump. Either they have a card to play in drumming up major support for Kamala, or there’s another candidate better suited to be revealed. Michelle can do it, if for no other reason than piggybacking off of her husband’s global popularity.
I’d still say the Electoral College is leaning toward a Trump win. We really won’t have a better idea until after the D convention.
Look, the Dems aren’t going to take a chance on losing to Trump. Either they have a card to play in drumming up major support for Kamala, or there’s another candidate better suited to be revealed. Michelle can do it, if for no other reason than piggybacking off of her husband’s global popularity.

I wouldn’t quite say that. In the logical, none tinfoil hat realm, even if Trump is elected he only has four years with a divided congress(yes I’m counting it such even if the GOP wins all). Several democrats have already come under fire when it was leaked that they said behind closed doors that they don’t believe Trump is a danger to democracy.

In that sense you just wait him out. As much as some want to believe he is going gut everything, those people are just gonna be disappointed.
I wouldn’t quite say that. In the logical, none tinfoil hat realm, even if Trump is elected he only has four years with a divided congress(yes I’m counting it such even if the GOP wins all). Several democrats have already come under fire when it was leaked that they said behind closed doors that they don’t believe Trump is a danger to democracy.

In that sense you just wait him out. As much as some want to believe he is going gut everything, those people are just gonna be disappointed.
Yeah we have seen firsthand this last year who the threat to democracy is!
Some unfortunate comments by the House Speaker today regarding lawsuits with Biden dropping out. It’s unhelpful to bring this up especially knowing there is no standing. I understand he made his career as a litigator but the office of Speaker demands a bit more civility.

I’ve said this before and it’s worth mentioning again. I genuinely hope this election cycle leads to reform in our primary process. There is zero reason the primary process should start over a year out from the election. This timeline should be shortened by a lot. Primaries should also be open to all registered voters. The Republican Party and Democratic Party are private, members only corporations not public institutions. The closed primary process most of us on this board have to deal with is a detriment to us all. Something to think about is these parties don’t need to hold any primary “elections” at all. They could just as easily throw 20 candidates into a random outcome generator and pick 2 and send those to the state by the filing deadline.

The House GOP trying to force Biden out of office would be a boon for the Dems....
After these next couple of weeks I think the Democrats are going to try to get somebody else at the convention. In my opinion and I don't know anything, Kamala has too many liabilities. She knew Joe was not able to perform the job and never said anything. Kamala still may get the nomination but it's going to be a very fractured party.
After these next couple of weeks I think the Democrats are going to try to get somebody else at the convention. In my opinion and I don't know anything, Kamala has too many liabilities. She knew Joe was not able to perform the job and never said anything. Kamala still may get the nomination but it's going to be a very fractured party.
She needs to be as receptive to stepping aside as Joe was if her polling shows she can't win by the convention. This is about beating a traitor and a wannabe dictator and slowing the project 2025 stuff down before its toonlate for our great nation
After these next couple of weeks I think the Democrats are going to try to get somebody else at the convention. In my opinion and I don't know anything, Kamala has too many liabilities. She knew Joe was not able to perform the job and never said anything. Kamala still may get the nomination but it's going to be a very fractured party.

Harris is polling within the margin against Trump and even beat him on a few others ran last week.....without a VP picked.
After these next couple of weeks I think the Democrats are going to try to get somebody else at the convention. In my opinion and I don't know anything, Kamala has too many liabilities. She knew Joe was not able to perform the job and never said anything. Kamala still may get the nomination but it's going to be a very fractured party.
It better be a black female and Barack's hubby already said no. They know they can't win but they better not piss off black women. It's about the only solid demographic they have left
I wouldn’t quite say that. In the logical, none tinfoil hat realm, even if Trump is elected he only has four years with a divided congress(yes I’m counting it such even if the GOP wins all). Several democrats have already come under fire when it was leaked that they said behind closed doors that they don’t believe Trump is a danger to democracy.

In that sense you just wait him out. As much as some want to believe he is going gut everything, those people are just gonna be disappointed.
I dont disagree, Trump wouldn’t do anything they can’t undo. However they have thrown every card to defeat him and I see it as they must close the deal, orherwise Trump wins and we get a good economy back and the nation at large sees him as a good President and not what the liberals have claimed him to be. You’d think in a logical world they can’t come back from that, but as history has proven I guess they can.
Cooper got more votes than Trump in NC in 2020.
He doesn’t win vs. Trump. Cooper would be the best choice for Harris I think. It gives them a better shot to win NC but they won’t. Idk if Coop would even accept VP he has a decent chance in 2028 to win the dem nomination. To me Cooper comes off more center left than radical left and that would be a refreshing change for the dem party as they could brand him as a moderate to appeal to middle of the road voters.